After eating all the ang liong fruits, he took the flute that was tucked in his waist, he saw the flute and suddenly he remembered his old story when he was still receiving guidance from his teacher, he had studied musical instruments with his teacher but because of an incident in it was the past that made him no longer play all the musical instruments he had learned.
The incident began when Ang Liong and his teacher played the Yangqin instrument in the middle of the Tai-hu lake which is famous for being beautiful and many dignitaries of the country went on a cruise to relieve themselves of fatigue accompanied by entertaining women on their boats. In the morning, the teacher and students collaborated to play the yangqin to welcome the dawn that appeared slowly from the eastern horizon with joy. finished their game. One big ship suddenly hit the ship they were on and the five ships behind it seemed to be chasing the ship that had hit their ship.
Arriving on the deck of the ship, the teacher and students were greeted by several royal soldiers who were complete with weapons drawn in their hands. They were surprised why the soldiers were being so violent towards them, shouldn't they be the ones who behaved like that towards the passengers of the ship, wasn't their ship who was hit by the magnifying ship?
Ang Liong was so furious that he wanted to act to beat up the guards of the dignitary, but before he could move any further his teacher had already walked over to the soldiers while he said calmly and patiently.
"Forgive us for being presumptuous to stop by your ship because our small boat was destroyed by your big ship, that's why my students and I boarded your ship,"
Among the soldiers, it turned out that they had seen how the two people could board their ship in a special way, yes, it was flying in the middle of the air and poked several times in the air and gliding down lightly on the deck of the ship, one of the soldiers who saw that took a step his feet approached the master ang liong and it happened that he also had quite high silat skills, because of that he knew for sure that those two people were not just random people, while clasping their hands and saluting the soldiers said.
"I'm sorry, Loncawpie, we were in a hurry because we were being chased by many enemies so we didn't see Loncawpie's boat being hit by our ship and it was destroyed,"
Teacher ang lion
"Actually my students and I don't mind our ship which has been destroyed but we are here just to avoid so that we don't get plunged into the lake, therefore my students and I arrived on your ship, may I know why you were being chased by a ship -That ship?
"We were escorting the crown prince for a cruise on the tai-hu lake, suddenly a number of people appeared on this ship, and we managed to throw some of them into the lake but after that several ships tried to chase this ship, fearing that the prince would be in danger, we fled the ship quickly hit the Loncawpie ship,"
Not finished with the story, suddenly five ships that were chasing him had reached the right and left side of the ship, and one was blocking in front of Duwa and behind. Disappeared was their way of escape.
The five passengers on the ship simultaneously slid on the deck of the prince's ship, all of them numbering approximately 50 people, judging by the way they landed on the ship without making the slightest sound. You can be sure they have advanced gingkeng skills, they all wear black clothes and black head coverings as if their faces are afraid of being known by other people by thrusting their swords in their hands without continuing to attack all passengers on the ship.
One by one the corpses of the commanders' soldiers fell down while ang liong and his teacher were ganged up on by 10 high-skilled black-clad men, even though ang liong and his teacher had high intelligence they were still outnumbered, what's more the attackers were not of the smoking class. teachers and students also did not last long. But before he fell, Master Ang Liong saved Ang Liong from being stabbed by his opponent's sword and then threw Ang Liong's body into the lake while speaking.
"Run away from the lion, your life is still long, and learn to improve your knowledge of martial arts so that you will become a gentleman warrior, go quickly and do not disobey my last command,"
Actually ang liong didn't want to go but after hearing his teacher's yelling he finally went too. With the help of the water currents, he dived away from that place. Once he took a breath, he continued to move away until he did that several times until he was no longer visible, and then he swam to land.
Remembering that incident, Ang Liong's tears also dripped, he is always sad when he remembers the sacrifice of his teacher. As much as possible Ang Liong held back his sadness by playing a happy song to cheer up his troubled heart. the sound of the flute starts to sound soft and continues to rise shrill, like a male dove that is seducing a female dove with its gentle, caressing song and its loud, dazzling chirping.
Feeling that he was sufficiently amused, the liong stopped blowing, he was satisfied because the sound of the flute turned out to be really melodious, when it was blown it was also very light unlike other flutes in general, he loved the flute even more
Besides keeping the secrets of martial arts lessons, he can also amuse himself by playing the flute. Feeling sleepy, Ang Liong continued his meditation while trying to understand the words written on the flute.
The night began to be driven away by the light of the dawn, the wind blew and shook the trees, while the leaves were bathed in dew and the light of the dawn was refracted to resemble gold flakes on the leaves, the birds followed each other chirping, jumping from branch to branch others. It's a light that gives color to a new part like those who enjoy each day in peace and quiet, as the birds sing, the trees sway and dance to the chirping of the birds, the dew drops are like sweat because they keep dancing.