??.....In this world, a mother is the greatest warrior..... ??
A young pregnant? girl of 13 was seen running through a forest with an older man with grey hair beside her. It was a rainy night and both were drenched in the heavy pouring rain.
She turned to look behind her multiple times to see if anyone was chasing then but she didn't see anyone.
The old man suddenly stops to catch his breath prompting the younger girl to stop also and went to meet him. The old man started shivering. They were out of the forest and were in a lonely bush path.
"I can't go any further Amulya." He said after regaining his strength to talk. "I have helped you escape from there, you have to take the journey alone now." He told her
"Won't they kill you if they find out you helped me escape?" Amulya asked softly. She was feeling cold but tried not to shiver.
"No, don't worry about me." The old man said and dug around his pockets and brought out some money and gave it to her who collected it. "Use this for yourself and take care of yourself, Amulya. Just ran straight, and you will find two path splits, take the right one, and follow it until you see houses."
Amulya holding the money tightly in her hand nodded her head in appreciation. "Thank you for everything, just in case they find out I escape and you help me, I am sorry for what they will do to you." With that she turns around and continues running, following the old man's direction.
The old man watches as the young girl with nothing saved for the money he had given her ran into the unknown.
A sound of clapping greeted his ears and Lady Deepa- a lady in her mid thirties, with thick black hair pulled in a bun. She was slender and taller- came out from where she has been hiding with two of her bodyguards holding long swords. One of the guards was holding an umbrella above the head of Lady Deepa and the other one threw another umbrella to the old man who caught it and quickly opened it.
"I told you to make her run away from here and not to give her money Mr helper." Lady Deepa said in an angry tone.
"B- but she will die of starvation ma'am."
"Isn't that what we all want?"
"Yes, I am sorry."
"Whatever, I have sent some guards to keep an eye on her until she gives birth. If she gives birth to a boy they should kill him immediately but if it is a girl, they should leave the child." Lady Deepa told him. "Any news again?"
"Yes ma'am, the trucks filled with the children and adults are inside the fortress."
"Tomorrow, arrange the children according to their heights, and the adults too, our buyers are coming and also, look for a pretty young girl from the age of ten and bring her to my husband. Make sure you remove her womb before bringing her to him to avoid another mistake from happening, do I make myself clear, Doctor Yash?"
"Yes my lady." Doctor Yash replied and they entered the forest walking back towards the fortress.
?? When you walked, carrying me in your womb. Seems like you are majestically sitting in a chariot, Mother ??
Amulya even in her seven months pregnancy ran with all her life. She doesn't know where to go, she was an orphan and was kidnapped and turn into a sex slave.
This was her chance to escape from her nightmare.
Towards evening Amulya finds herself somewhere in Bombay, in a local village.
She walked around looking for a place to lay her head, apart from that, she was hungry. She hasn't eaten anything throughout the day.
But if she spends the little money Yash has given to her then where will she lay her head to sleep when it's night in case someone decides to take her in and ask her to pay?
Amulya continued walking occasionally looking back to see if she was being followed but saw no familiar hunting face. She ignored the whispers and looked towards her as she walked deeper into the village, no one spoke to her.
She got tired of walking and decided to rest. She found an empty little shade and went to sit on the ground.
Amulya was very hungry and was contemplating whether to use the money or not.
Someone cleared her throat which brought Amulya out of her thought.
"Good evening ma'am." Amulya said, staring at the old woman, not more than 50 looking down on her.
"Evening dear, what's your name?"
"Amulya ma'am."
"Where are you from?"
"I have forgotten ma'am, but I am an orphan." Amulya replied. "Please ma'am what is the name of this village?"
"Gorai village." The old lady answered. "Come with me to my house, I will give you shelter, here is not safe for you."
Amulya stood up to her feet. "Thank you ma'am but.."
"My name is Reena and I am a local midwife in this village so do not be afraid."
"Thank you ma'am." Amulya said again.
"Come with me."
Amulya followed Reena and once Reena answered one or two greetings with people familiar with her, Amulya was sure the.old woman was telling the truth.
The Fortress:
A young girl of eleven years brought to a man with long dreadlocks which covered his face. He was very built and has creamy color.
The young beautiful girl started crying when she was pushed to him.
"Where is she?" He demanded from the guard that brought the younger girl to him.
"Go and call me Deepa." He ordered and the guard happily ran out of the room.
Deepa opened the door and one could see how beautiful she looks.
"You sent for me when you know it's time for Krishna bedtime story."
"Our daughter will survive a night without her bedtime story, where is Amulya?"
"She escaped last night."
"Escape? From more than five (500) hundred guards stationed in each of the three gates?" He asked, not believing her.
"She escaped and that is all, there is a younger girl that has been brought to replace her." Deepa told him, looking at the crying girl without remorse.
"She is with my child Deepa and you know what happens if she gives birth to a boy outside my Fortress."
"She won't, I will make sure of it." Deepa said. "More slaves were brought in last night and some were sold today."
"Call me the priest and take this girl to Amulya room." The man said without a care.
"Who did this to you, do you know his name? Or where he is from?" Reena asked Amulya after the girl had eaten to her satisfaction.
"If I tell you who did this to me, your life will be in grave danger ma'am, let me keep the faith of my child to myself please."
"You live alone ma'am?"
"Yes, my husband died some years ago, he was a farmer."
"How about your children?"
"My only child died of cancer a year before my husband died. We struggled to raise the money for his treatment, but we couldn't. We lost him to cancer."
"I am sorry."
"It's okay. You are not alone now."
"You too ma'am."
Reena took care of Amulya treating her like her own daughter until the night of her delivery.
The guards which were sent by Deepa stayed alert as they blended with the villagers, wearing the kind of clothes the men of the village wore. They waited and watched Amulya until her due date.
When the moon was hiding under the shield of the clouds, a fiery woman gave birth to a mighty volcano.