Riley was sitting against the wall, her knees attach to her stomach and hands wrapped around it. The alley was in complete dark, when she came here with the man, he had torch in his hand though it was not enough to illuminate the area but was too much to show the filthy and shabby walls of the area.
The smell was unbearable for her, and the area was suffocating her. She was feeling hungry as well, but the thought of food in here made her to puke. She hid her face in her shirt to stop the smell reaching to her nose, sitting in that position for long, she didn’t realize when weariness took lead on her and let the sleep consume her mind, she was drifted off staying in the same position.
Sound of steel door opened echoed downstairs making Riley to wake up, she life her head when she heard the footsteps, swiftly she stood to see the person, taking hold of the wall. Suddenly a light pierced into her eyes, making her to yelp. After being in darkness for don’t know how much time, the light caused pain to her eyes, she had to blink few times to get adjust.
Antonio had switched on the light while they were coming down, it was also one sort of the way of them torturing their prisoners. Riley was looking at the bulbs on the roof with her wide eyes, all the time they were present here and she was kept in darkness.
She moved her eyes from the roof and looked at two man, the same men she was with in the car, she gulped down when she saw their stern and hardened faces. Something inside her was telling, that she had stuck with some bad people or very bad people.
Antonio locked the door again, when he and Enzo came inside the prison, placing the chair near her they both sat down in front her, Antonio felt bad for the girl, she was just horrified with their presence, she was not equipped nor she was looking a clever and smart girl, a person who could be sent as a spy, but yes he couldn’t deny the fact that spies are talented in acting and behaving like a most clueless person ever on the earth.
‘You are a girl and I would not like to torture you, I believe in keeping the war till man and not bring the women in to it, but since you have involved yourself in this I will show no mercy to you if you lied to me’ Riley’s eyes turned glossy abruptly.
‘I am not lying, I was running from my family’ she crouched down, she was not a strong girl, her will power was already very damage because of her family’s torture and what happened with her last night was too much for her to bear.
‘And why would you run from your family?’ Riley lift her face up, she hesitated before telling her story to someone, she never told anyone about her miserable life, not her friends. Thinking about her friends, she blamed herself inwardly for running stupidly on the roads, she could have stayed with any of her friend and could have saved up in getting stuck in this weird and troubled situation.
‘Tell’ banging his hand on the chair, she covered her ears, tears were falling down.
‘My brother tried to abuse me, and in defense I hit him with the vase, afraid my parents will beat me I ran before they caught me’ sobbing she tell her story to them.
‘And tell me why should I believe you?’ Enzo leaned forward, leveling to her face said with clenched teeth.
Riley looked in his blue eyes with broken heart, why was this man not believing her, was it so difficult to understand one girl’s problem, she didn’t do any crime, it was just her bad luck she got in his car.
‘I have nothing to prove, but why you can’t believe me, it’s not like you are the only rich person in the country’ she sighed breaking the eye contact.
‘Utter one more word and you will be lying dead on the floor’ he glared at her, how dare she to talk back at him, the effect was immediate and she quivered in fear.
Enzo retreat back to his position and glanced at Antonio.
‘Che ne pensi?’ (what do you think?), Enzo and Antonio understood last night from her blank expressions and clear English accent that she doesn’t understand Italian.
‘Degno di nota’ (impressive), amused at the reaction they have on her, both smirked.
Riley though wasn’t able to understand their conversation, but their expression was enough to tell they were making fun of her, at that moment she felt hate inside her for these men who were enjoying her despair.
‘La porteremo con noi’ (we shall take her with us), Enzo informed of his decision to Antonio.
‘Perche’ (why)
‘Non mi sembra una minaccia (she seems no threat to me), Antonio didn’t welcome his decision.
‘La terremo d’occhio’ (We will keep an eye on her), Enzo said to him while keeping her in his eyes, she was staring at both with mixed emotions on her face, Enzo could tell that she was tired, irritated and emotionally broke.
‘Non le credi’ (You don't believe her), Enzo narrowed his eyes at his friend, sometimes he questions himself on giving such crucial and pivotal positions to his brother and cousins.
‘Non finche non ho chiesto abbastanza’ (not until I inquire enough), Antonio exhaled loudly but nodded anyway, no one can reverse the don’s decision until he realize and changes himself.
‘You are coming with us’ Enzo stood to leave, not before informing her.
‘But I don’t want to go with you guys, free me, I want freedom I don’t want to spend my life in a cage’ holding the bars in her hand she yelled at them but both were already gone from here, this time letting the light on for her.
She slumped down on the floor, sobbing, it was not what she thought to happen with her, who were they, why were they not believing her, if don’t want to believe still they hold no right to keep her imprison.
‘Don’t waste your tears, they will not listen to you’ she snapped when heard a male voice, it was not of those two men who came here before, and the source tell the voice was not far from her, she tried to look in around.
‘Are you also kept by them because they don’t believe you’ though she couldn’t see the person but knowing someone is there in the same situation as her sooth her.
‘Yes, they don’t believe me but don’t worry they won’t harm you, just do as they ask you’ the male voice confused her.
‘But why would they keep me, I don’t want to stay’ she cried.
‘You have no choice’ she could feel the pain and tiredness in the voice.
‘How long you have been kept here’ she asked him.
‘I’ve lost the count of days’ a shiver ran down in her, how can someone be so cruel, she abhors him more, the one who looks like their leader passing the order.
‘Why they do this and who are they anyway?’ finally she asked the question which was on her tongues tip to come out, since she was thrown here.
‘Italian Mafia, and man talking to you was their Don’ her body was frozen, horror was filled in her eyes, she hid in the mafia’s car, she lost her voice, her objections and everything, only one thing she was feeling right now and that was her body was all numb due to fear.