“You can't be serious. How could your parents give you out like that?” Tess asks. I take a sip of my drink and sigh.
“I don't know. I feel like shit”.
“So you're going to leave tomorrow? We'll never see you again?” Jamie says, and I feel so bad. They were eager to give me off last night, but he let me stay so I could say goodbye to my friends.
“I still don't know. My life's falling apart and I can't do anything. I've begged, cried and practically thrown myself at my dad's feet, but he wouldn't change his mind. I almost think I'm bad luck” I say lowly. Jamie pats my shoulder and smiles.
“You'll be fine”.
“No she won't. This is insane. They sold her off to a man who raped her. Who does that?” Tess huffs.
That only makes me feel more sorry for myself. I can't help my growing hate for them, especially mom. She's supposed to be by my side and dad, that man, is supposed to be my hero.
“What do I do Tess? My world's crumbling” I ask desperately.
“You can't be weak, Riley. You're going to need a lot more than tears. You've got to be strong especially now you're going to spend your life with an unknown man” Jamie says. He's good at advising, though that doesn't exactly solve my problem.
“If you ask me, I'd say frustrate him. Bring down hell on him. He talks, you yell. He yells, you scream. Don't let him touch you no matter what. From your story, he came because he wants you. Good, seduce him and deny him your body. If possible, lock yourself in the bathroom. A few days of severe blue balls will slap his senses back” Tess says.
Okay, she's the one terrible at advising. A few times I've listened to her have gotten me in big trouble.
“Tess! You're talking to Riley here. She's not as ruthless as you are. The dude raped her before, what's the guarantee he won't do it again, if she follows your advice” Jamie says.
Another thought I've been trying to keep off my mind. I don't know what type of man Dean is. I do know I don't like being close to him. He makes me feel nervous and weird.
“If he tries shit, girlfriend, I say clip his balls with scissors” Tess says and Jamie turns pale.
“Fuck, no. Don't do that, Riley. Jesus, Tess, why would you even say that”. She rolls her eyes and I chuckle. Diane walks into the kitchen and silence follows. She glares at my friends and walk over to the fridge.
“Gosh! I can't wait until we move. I'm tired of seeing losers around me” she snorts walking out of the kitchen with a juice box.
“Why's she always so bitchy?” Tess seethes.
“Your parents are moving?” Jamie asks.
“Yeah. Bought a bigger and prettier house. They wanted to keep me in the dark, but Diane was too eager to rub it in my face”.
“Wow. That's a lot. Anyway, I wanted to ask. Who's our rapist?”.
“Dean Shaw” I shrug and Tess drops her fries. They stare at me in disbelief before bursting into laughter. I remain stoic and they stop.
“Oh my God. You're not kidding. You mean Dean Shaw. Like 'the' Dean Shaw?” Jamie asks. I nod.
“No freaking way!” They squeal and I cover my ears.
“Details, please. What did he look like? Is he as handsome as he is on the news? How did you feel? Tell me everything. I'm so hooked” Tess blabs. I look at her in disbelief and amusement. What happened to the 'clip-his-balls' Tess?
Later at night, after my friends are gone, I stand by the vanity and stare at myself. I'm really leaving today. It's really happening. I pack my brown curly hair in two like I always do and run a comb through my fringe.
A knock stops me from taking off my contacts. I stand back and wait for whoever it is to come in. Mom enters with a smile.
“The driver's waiting downstairs” she says.
I ignore her and take off the contacts. I stare at the mirror with anger and hatred. I hate how fragile I look. I hate how weak I am. I hate the fact that I can't just run away. My weird jade eyes reveal nothing but raw pain. I fix back the contacts.
“Honey, you know we're doing this for you, right?” Mom says, fueling my anger. I don't reply her. I try walking out when she placed a hand on my shoulder. I slap it off.
“Come on, baby. You can't be angry at us” she tries to soothe me. I face her with a smile.
“I'm not just angry but hate you all as well. You may have gotten rid of me today, but it won't be for long. I will come back to ruin your lives just the way you ruined mine. It's a promise”. I head downstairs without giving her time to recover.
I enter the car and look ahead without bothering to say goodbye.
As far as I'm concerned, this isn't the last they'll be seeing of me. The drive is so long that I can barely stay awake.
Just when I shut my eyes to sleep, I feel a tap, I open my eyes to a second heaven. I jump out of the car in excitement.
The whole place is lined with different types of flowers and lights. I quickly pluck one and fix it in my hair. Everywhere's so pretty and tiled. I follow the driver in as the men around bow.
I gawk at the interior. I'm never going home again. The walls are lined with mirrors and bars. I don't wanna talk about the antiques. Everywhere screams wealth and beauty.
The sitting room is arranged into four corners with TV sets and couches at each corner. Each table has a bowl of fruits and I don't hesitate to pick one bowl. I love fruits.
I settle in my little paradise to feast on the bananas when I hear heel clicks. I look up to see a drop-dead gorgeous lady.
She's quite young but older than me. Probably in her twenties. I admire her leather jumpsuit with the furry coat round her slender body. Her blond hair settles freely on the coat and her lips press in a frown.
“Hello. I love your coat, is it real fur?” I ask innocently.
“You're his little wife, aren't you?” She scoffs, walking to one of the bars. I love her heels. How does she even walk in them?
“My name's Riley. What's yours?” I ask. She pours herself wine instead.
“You don't know what you're getting into. Dean belongs to no one. You're just another toy he fancies. I don't even see what attracted him to you” she says coldly.
“Why are you being so mean?” I ask. I thought she's nice.
“This is no playground, Riley. Run while you can” she says, walking away with her glass.
“What's your problem? You don't even know me” I frown.
“Maybe. But I don't like you”.