My gaze followed that vehicle zooming out the driveway, the sound of its tires screeching against the tarred drive.
If I couldn't feel my own heart racing, and mind having a battle of its own, while my only string of hope dangled before me, perhaps I would have a moment spared to catch my breath. But permit me to act without thoughts, for as I knew it to be, there was no time given.
They say love is a miracle on its own.
When your heart yearns for one, believe me every circumstance gets shattered in order to have you be with that one. And perhaps, it was the truth after all, for fate seemed to be on my side this time.
I backed away from the window side hurrying to that room which held my only means of communication.
Term me mad, distorted even, if I was to be seen running around an empty house, searching here and there for what I deemed my only redemption, but what really was one to expect after these animals had ensured to have me caged. Some toy of theirs perhaps-their very own puppet to do their bidding.
I had been rid off every communication to outside. Not even my own family had I spoken to ever since the wedding, and it's been what? Forty-eight hours gone. Could it be just how eager they all were to get rid off me?
Did my existence not mean a thing to them?
Mother had confiscated my cell the minute I exchanged vows on that altar, and even after then, she chose it wise to hold onto it.
I had been here for a day now, no phone, nothing at my side, nothing to act as a means of communication to David. Well, that was until I came across that flip-phone in the lobby, an hour ago.
And that now, was where my feet carried me onto, heart thumping.
It's been a long hour since I came across Patrizia, and heaven knows I was tired of the lady's ramblings.
If it wasn't her wishing to show me around the garden room, it would then be her telling me stories of she found herself linked with the Bonnuccis.
Even if our meet wasn't based upon the situation surrounding us, I would care less.
Feet pushing faster, I dashed onto that direction. Patrizia wasn't kidding when she said the house was another world on its own.
A new room to be found at every corner, the halls leading to one place or another, the house threatened to have me lost, but I tell you, when the one hungers for something, their senses are usually at a full working force, and perhaps it was the hunger in me to talk to David, that had me remembering that room in which I had come across that cell-phone sitting on the shelf.
Of course, I wouldn't forget it.
I hurried onwards, and figure coming into the space of the drawing room, that hanging breath finally let loose off my lips.
There it was, beckoning onto me, screaming my name, and in a second, I had found my way to it. Fingers punching the number of David registered in my head.
I heard the tone follow, the sound of his breaths enough to bring the tears to my eyes the instant the call got reached on the other end.
His voice still was as soothing as the last time I heard it. The last time it was, I remembered every detail that came with it-how he sought not to let go of me. If I had known it would be our last time seeing each other, perhaps, I would have stayed longer in his arms, staring into that dazing gaze of his, listening to the sound of his voice take me to sleep.
There came that voice yet again, but I tell you, I couldn't bring myself to speak. My own tears choked me, chest tightened, body numb.
Whatever would I say? How could I tell him that everything he's seen, and probably might see, was far from what they appeared to be.
How could I tell him that this marriage was only out of coercion, and nothing, absolutely nothing could change my love for him?
And only at the call of my name, did the gasp leave my lips.
"Is that you, Bella?" I could hear the change in his tone, and how that voice had suddenly gotten rushed with life. I caught onto his breaths emitting from the other end, his utterance poured in whispers.
My lips had pulled open, the words dancing right on my tongue, waiting to be poured out, but whatever utterance I sought to emit, was made to evade, as something from nowhere had snatched the cell from my hands.
At a snap, right before my own eyes, I watched that cell drop to the ground, connecting in a crash.
If the shock of hearing David speak after what had been days long gone, wasn't fully driven in me, perhaps I would have the vigor to appear any more confounded at the figure appearing before me.
Those eyes were stern on my form, gaze taking mine, and only then I realized the subject was in fact, a person, and not a thing as I had presumed him to be.
I heard that groan which left his lips, and in a second, he smashed his boots down onto the cell laid by my feet, his eyes not for once averted from mine.
Every part of me wanted to scream, I could the feel walls of heart my heart tighten, I felt the pang in my head, lips found gaping, yet, no sound came from me. I only watched the fellow whose face I hadn't come to meet until now, come right before me, scrutiny pacific on my form.
"I won't allow that, Signora" His voice was a deep tone, words firm. And at every step he pulled forward, I took a couple back, eyes keen on his movements.
"Who are you?" The shock which had gotten ahold of me the moment I heard the voice of David, still could be found wandering around my being.
It seemed like I had been slapped to reverie, the presence of this fellow enough to have me juddered, for I was in fact, shaken.
"It's my job to keep an eye on you, Signora. My name's Ruko"
He made sure to keep his distance, hands pulling at the hem of the jacket worn over him, and in a second, he had turned around.
"This is one of the reasons why we avoid things like this from happening" At each word he uttered, he picked up the pieces scattered on the floor, eyes soon coming to rest on my profile.
"Signor Bonnuci would kill me if he was to find you crying"
"Why?! Like being locked in here isn't enough to bring the tears" My words were a huge contrast to the rich ones of his.
Every part of me felt narked!
As far as I know, he cared less about me. Wouldn't care if I was to jump off the roof of this building, if that would be enough ridding me off this pain, so why then would he care if I cried?
What? The sight of tears left him that much broken?
"Signor Bonnucci has ordered me to keep you safe" There followed the voice of Ruko.
"He can go to hell for I cared!" My bellow barely had any effect whatsoever on this fellow. He only watched with blank eyes, the rage I meddled in, listening to me go on.
"What am I? His slave?"
"You're his wife" Ruko pitched in. "It's his job to protect you"
"And cutting off every means of me communicating with anyone is the means to go about it?"
The man only fell silent, gaze shifting through mine, I caught the scoff which left his lips, but all that followed was a low sigh from him.
"David Roseling"
The call of that name had slapped the life out of me, eyes dull in those eyes peering back at me.
"Twenty-six, IT analyst, pays a visit to the park around Pearson drive each evening, has two older sisters, an irregular liking for cats, and is always to be found at the state's monthly car race events..."
He took a pause, gaze settling on me
"I can tell you right now, there are people out there watching his every move, people who have been ordered to take cruel actions, if he, through whatsoever means, tries to reach you"
"Aldo Bonnucci doesn't play with family" The voice of Ruko remained low, gaze keen on me.
"...and if you haven't realized that, you are part of his family, now. If you truly cared about David, if his well-being meant anything to you, you'd stay away from him, Isabella"
"All Luca wants, all he cares about, is keeping you safe"
"Screw him and what he wants" There came my bellow, the tears which followed, doing all to compress my voice.
"If he really wants to protect me, he would do it himself, and not have his dogs follow me around"
I didn't wait for those words to settle on the fellow, I did what I sought to do. I hurried away from there, away from him, and away from the pain which threatened to englobe me.
And screw that saying of love being a miracle and what-not, for it was utter bullshit!