I was just like every girl with a dream. With expectations. With a simplistic yet meaningful life.
My dream was to marry the guy I loved, get through my education and take a full ride through life.
That was when it dawned on me. My expectations shattered like a snap of a finger and I found myself in that beautiful scenery with blood trailing on my wrist.
It wasn't dark. He forced me to abuse my body with him in the light so I could see what he was doing to me.
The sad part was that he was my dad's best friend until one night, the news about him finding his row of targets across California made people around me close their doors to be safe.
I could never forget that one line that shattered my life.
"I will destroy your life and I will have pleasure in destroying it."
"Klementine, are you okay?" Mrs. Thompson asked. I sighed and nodded, my mouth too dry to answer. I was feeling drained and out of emotions.
Mrs. Thompson bought my facade and went off to her next class. I was aching inside and I wanted a way out of life.
The hard thing was I loved life. The kisses I got from my boyfriend and the tent nights I got with my brothers, the social parties with my friends.
It was all too much. The pain was too much.
I had no idea why life was cruel when I was a good person to it. I had no idea why Mr. Cole, my dad's best buddy, raped me. I had no idea why my brothers chose to leave me.
I figured it happened for a reason. Maybe they were showing me signs to kill myself but I couldn't bring myself to because I still loved living even after all the sadness caping it.
My next class was English Literature so I walked slowly as my eyes met the most intriguing icy cold person but my eyes widened when that icy cold person got our art teacher on a table.
He knew I was watching. He had no shame. He waved at me before dragging the curtain down to cover the windows of the room.
I chewed my lip in concentration as I wrote my paper for Hamlet but my mind was somewhere else. It was on him. It was like my body thought it was a good idea to imagine him and the teacher.
Did someone catch them?
I hoped so. Maybe then he could stop acting like an unethical guy. I should have thought better about this school. I didn't even know why I agreed with it when my life was already in ruins.
"Hey, is this seat taken?" I looked up to answer but I was momentarily stunned by his comfortable smile and his tanned beauty.
"No, it's not." I replied and he widened his smile before settling next to me.
"If you don't know already, my name is Johnny Wilde." he introduced and I let out a small fake smile.
"Great." before we could say anything, the teacher told us that she had to make us leave early because she had a meeting.
An anxious mess along with the popular guy was not what I expected my noon to be. I was nervous and I hated being nervous around guys, it was like I had reflexes when it came to them.
"So, mystery girl, care to tell me your name?" he asked, making my hand clammy with his smile. God, he had to look perfect.
"Uhm, I'm-" before I could continue, someone slammed a hand on Johnny's desk and we both looked up surprisingly. It was the same guy I caught with our teacher.
"Move along, kid." the stranger said as he moved his head closer to Johnny. I was baffled that Johnny responded back by giving him a death glare and he did something I would have never expected him to do.
He pushed the rich guy away and I knew what was about to happen. The massive fight broke out and the students ran to watch. The guy's grayish eyes turned darker as he kept on punching Johnny's cheek until blood spurred out.
At that moment, I collapsed and my body trembled when it remembered what happened to me. I put both of my hands on my ears and rocked back and forth.
Nobody seemed to care as they continued the fight and cheered the rich guy on. My vision was dizzy and I felt myself turning into the old lunatic that I was. For some reason, I hated that part inside of me but it was there like it was scarred inside of me.
There was no way out.
I tried to calm myself out but every time my nose smelt blood and my eyes stared at the blood dripping on the floor, it took me back to that scene.
That was all it took for me to break down. I could make out the figure of the teacher trying to break up the fight and the students around them shouting.
Only his eyes met mine when he realized I was close to one of my trauma attacks so he decided to let Johnny go and crept closer to me to examine my eyes fluttering at a fast speed.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he checked my head with his battered hands and I pointed to my heart as I tried to take a deep breath.
"Someone call the ambulance!" he shouted while still holding my neck, his eyes didn't have worry in them, they were ice cold, it felt like a facade.
If it was an act he put on through, then why did I feel the sharp tingles that spurred from my head to my body? why did he even want to sit next to me so bad?
I had too many questions but my body felt drained and I wanted to go to sleep.