Khind's POV
"I'm sure there will be flowers in Khind's locker later" Jen said, making me laugh.
Who is this mysterious person who gives me what, I wanna badly meet her or him? I guess. There is no clue, no letters left behind in every item.
"You guys, shut up Captain Stakcs will surely get angry" I disobeyed them.
Jen and Miya became my friends while I was in flight school.
Im studying flights, Bachelor in Pilot Training.
our school Stokcs Airline Aviation is connected to Stokcs University so our classroom is at the University and we are at the Air field when we are scheduled to fly the Trainer aircraft.
Mosly's morning schedule is always at the airport and the afternoon is at the university.
"I'm almost there" Miya said while rubbing her heart.
"I told you not to ignore the Altitude Indicator"
"Yes, Captain Khind" he said with a laugh.
We went to the University for a written class of ours.
but the son of the owner of Stakcs Airline keeps coming with us, he is also the Captain who trains us, he is also grumpy but he is good.
"Shet, Bebe Stakcs is next," Jen giggled.
"Probably following Khind" Miya grumbled.
"Hala Khind, aren't you surprised?"
"What?" I answered questioningly.
"Maybe Bebe Stakcs is the one who gives you the things" I thought about what Miya said, isn't it?
But when Stakcs gives me flowers or his perfume, he goes straight to me without any trick to put it in the locker.
I talked to Mr. Stacks about my locker, he is the President of the School but he said that our principal, Mr. Aga, doesn't know anything about the locker, maybe I need to change my lock.
"That's not him" I answered before getting into the taxi.
When we arrived at the school, Freya immediately greeted me, she's in 12th grade, I don't know why and I'm so light hearted for this child, she's beautiful because she's still kind.
"Sister Khind!!" he shouted as he hugged her.
I greeted his hug and smiled sweetly.
"I miss you sister"
"I miss you too baby"
I noticed the old woman behind him who is still undeniably beautiful, maybe it's his mom.
"Ate, this is my Mom, and Mom this is Ate khind" he introduced.
I immediately shook hands.
"You are beautiful"
"T-thank you" I promised.
"Sister, are you free now? Can we have lunch together with mom?"
"Huh? Yes, my written class is later at 2 pm" I agreed.
Our lunch went well, the only surprising thing is that almost all of Freya's mom's questions seem to tickle me, despite the fact that I still feel good about her.
Frame's POV
"Dad you cant just do that, hell no" I said angrily.
"No, I told you right? i will give you two weeks to move instead you flew to manila and focus on whatever business you have there"
"Dad, maybe she will get angry forever, or maybe she will dislike me even more! dad we cant force her" I explained to my father.
"You guys talk properly and don't shout!"Mom disobeyed so Dad and I stopped.
"You to the library and talk peacefully please" continued Mama.
Dad forced us to go there even though my jaw was tensing. I am angry as well as happy.
"Listen here Son, I know you don't want to rush her, but I badly know that you to will be a perfect please keep me on touch and do this for you."
"Dad her parents won't allow me especially since she hasn't finished school yet"
"Who says his parents don't like it?"dad is curious, that's why I was surprised, what do he mean again?"Morales has a good relationship with Agustin, Khind's grandmother is Ama's best friend and his parents are not a problem, you ready yourself frame I told that if you are not able to bring him to this house within two weeks I will move" Dad explained.
"Dad why do you keep on forcing me?"
"You want it," he replied with a smirk.
Yes, I mean I like it but how about Khi-
"Whatever your thinking right now I advise you not to overthink"
"Dad what if she won't like me? I mean everyone named me beast, others even said that the fangs are bad for me-"
"Dont mind what other people say, prove her wrong no matter what people say, I know you son you aren't a beast."
"Thank you Dad" I just said and hugged Dad. I'll thank him very much soon, I know.
"You need to introduce yourself to her so she won't be surprised. your wedding will be held after all the preparation, so while preparing you better move. Form it now”
"Will Kuya Fraz attend my wedding?"
"Yes he will, he will apologize to their Principal first, even if it's just for a week"
"That's good to hear more"
"By the way, pick up Franco from school, Our driver is busy gathering our relatives for upcoming event."
"They will stay here?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes, they will. Stakcs will also come here because someone is going to substitute him in his Flight class"
"Did you ask him if he was one of the ones teaching Khind?"
"I didn't bother to ask"
"Maybe he can help me with Khind"
"Son, You do it yourself you don't need anyone" said Dad shaking his head.
"Go ahead, I'm sure Franco is already waiting at school"
"Thanks dad, I'll go now"
Franco is our youngest, who is now in 5th grade.
"Yes baby" I tenderly greeted my surprised youngest.
"Where's man?"
"Aren't you happy to see Kuya fetching you?" I said laughing.
"Im happy but your supposed to focus on your duty right?"he said while I picked him up, we're like father and son, because the gap between him and us is really far, even more so when he's with his brother.
"I'm off work, I'm getting married so I'll get busy because of that instead of work"
"Yeah, yeah Papa already told me that. he also said that I will be going to be a Tito because you'll be having a baby"
"Franco" I whispered.
other people in his school are looking at us, I can state that I'm really popular in San Jose because when I pass by, they really stare at me.
Agustin's pride, Indeed.
He put my youngest in the car and went around to get into the driver's seat.
"I miss your car scent brother" Franco said.
"You can ask me to drive you to school baby"
"Cause your not busy?"
"Will sister Khind come with us?"
"Wh-what?" I asked in surprise at the name he mentioned. How did he know her?
"Will sister Khind come with us?"
"How did you know her?"I asked in disbelief.
"Mama and Papa introduce her to me thay said she's your soon to be wife and the mother of my nephew soon"
"Franco stop stop" I said awkwardly and changed the subject.
"Where do you wanna eat lunch? Do you want me to buy you your favorite fries?"
"Yes brother" he said happily, so I turned to take the road to the Mall.
Franco and I got off and immediately went to the Potato Corner Stall.
Then Franco first bought his favorite toy, a Nerf Gun.
"Thanks for the treat brother" Franco said laughing and happily.
"Anything for my baby"
"Next time you'll be spoiling two"
"What do you mean?"
"Me and your Baby, you should buy him or her anything what he or she wants just like what your doing to me" he said happily that you thought I was talking to an old man. Everyone is expecting a baby even mg younger brother.
Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors.