I rolled over and readjusted my duvet, blocking the chilling breeze coming through the open window. Despite my night's rest, I still felt exhausted. The weight of yesterday's chaos was crushing.
The doorbell rang throughout the house, but I dismissed the thought as Lillian handles all of our guests. The doorbell rang again and yet nothing came through. It rang once more. "Lillian?" Her name echoed throughout my room as I called for her but when I heard nothing, I called again.
"Where on earth is she?" I whispered to myself before letting out a sigh then tiredly sat up, concerned for both the person at the door and Lillian. Looking around the house, I saw signs on no human activity. Dad went to work, Jo was at school, and I think I remember mum having brunch plans with some friends, but, where is Lillian?
Reluctantly opening the door, Blayze's secretary met my eyes the second the door was open. Behind her was a professionally dressed woman. The woman rolled her eyes in a not so subtle way, then directing her gaze to the ground. She clearly has some sort of issue with me, but I don't think I've met her before. Blayze's secretary cleared her throat.
"Mr. Norman has sent me here."
"Well, what does Mr. High and Mighty demand of me now?"
"This is Jennifer Alistair. She's here to guide you through the wedding planning for the next few days. Mr. Norman has requested that you spend the day with Ms. Alistair, now we must get started immediately if we want to meet the deadline of the twenty-fourth..."
"The twenty-fourth?! What happened to about a week? That's three days from now!" I cried as I dug my hands into my hair.
"Well, you better get your acts together, his words, not mine. It's time I get back to the office; I'll leave Jennifer with you." After hearing Blayze remark I let out a snort. Lisa, Blayze's secretary, left soon after. I put on the best smile I could and held out a hand.
"Hello Ms. Alistair, I'm Caden Carter. I'm sorry you're stuck with me." I half joked but seriously deep down, I was sorry. It was so not going to be easy getting me all dressed up.
Returning my smile, she commented quite positively. "Please, just call me Jennifer and I'm sure you're wonderful."
I guided her to the living room and let her have a seat. "Do you need anything to drink? We have soft drinks, tea, coffee, and water," I offered trying my best to be a great host.
"Oh, no thank you."
"Well if you change your mind it's in the fridge down the hall or feel free to ask. Anyways, I'm going to take a quick shower and change into something... presentable. I'll be back shortly." I told her before portraying a brief smile. She nodded with a smile of her own and then I was on my way back to my room. A part of me still wondering where Lilian could be.
Never in my life could I have imagined I would be in such a situation. Truthfully, wedding planning was no easy job. There were a lot of things to take care of and planning a high-class society wedding within nothing less than three days was a lot to do. A lot. I always imagined myself leaving all the work to the wedding planner. I'll let her know of my preferences, show up for my dress fitting and finally show up on the very wedding day but unfortunately, high and mighty Blayze thought it would be better to get me involved in it all.
He might think he was doing me a favour but clearly, he so wasn't. Apparently, the printing of the invitation cards was already being dealt with so after booking the hall for the exact wedding date, shopping for a few items, checking out the catering team in charge of the meals, and booking the team in charge of melody for that day, I was almost tired as hell. As I tried out several wedding dresses, I could hear Jennifer and the shop attendant debating on whether I looked good in it or not. Honestly, I didn't care one bit what I looked like in any of them. I saw no reason in dressing up for something my heart wasn't in. After spending many hours begging for mercy, Jennifer insisted that we persisted. Personally, I think she's afraid of Blayze, even if she doesn't want to admit it to me. I could see how tired she had grown from all the day's work but she wouldn't admit it.
"How close are we to being done today? Please let's go home, rest and we'll continue tomorrow." I pleaded as I tried on the next shoe. My feet were killing me and she persisted I wear something elegant. Ignoring my complaints, she listed off the things we still had to do and I honestly thought we were done.
"We're getting there, we still need to head to the cake shop, get a makeup artist and choose your hairstyle."
My eyes bulged out of their sockets. "You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed in disbelief then shook my head as I got up to my feet.
"That's it! I'm sorry but I can't do this. I tried but this isn't me. I trust you so I'll leave the rest to you." I told her as I grabbed my bag then headed towards the door.
"Caden! Caden please! These are orders from Mr. Norman!" She explained as she rushed to catch up with me.
"After today, there is only two days until the wedding! We don't have any other choice but to rush everything." She explained trying to convince me.
"My measurements have been taken, and I've already chosen my style. You can do this. You do your job well. I really need to go. Thank you Jennifer." I told her as I quickly walked away refusing to listen to any other thing she has to say. Poor Jennifer. I wish I could save her but clearly, I couldn't.
Quickly, I jumped into my car, started it and sped towards my tiny office. Half of the day was gone already making me so late to work and far behind on my schedules.
I walk up to my one story building with pride bubbling in my chest. I bought this place a year ago after saving up some money while working with dad. I restore and build furniture with my friend. Honestly, I consider it as a dream job.
"Hey Caden, you're late... again." Sung my co-owner and friend, Mia.
"You don't know the half of it." I briefly stated before going into the bathroom to change into my work clothes. Mia and I were similar in height, but we differed in build. She had what anyone could describe as the perfect body whereas I... well I was petite. She had eyebrows carved by angels, her nose was perfectly structured, her small pink lips accented her face well, and her long brunette hair framed her face gracefully. Mia and I had met in college; we were course mates. She instantly caught my attention with her eccentric character and bouncy attitude. We weaved our dreams together and decided to start this business. Dad had plentiful offers but I desired to build something off of my own name, not someone else's. I believe it's called legacy.
"I'm sorry, a few rather annoying things came up." I tried to give a vague answer.
"Annoying as in getting married to the hot and wealthy Blayze Norman!?" She exclaimed almost in a high pitched voice. Urgh! So much excitement for the wrong news.
"Oh my God Caden! When were you planning to tell your best friend that you've been dating a super hot businessman?" Mia asked as she grabbed me by the arms and shook a bit violently to my dissatisfaction. After wards, she stared at me in expectation of hearing an explanation from me but I just gave her a blank stare.
"Just to be clear, I wasn't following you. It's all over the internet! Stunning Blayze Norman is finally getting married! Then I see an image of the both of you. Seriously, why didn't you tell me anything?" She explained clearly hoping her explanation worked its charm on me. I let out a sigh as I took her hands off my arms.
"First..." I started, ready to tell her the truth that there was never any dating in the first place but then I recalled the part where just my family and Blayze was supposed to know of the truth. I felt stuck but then Mia was like family to me. I'm sure she wouldn't let anyone know of this secret.
"First what Caden?" She asked demanding an answer from me.
"Uh-um, first... first, you never tell me when you start dating." I stated covering up my initial comment. I know, I'm doing the wrong thing but the lesser she knows, the better for her plus, she wouldn't have to carry the burden of hiding such a big secret.