The security guard was about to close the iron-made gate of London Hospital when Marvin drove very fast. He quickly stepped down from the car and hurriedly opened the door for Michelle, who carried Frank on her lap with her two hands guiding his light body. His heartbeat was so fast that he ran quickly to inform the nurses on duty to come to their aid.
"Nurse, we need your urgent assistance right away," Marvin said.
The two nurses at the front desk called the doctor on their emergency line and brought out a stretcher immediately. They moved him straight to the emergency room, where they quickly gave him first aid treatment before the arrival of Dr. Alex.
After a few seconds, Dr. Alex in his white laboratory coat came in so fast and attended to Frank, leaving no stone unchecked. He administered oxygen to him in order to breathe.
Before he could relax, he had made sure Frank was stable and breathing before he went outside to meet Michelle and Marvin at the reception.
He approached them at the left corner of the hospital, where they were sitting so worried together.
"Hello, I am pleased to inform you that Frank is safe for now, and I discovered he has been asthmatic for a while now; he had lost his breath before you brought him here." Dr. Alex said.
Michelle breathed in and out as she heard the good news. She was able to calm her nerves. She leaned her back on the seat behind her, and she asked the doctor if she could see him.
"Give him some time to recover 50% of his lost strength, then you will be able to see him." Dr. Alex said.
From that moment, Marvin, for the first time, felt a little bit of compassion and love for Michelle and her kid, so they started seeing each other secretly without the knowledge of Maria and her parents in the villa.
Maria wasn't concerned about his extra affairs; she focused all her energy on how she would escape the villa alive and go back to her father in one piece.
She was placed on a rough platform; the best of her time became the worst of her times; she didn't have a good person to speak with or communicate all her suffering to.
Her phone was collected by Marvin after the marriage contract was successful to ensure she didn't communicate with the outside world. The only means she had was the flat-screen television set placed on the wall of the villa's sitting room.
She searched every corner of her traveling bag for her diary, which contained all the numbers she had written while she was about to complete her program at the university, and Peter's number was among the numbers she had lost.
She could remember vividly how he gave her the number, stating clearly that he would be relocating to Salem after their graduation.
"I know it's too early to celebrate right now, but I am sure I'll definitely miss you, Maria," Peter said.
Her mood changed as soon as he reminded her of his relocation. Peter had been the only friend she had from the first year to the end of their studies. She had felt so much love for him, but none of them were bold enough to express their feelings; they kept painting their love inside their hearts. They are the only ones seeing it.
On their graduation day, Peter had summoned his courage to express how he had been feeling for her, but unfortunately, he wasn't able to express it because she left with her father without saying goodbye through words instead of the hug that she briefly gave him.
Peter was left in a very bad emotional state of mind as he went home with his parents.
When they arrived at their home in London, he went directly to his room and started packing all his belongings into a big black leather bag. He changed his clothes and put on a purple top and jeans with white footwear, and he locked the door of his room as he pushed his bag towards the sitting room where his parents were sitting.
"Mum, I am ready to go with you guys right now." Peter said.
Mrs. Kelvin was so shocked that Peter, who had begged for some days to be given to him after his graduation, was now bothering them, but now he was the one pushing the traveling of a thing forward.
"What happened to you all of a sudden?" Mrs. Kelvin asked.
He couldn't utter any words from his hardened closed mouth, but the impression was crystal clear to them. He put on a show of love for her, but he ended up disappointed by it.
Okay, son, I understand how you might be feeling right now, with the way Maria did on the occasion, but this isn't how to treat such things. Instead of all these actions, you should call her phone and find out what went wrong with her.
Mrs. Kelvin gave him warm advice, and he took it nicely. He picked up his smartphone and called the number she had given him when she almost missed her test because he didn't have her number.
He was outside the auditorium, looking so worried while he was waiting for her.
After a few minutes, she came in when the test was about to kick off. After the test, she accused him.
"Peter, why didn't you call my phone?" Maria said.
He smiled at her as if he were to say he doesn't have it, but when she kept on asking him, he responded.
"I am so shy to tell you I don't even have your number," Peter said.
Maria collected his black diary and wrote her number boldly inside it immediately.
Peter reached for the small pulse in his traveling bag and took out the black diary. He opened the second page, and he saw her name with the number under it.
He dialed the number very fast, even with the way his fingers were shaking when dialing each digit. He called the number 10 times, and he gave up calling the number, and his parents decided to travel in the morning. On the first flight the next day, they all left in their cars for the airport.
He couldn't have known that she had lost her diary when she got married to the billionaire son. He threw away everything that could connect her to the people she loved, which included the diary.
Maria and Peter haven't seen each other ever since then.