[At school]
Laura walked inside the class again but nobody was staring at her like yesterday, she walked to her seat and started bringing out her books for the day’s class when Ella walks up to her.
“You are here, I came to your house yesterday and no one was at home. Where did you stay last night?” she questioned
“At sunflower house” Laura answered
“Oh” Ella said and sat down next to her
“By the way Avan came looking for you, he looked very worried about you” Ella informed her
“Why is that?” she asked with no interest
“What do you mean? He is your boyfriend”
“Yeah, right he is” she replied sardonically
“Then why the cold response” Ella asked confused
“He didn’t come to me throughout yesterday but sent me a stupid text at night” she answered angrily
“Is that why you are angry? Am sure he has his reasons for that, you should ask him instead of getting angry all by yourself” she suggested
“That’s the least of my problem right now, Am more concerned with mum getting better so she can solve all this mess”
“I understand how you feel but you should also be careful with your dad, don’t sign any document you know nothing of”
“What do you mean? If you mean something like that trust me, my dad will never do that no matter how unfaithful he is”
“Okay then just be careful, am off to the library need to pick some books” she said and left
Laura place her head on the table after Ella left and her mind went back to what happened on the day of the company’s anniversary.
She could clearly remember the feelings she had that day when that witch came in.
Her mother was shot by some petty thieves instead of her dad at the main house and was quickly rushed to the hospital but the shot hit her in a very fatal place so she fell into coma already and after several hours of operation the doctor said there is nothing more to do than place her on a life machine and pray for a miracle.
This happened few weeks back and after crying and seeking for solutions all over the country, the company was demanding that something should be done to stabilize the company’s falling stock price and wanted to place her uncle in the position of the CEO but her father refused
Something has to be done so her father decide to reassure the board of directors and their investors he decided to place Laura has the CEO while he supports her from behind but just before that could happen a woman came in claiming to be her father’s other wife and to make matters worse she bought in a son and an evidence of marriage between her and her father.
Laura is devastated and everything she believed about her parent’s marriage crumbled, how can it be like this? She wondered that night over and over again. The inauguration was stopped and everything came to an abrupt end.
Getting back home, her father tried to explain things to her but she wouldn't listen and storm out of the house to the hospital to stay with her mother for a while.
Avan’s voice shouting her name bought her back to reality as she was jolted back to the present
“Why do you shout my name like that? You sacred me” she said pissed off at him
“You seem lost somewhere so I had to call you back” he said and sat down beside her then drop her favorite drink on the table in front of her.
“I was just thinking about some things” she said and opened the drink then took a mouthful before dropping it back on the table.
“Concerning the issues of the company? I am sure your dad also won’t want the company to go down so he will surely do something about it”
“more than that, am very concerned about my mum and what will happen when she finally wakes up, she will be shattered” Avan move closer to her and hug her
“I am sure all will be well, I will surely support you in everything and stay right beside you” Laura pushes him away from herself on hearing his words
“Is that why you decide to hide your face from me through out yesterday and even avoided me in the cafeteria” she said annoyed
“What are you saying? How on earth will I even do that? Just that yesterday I had to run an errand for dad and also I didn’t eat in the school cafeteria yesterday I thought you won’t come to school because of what happened so I head straight to your house after getting back”
“Really? Someone told me they sight you in the school cafeteria yesterday” she said with doubted
“How can you believe other people above me your boyfriend, why on earth will I…? I feel hurt by your words”
“Fine then I will forgive you just this once” she said and hugs him again. After sometime, Avan decides to ask the question that he has been holding in his heart since he came in.
“So now that your mum is not around, are you still going on with the engagement agreement between you and Chris?”
“What stupid engagement? Am going to break whatever it is between me and that lowlife family. No matter how I see it poor people will never change always coveting what doesn't belong to them” she said getting angry while Avan quickly calms her down at the same time smiling knowing. Now all his effort has begin to yield out good results
Since little, his father has always reminds him to make sure to win Laura’s heart and he made sure not to fail in that duty.
Not only is he able to make her his own but now he is able to make her do away with the only obstacle that is stopping him.
After the engagement is broken off then he will make her get engaged to him and get her to sign the necessary document, after that everything will be done and he wouldn't have to pretend to love a mama girl like her.
He still couldn’t believe how naive she has been all this year’s not to have find out his fake feelings for her but instead, she continue to rely on him more and more and believe his lies.
Now that her mother is gone and she has lost faith in her father so automatically, he is the only one she will trust.
Sometimes he feels bad about his actions when he sees how sincere she is to him but then, how can someone like her be the owner of such a big enterprise when she can’t stand on her own so he is doing her a big favor by trying to help her run it.
‘Now that stupid Chris is out of his way, he will have a party tonight to celebrate after cajoling the spoilt brat with him’ He thought and pats her head more.