I undressed and put myself on my knees. The lady with the fishy body dragged her left hand to my pubic area and pulled out some hairs which she put on the surface of a small tray.
- Lift your arms," she ordered.
Reluctantly, I lifted my left arm and then my right. Then she pulled out some of my hair. Finally, she trimmed all my fingernails, from fingers to toes.
Finally, she gathered all these parts of my body and put them in a small cup. She broke an egg and poured it over the contents and made a mixture. Oga was shirtless. On his chest were two nice big breasts. She squeezed the one on the left, collected some milk and let it go into the cup. She also squeezed the one on the right and, instead of a white liquid, it was a red liquid that came out. She collected it in the same cup. Finally, she stirred the whole contents and made me drink it. Finally, she took another egg and broke it over my head, saying:
- From now on, you will no longer be Octavia. I baptize you in the name of the saints of the sea. From now on you will be called Founkè. Founkè, from today on, whoever asks you what they call you, you will answer them without shame that they call you Founkè or else my curse will follow you all your life. From today, you are filled with my grace and all destructive power. It is what you say to the storm that it will execute. If you tell it that you would like to see it in person, it will turn into a person. Even if you tell the day to rise in the middle of the night, it will obey you. Founkè, you are now a powerful woman. Nature, from this day on, will obey you. You have therefore all my grace. You can also call me at any time and I will answer you at once. Get up and enjoy yourself with your predecessors.
Powerless, I got up without saying thank you to the lady and went towards those I would call friends or comrades from now on. Aline was already at the table munching on the pasta with the sauce, a sauce that I could not imagine what it was made of. On the left and on the right, there was a lot of atmosphere. The speakers were playing beautiful melodies, it sounded like a big party.
Since it was Aline's footsteps that I had followed, I went to her address. Together, we emptied the dish that was in front of her.
- Afterwards, I will introduce you to my friends, Aline promised me.
- I'll do it! But I find this place prettier than the world I was born in! I whispered to her.
- Yes, here, we don't suffer! It never gets dark either. And there is always a party.
My girlfriend and I chatted for several minutes. I didn't even know what sleep was anymore, because it had gone away.
Finally, daybreak.
Honestly, I can't explain how I came back to the human world because I was just in my bed with my blue sheet around me.
But when I woke up, I could feel the fatigue. Despite this, I swept my room, tidied up my backyard and got ready for school.
That morning, I had seen my girlfriend at school. We had greeted each other as if we hadn't seen each other a few hours ago. After our customary greetings, we smiled at each other.
In my seat, I began to recall the events of the night. Some of the chapters made me laugh. I laughed at them without anyone knowing the real reason for my laughter. Among the sequences I remembered was one in which I heard people speaking in different languages. Since I was new, it took me days to understand these languages.
With this diabolical power, I was both under the sea and in the human world. Sometimes I was having fun with my girlfriends as usual while another being of me was under the sea.
In reality, I was present in the human world and also in my new world, since I had to complete all the rituals of the covenant before I could be released.
The sixth day was actually the last day of the rituals when I would be released. On that day, Oga, our mother and water queen, gave me a ring.
- Wear it!" she ordered me with a smile. It is this ring that will grant whatever you wish or want. If you carry out your missions well, believe me, I will make you swallow the most powerful power and you will never have to fear yourself again. On this day, I set you free! Go and enter your skin to begin my mission.
- Thank you Oga! Thank you for welcoming me and accepting me among you. Thank you very much.
- Founkè, go ahead! You have my blessing.
I left the place accompanied by my girlfriend. After a few moments, I found myself at home. On the bed, I saw myself lying down. Gently, I penetrated my innocent skin which was at the service of my parents.
Today is Saturday, the day of rest for some students.
My mother, seeing me at home, sent me to the market. Before I left the house, I looked at myself. In the mirror, I knew how much more beautiful I had become than before. I was so happy that I threw myself on the pavement.
The market was a bit far from our house and I never liked to walk there. Today, I chose to go on foot because I wanted to try my spiritual magic for the first time, because I knew that with my sexy outfit, some fool would fall into my trap. I wanted to see if what Oga had told me was pure reality. I wanted to try to see if indeed the storm would turn into a hurricane if I wanted it to.
I walked with my loins wiggling and communicating with my buttocks. Suddenly, a driver of a bass drum stopped and hailed me. I pretended not to hear. Instead of continuing his way, he followed me while honking his horn. Without forgery, I finally considered him and approached him.
- Hello Miss, how are you? he said, smiling at me.
Standing beside his vehicle, I was gesticulating. I made simagrias like a guenon. My breasts, that day, were without bra. My nipples were standing upright and pointed like a pistol in shooting position.
In fact, I had just worn a sweatshirt and left my nipples exposed. The tips of my nipples were further influencing the intruder. He was excited. Yes, I could see him drooling with envy. He was looking at nothing but my breasts. Yes, he wanted to devour them by the way he was looking at them. I smiled at him while he wasted his time talking to me with his eyes fixed on my chest. He could never imagine how much danger he was in.
- I am very well, thank you," I replied.
- Where are you going with this beautiful body?
- To the supermarket.
- Wow! How beautiful and cute you are!
With a half-smile, I answered "thank you".
- You're welcome, beautiful creature; I like you a lot.
- You do?
- Frankly, I would be very happy if you would accept my request to keep you company.
- Oh sorry, I just want to do some sport.
- I knew you would decline my service! For God's sake, please let me tow you.
Inwardly, I wondered if he really knew God. Besides, since this was my very first attempt, I didn't decline the offer anymore. I accepted and got into his car. In the vehicle, I had become a mirror that, at every moment, my companion did not dare to look at himself. He was excited by my beauty. Yes, I had become a goddess that he had never seen. Honestly, I knew how much I shone in his eyes.
- Where do you live?
- I'm from the neighborhood; my house is not far from here," I answered.
- It would give me great pleasure if you would schedule me for a safe meeting with you.
- There is no problem. It's just that this is our first meeting, maybe another time.
- Yes, I wasn't saying necessarily today! You are really attractive!
- Thank you sir!
My buddy still hadn't stopped looking at me and admiring me. It was while looking at me that we suddenly found ourselves in front of the sea.
- What is this? Where have we arrived?" he exclaimed in amazement.