*Angela’s P.O.V*
« Are you going to keep staring at me, or can I get back to that girl ? » Mateo asks while smirking. Even his fucking voice was hot. He’s got an Italian accent that makes me melt in my black stilettos.
« Sorry, yeah. I don’t really care but try something first, » I reply.
I ask the bartender for an empty tall glass and a small glass of Coca-Cola.
« Are you chickening out of the vodka cranberry ? It is not that strong, you wuss, » Mateo says as the bartender hands me the two glasses.
« Sweetheart, I’m not chickening out of anything, » I snap back. I grab his whiskey as Mateo is about to take a sip and mix it with the Coca-Cola in the tall glass. I hand it to him and say, « Try it. It’s a thing my family does. » He takes the glass from my hand and downs half of it in one gulp. After he swallows it, he looks at me wide-eyed.
« That shit was pretty fucking good, but I am going to stick to straight whiskey, » He says as he takes another big gulp, finishing the drink.
« Anyway, thanks for helping me out and for the drink. But now, you can get back to your kurve, » I say starting to get out of my seat.
« What is a kurve ? » He says, giving me a confused look.
« Oh, nothing you need to know, » I say, finishing my drink.
« Ok, Ciao, » He says before walking over to the girl he was with 15 minutes ago. She is really pretty with blond hair and blue eyes.
After we part ways, I go over to my friends again. Eliza and Gabby look completely drunk.
« So, what did Mateo say ? » yells Eliza over the loud music.
« Nothing happened. He left and now his tongue is down this girl’s throat right now, » I turn and look over at them making out.
*10 minutes later*
I may or may not had one too many shots.
Before I know it, I’m on top of the bar singing and dancing.
« IF YOU LIKE IT THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE PUT A RING ON IT, » I scream on top of my lungs, even though the song that the DJ was playing was nowhere near Beyoncé’s song.
All of a sudden, a pair of strong, manly hands grab me.
As I’m about to kick him, he sets me down on a nearby stool. « Yay, not getting kidnapped, » I yell.
« Tesoro, put your pant back on, » Says the man. He looks familiar.
« No way, José, » I whisper in his ear while also tying my pants on his head, ninja style.
« You’re a ninja now, and your name shall be CUPCAKE, » I scream over the loud music.
« Wha-Where did you get the name Cupcake ? » He asks.
« Well, I don’t know your real name, and Cupcake is a cute name, » I reply.
« Mark, my name is Mark. But you can call me Cupcake all you want, Tesoro, » He says, winking at me.
« Turn around, cupcake, » I say.
« What ? »
« Turn around, PLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEEE, » I whine.
When he finally does turn around, I jump on his back. His back is so soft but yet it was very masculine. He is carrying me like I weigh nothing.
« TO NARNIA ! » I scream, pointing to God knows where.
« Anything for you, Tesoro, » He says before running into the VIP section and setting me on one of the couches. Before he sets me down, I notice that Mateo stopped making out with the girl and was looking at us. After he saw that, I noticed him he started making out with the girl again.
Out of nowhere Cupcake starts tickling me.
« Hahahahahahaha, » I say.
« Hahahahah. »
« Haha—Okay, okay. »
« Okay, okay. Slow down. »
« Stop. »
« I-can’t-brea-«
Then suddenly, I feel a weight being lifted off of me.