"Bhai, What are you doing...."
As Noor enters Shah Zain's room, she finds him searching for something in his wardrobe, so she asked him.
Listening to the voice of Noor, he turned to look back at her.
"Nothing, I was not finding my white shirt so I am looking for it....."
He closed the wardrobe and came towards her.
"Let me do so Bhai, I will find it, it will be here, but you couldn't spot it...."
As she listened to Shah Zain, she moves towards his wardrobe but Shah Zain stopped her by holding her from her arm.
"No, leave it, have I ever did any work from you before that I will do now."
He smiled looking at her and holding her hand, he make her sit on the sofa.
"Now tell me, what do you want to talk about...."
He keeps holding her hand.
"Bhai, how do you know that I want to talk to you about something...."
She was astonished, at what her brother said.
"The sadness on your face tell me about it.... now tell me quickly what is troubling you...."
His tone was serious now.
He is like that, Noor and everything related to her was very important to him.
While on his saying, Noor was not getting how she should start talking.
She has been in that state since yesterday after Kawish went out of her room.
She was not believing that there can be any relationship with him.
But somewhere she didn't perceived it as a matter of fact.
Because she believes in her brother to the extent that he will not hide such big news from her.
"Now tell me, what is it that's bothering you that much..... tell me, I am here to deal with all your problems...."
He was very lovingly gazing at Noor.
"B .... Bhai is.......m....my nikkah happened, and .....K...Kaw... Kawish is my husband?"
She intermittently completed her talk.
"Who told you all this......"
Shah Zain gets up from his place in astonishment after listening to her.
That one thing which they want to hide from her, at last, she gets to know about this.
Because they perceive what use of it to tell Noor about the relationship, which they don't want to maintain.
"Bhai please, first tell me is that true, Kawish is my husband...... it's Kawish, son of Zeb's uncle, I remember his face a little.....Bhai tell me, is that true......"
In anxiousness, she held her brother's arm. Shah Zain gazes at his sister worried looking face.
He needs to know how Noor came to know about this. So for that reason, he has to answer his sister's questions.
"Yes Kawish is your husband, your nikkah happened in your childhood with everyone's consent....."
He was not looking at his sister when he was telling her that, he knows, she is getting hurt that her brother hide such important news from her.
"Then why I was not aware of it, why it has been kept hidden, you kept hidden such a big news from me...."
There is bewilderment as well as deep agony in her tone.
"Because circumstances were different at that time, but now it is not like as it was before..... you don't know because of that Kawish father our mother is no more between us...... and that Kawish is not a good man.....he is wrong.... that's why I didn't feel it necessary to tell you because I and dad are thinking to end this relation as soon as possible......"
Shah Zain tells her everything in detail along with announcing his decision.
"Now you tell me how do you come to know about all this and tell me the truth....."
Now he completely turns back toward her.
Noor gazes at her brother for a while then she started telling him from start to end. On her, every single word, Shah Zain's nerves started popping out in rage.
After coming out of Shah Zain's room, she straight comes to her room and lay on the bed.
For the first time, she saw her brother getting that much furious.
And it's the first time, he becomes furious on her. Perhaps there's also her fault. She shouldn't hide such a big news from him.
But whatever it was now, she told everything to Shah Zain. She feels satisfied now after telling everything to him.
Somewhere she also finds her brother right in saying that he, in actuality, is a bad man.
He also troubled her so many times in the university that even he came to her room.
She thinks to herself that whatever happens now, she will tell her brother.
She keeps thinking about it for some time. When sleep started engulfing her she doesn't know when she drifted to sleep.
The light of the moon is coming to her room. She was lying on the bed, looking like a princess, free of any grief and stress.
With the lightening of the moon, her prince also enters her room. Today again her prince came for her.
But today, her prince doesn't come for seeing or talking with her. In fact, his intentions were totally different today.
To take her princess with himself......
And he always accomplishes what he decides.
Taking slow steps, he came towards her bed. Kawish remembers his first encounter with her.
But this meeting with her is totally different because today he came to take her with himself.
No one was there to stop him, not even Noor.
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