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Coralline's pov

I stood frozen at the sight I saw in my bed room. It was no other person than my best friend Vivian m*aning and writhing under my fiancée john.

They were oblivious to my presence and kept on locking lips with Vivian continuously moaning out his name.

Immediately Vivian saw me she smirked at me and ask john a provoking question.

'John, who do you love more, me or your fiancee?'

Then John replied in ecstasy

'It is only you that's in my heart my love. You can't compare yourself to that old hag, after being with her for four years now, she hasn't even agreed to let me taste her, if only she was a bit like you, sexy, wise and obedient, maybe just maybe I'd have chosen her. The b*tch doesn't even know that I'm using her just for pleasure.'

I looked down at myself. How do I look like an old hag. How can he even regard me as one?

I was hurt by what he said and shouted at him in anger

'John, how dare you?' He jolted immediately, he was probably surprised to see me.

'It's not what you think' he said.

'What do you expect me to think after I caught my boyfriend and best friend groping each other on my bed, huh, how long has these been going on?' He just stood there like a statue.

'For two years now' Vivian answered in his stead

'Gosh I can't believe you were so blind that you couldn't even see the signs?' she continued

'I have been seeing John for a long time now and I'm even pregnant for him' she said smirking.

I was shocked and heartbroken, I couldn't stop my tears from flowing.

'Don't cry now, you can still get another man , what am I even saying? You can't because no man would ever want to date used and worn out trash like you' Vivian said laughing hysterically.

I was filled with rage and lounged at her. She screamed because she didn't expect I would come at her, before I could lay my hands on her, I was dragged back by John . I couldn't balance myself on time so I fell down on the hard floor.

John ran to embrace Vivian while she shed crocodile tears and kept snuggling closer and closer to him coquettishly. He stared at me with blood shot eyes and told me we were over. I was just dumbstruck and couldn't do anything while they were acting all lovey dovey right in front of me.

I felt heart broken and left in anger. It began to rain when I left the house, I just decided to walk under the rain. I didn't have any where to go because I shared a room with Vivian and apparently that's where they are f*cking their brains out and trust me I won't go back there again.

I sat down on a bench under the rain and thought more about my life. I was an orphan, my parent died when I was 12 years old and I spent most of my life in the orphanage that is were I met Vivian and we became close friends. I and Vivian were age mate so when we turned 18 we decided to start a new life out side the orphanage.

We save a lot of money to rent an apartment after that we got a job. Vivian love to be in the spot light so she got recruited in a modeling company as a model, while I worked in a publishing company as a reporter.

Life was really simple until I met John. He came from a very rich and wealthy family and was the only son. I met him on my way to work about four years ago. He approached me and we exchanged numbers, from there we got more intimate and we started dating.

I still can't believe that they were f*cking right under my very nose, Vivian never liked John or maybe she pretended she didn't because they were always arguing and she always said she hated him. How did things between them come to these? I guess Vivian was right, I was really blind and stupid that I couldn't see the signs. 'Are you just gonna seat there and cry or you're going to make them pay ?' I heard and turned back to see who talked but the person I saw wasn't someone I thought I would ever see again.

It was no other person than Sophie Turner, a friend of mine. She was my neighbour but she moved out last year.

She never liked Vivian nor John and always warned me to beware of them but I never listened because I was madly in love with John and Vivian was my best friend.

'Hey' she said bringing me out of my reverie. 'Did you hear all I've said? 'she asked

'Have you been stalking me?' I asked

'what do you mean?' she said

'How do you know about everything that has happened between I Vivian and John?' I asked

'Well I was just passing through the neighborhood when I saw you running out of your house in tears so I figured you would have found out about everything'

'So you have known for long and you didn't even bother to tell me?'

'I tried remember, I told you to beware of them but you didn't listen' she said

'I know but at least you should have tried to convince me more maybe I wouldn't be this heartbroken' I said sobbing loudly

'Hey shhh, crying won't solve anything. Come on, let's go so you won't catch a cold' she consoled.

I obliged and she boarded a taxi to her house. She lived in a well furnished three bedroom flat. She led me to the guest room and gave me a dried hoodie and sweat pants to wear.

After showering and dressing up, I went to the dining room and met her eating, she served me also, I ate the food in haste because I was quite hungry.

When we were done, we gisted a little and I found out the reason she packed out in the first place was because John threatened her when he found out she knew about his affairs she also told me she used to see John and Vivian in the hotel she worked before as a janitor. I was really angry, how could he? Under my very nose.

Sophie owns her own café now, that's where she got the money for this apartment. At least one of us had her own life figured out. We kept on talking till I slept off.

The next morning, I woke up still in the living room, Sophie was awake already. She was dressed for work. She told me I could stay in her apartment until I find a place to stay. I was glad and I thanked her.

She gave me some of her outfits to wear since her clothes could size me so I wore it to work.

It's evening now and I decided to call it a day. I wanted to go to my former apartment to pack my belongings. I have been waiting for about thirty minutes now and I still couldn't find a taxi so I decided to trek since my work place isn't far from the apartment.

As I kept walking I had a feeling that someone was following me. I looked back and I saw a guy with a black hoodie, fear gripped me and I started walking very fast. I decided to pass through an alley because it is a short cut and I will be able to lose my stalker.

I didn't watch where I was going so I bumped into someone, I looked back and found out it was the stalker. I screamed and I wanted to run always but he was fast and he dragged me back and said

'Charlotte, I've finally found you'

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