Becky watched Ava as she toyed with her baby doll. She loves her god daughter as if she were her own, honestly. In the past year Becky has experienced a lot. The loss of her grandmother took a toll on her family and she was newly engaged to Travis.She was also sitting on even bigger news. She wished her best friend was here to help through everything. Now, knowing that London is very much alive had her uneasy. She was ready to hold her best friend and give her the tightest hug. She also so badly wanted to meet the baby that London was carrying, she hoped it would be a boy the second time around. Overall, Becky just wanted London to return safe and in one piece.
"Ava girl, do you want some chicken and waffles?" Becky asked, bending down to Ava's level. “Yes, please." She smiled before directing her attention back to the baby doll. Walking into the beautiful kitchen, Becky searched for the waffle maker to get the food started. She found it without a hassle seconds later. She made the batter of mix and sat it to the side, while allowing the waffle maker to heat up. She began dropping pieces of pre seasoned chicken strips into the deep fryer. She scooped up a spoon full of mix, placing it on one side of the maker. Her phone buzzed, taking her from what she was currently doing.
"Hello?" She answered into the phone, not having time to check the caller ID. “Hello. Yes, am I speaking with Rebeca Simon?" The lady's voice questioned from the other end. “Yes, you are. Whom may I ask is speaking?" Becky questioned through the phone. “Ms. Simon, my name is Aria. I'm one of the staff nurses at your OBGYN's office." The lady assured. “Oh, yes. I'm guessing you have my blood test results." Becky stated. “That's correct." Nurse Aria told her into the phone.Becky had went to her primary OB because lately she hasn't been feeling much like herself. She prayed it wasn't what she thought it was.
"Well, your labs came back and it shows that you're about thirteen weeks pregnant." The nurse spoke.
“Oh my god." Becky's voice said, cracking slightly. She quickly turned around, flipping the waffles before they could start to burn. “Dr. Oddmen needs you to come into the office as soon as you get back for a checkup." She exhaled, “O-Okay." Becky assured her, ending their phone call. She was in disbelief with the news she'd just receive. She wasn't nowhere ready to be a mom, shit she was still conflicted on weather or not, she was ready to be a wife. Becky didn't have her whole life planned out with some white picket fence around it, but she was sure she didn't want any kids until the age of 25.
She wasn't quiet ready for the task and frankly, neither was Travis. They never even talked about kids before, so Becky really didn't see going the full nine months of pregnancy as an option. She finished preparing the food before placing everything into two plastic plates. She cut Ava's waffles up into small squares, making it easier for her to eat. “Okay, AvaWava', time to eat." Becky called out, placing their plates on the dining glass table. Ava wasted no time climbing up and digging into her plate. She stuck her plastic fork into each piece of waffle, taking big bites. The girl could eat, like her daddy.
"So, girly, anything you want to do today?" Becky questioned, taking sips from her water bottle. Her plan was to push the fact that she was pregnant to the back of her mind. Everyone already had enough on their plates as it is. “Park!" Ava chanted with a mouthful of chicken strips as ice jumped up, trying to get into her plate of food. “Stop! Bad dog!" Becky scolded him causing him to pout. "And, perfect. After this we can get ready and head out." I smiled, taking a mental note to braid her wild hair before we left the house.
"This everything?" Izaiah's raspy voice questioned, unloading all the guns from the duffel bag. They made it to North Carolina and into New Bern without any problems. There’s about twenty niggas here in total, not to mention the other five that were working on the inside. Everyone was dressed in full black as they prepared for the events that would take place after the sun sets. “A'ight, listen up everybody." Dex spoke, drawing everyone's full attention. He looked over at Izaiah, giving him a head nod. “Tonight, I'm only tryna do two things." Izaiah paused, looking around the room filled with street niggas. They was ready for war.
"Get my lady outta-dere safe, and put down any nigga who tries to stop that." He told them as he held a very dangerous look in his eyes. “With that being said, we rolling out at ten." Dex stated, being clear on the plans. “You good?" Dex questioned his friends after everyone directed their attention back to what they were doing. “I'm staright. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can put that bitch ass nigga out his misery." Izaiah spoke, tucking the pistol in his waistband. Dex nodded, knowing his friend wasn't holding nothing back tonight. He had his back either way. This was real personal.
I'm Street, so look both ways before you cross me