Scarlett pov,
The hell with him!! He just messed my favourite tee with his dirty blood and left me. It’s me who should get angry and punch his fifty face but he is showing all the rage. Want a coffee right!! Will give a bitter coffee which you can never forget, you spoiled monster!!
As she lost in cursing him, the class was about to end. She started getting nervous at her situation. All seen his bloodied hands and now her shirt is full of blood at her back and all over her waist. Even on her jeans being dark blue jeans the stain may not appear but her pink t-shirt is totally exposing the stains.
Mark reached the window near to the last bench. He signed boys who are beside the window and gave them a packet to pass on. Within minutes, it reached the last bench towards Scarlett. She opened the package, keeping it under the desk. She is surprised to see a matching shrug. She felt relieved, after seeing it her stressed mind got relaxed she looked towards the window where Mark is lost looking at her. He turned down his eyes after noticing her seeing him. He ignored her and walked away, which surprised her.
After class, she had worn that shrug and walked out and found him standing, rolling keys around his middle finger. She ignored and started walking when he blocked her way.
“Coffee!” He smirked.
“Ok fine!“ She snapped in irritation and walked towards canteen but he held her wrist and took her to an empty class forcible.
“What is your problem?” She screamed in anger.
“I want you alone with me and you will do as I say, “ He said in a dominating tone. He walked towards the desk and got a chair for her and made her sit. He gave her a cup of cold coffee. She had coffee within a minute and got up to leave.
“I haven’t done yet,” He said placing his leg blocking her path.
“So what?” She sounded angry still.
“Sit!!” He ordered when she denied he pulled her back by her arm and made her sit on the chair.
“Your this arrogance is turning me on!! Making me win you at any cost!! I could not live like this. I like you and I’m offering you openly, can you be my girlfriend?” He asked with a smirk.
“Girlfriend in the sense?” She asked doubtfully.
“live in relation type everything unlimited and I know you can’t come out of your home so don’t need to shift we can get enjoy in the day,” He confessed shamelessly.
“Wowww that’s an excellent idea” She chuckled moving towards him. She stepped closer.
“So we can make out daily and have a lot of fun. Don’t we?” She whispered in his ear. He is in shock listening to her seducing words.
“Yeah, unbelievable you accepted so easily,” He said with joy and hugged her. In gap, she kicked him with her knee on his shaft, pushing him to the edges of pain. He collapsed in the room’s corner. She dragged the chair over and placed it exactly between his legs. He closed his face in fear of one more punch. She placed her leg on the chair.
“Dare you repeat these things again!! If I again find you around me or disturbing me. I will cut your nerves!! “ She warned him and turned to leave. She stopped near the doorway and turned to him.
“Go to a good Doctor this time, I kicked harder“ She chuckled with a smirk and walked away.
“Such a Devil!!” He shouted in pain, hitting the chair away in anger and pain.
One night,
Mark pov,
It’s been a week of my encounter with that Scarlett. Why I’m unable to forget that. How the hell I Can forget such a girl in my life!! I avoided my friends too. Nothing is giving me relief Till the date everyone in college is scared of me but today after all a girl dared to damage my ego and she damaged my image. That confident eyes of her are too much to handle.
As I lost in my world, I heard my brother yelling at his man.
“Bloody Commissioner!! “
“We are unable to buy him, boss. He already starting enquiry about our business linked up with smuggling” One of my men told him. Daughter is frustrating me and father is disturbing my brother!! Should do something at once to solve both issues. Suddenly my brain started working on the right track.
“Bro, I had one good idea to solve this,“ I told him occupying the couch beside him.
“What?” He asked in amuse as I never get involved in his illegal things.
“Don’t look amused bro, even I have a profit in this!!” I chuckled out.
“Expected fact, now tell what is that idea,” He asked me signing his man to leave.
“That commissioner never tasted fear. Why not we give him some “ I asked playfully.
“How? He is not even scared of the gun, “ He asked innocently.
“Bro, gun never scares this type of people. Their weakness lies with their families. Why not we kidnap his beautiful daughter for a while and give him fear” I suggested my devilish idea with a smirk. Seems like my bro liked my idea.
“Kidnapping a girl? It’s not correct. We never do such things better we kidnap his son” My brother’s suggestion irked me.
“Shut up bro, I want that girl! “ I shouted in frustration.
“Why?“ He asked with a grin.
“I want to give her some fear too!! Like with a single thing we will complete both our works” I assured him.
“So My little brother wants to scare the commissioner’s Daughter. Something fishy, ” He teased.
“Nothing fishy, it’s all about attraction and ego. She damaged my ego so I want to damage her confidence” I said walking away.
“Bro, can’t you plan this kidnap for me. I don’t want anyone of my men to behave wrong with a girl. “ He told me.
“Sure, I will be lead,” I said leaving. But frankly to say I really don’t want anyone to touch her except me.
“Kidnap kidnap My Baby kidnap” I jumped in joy. I was getting more excited to do this. First time I’m going to kidnap. I should record this experiment.