It had been a long night for me, because all night long I couldn't stop thinking about the tragedy that had visited my parents and me. From eight o'clock in the evening, I stayed awake until four in the morning. I don't know when I finally fell asleep. I was still asleep when my mother woke me up.
- Get up, it's already daylight," she said.
I blinked and sat up on my bottom. It was indeed daylight. The late roosters were still crowing in the yard.
- Go and get ready, because your sister's going to be up early," my mother whispered.
Then, before leaving her on the mat, I whispered a little hello to her.
- Yes, good morning, darling.
I got up and went to sweep the yard. In less than a few minutes, I slipped into the shower and washed. I was in the bedroom putting on my make-up when I heard my grandmother and mother welcoming a new arrival. Concentrating on my chalk, I was smearing my face when my mother entered the small bedroom.
- Your sister's here," she whispered.
My mother was actually very happy about my departure. She wanted good things from me, so much so that she was willing to do anything for me.
- I'm going to join her later," I said.
- Yes, hurry, she's waiting for you.
My mother slipped away and left. Five minutes; six, seven and finally eight, I managed to pack my clothes into my little briefcase and headed to the living room with it.
- Happy arrival, big sister.
- Thank you, Fidelia; how are you?
- I'm very well, big sister, thank you.
My grandmother and my mother were talking to her and she was answering them too. Deep down, I was in too much of a hurry for my sister to get up so that we could leave together. My grandmother and mother kept coming up with useless excuses to keep my sister waiting.
- Mom," I finally said, "wouldn't it be much better if you let us go?
My mother chuckled.
- You're in a hurry to go and live with your sister!
And I, almost angry, said nothing.
Several minutes passed before my sister asked for directions. I went ahead of them with my briefcase. When I arrived at the gate, I was greeted with a great surprise. Yes, there was a beautiful car and not just any car; a convertible.
My sister had stumbled upon good prey; prey who had offered her a convertible. It's too hard to believe.
- Is this beautiful car yours?" exclaimed my mother.
- Yes, it is! It's the first car my husband gave me, and he's planning a second one for me," explained my sister, all smiles.
My mother approached the car and touched it. She was surprised by what her senses were showing her. I was surprised too. Mom and Granny welcomed my sister back. She answered and pressed a small device which automatically opened the non-driver's side door for me.
- Get in and sit down," she said.
After the last few words of greeting, Idelphonsia climbed aboard and started the engine.
"Be good, Fidelia," a voice called out to me.
Without looking to see who it was, I knew it was my mother. She never stops asking me to behave.
I nodded my head in agreement and my sister shook her hand before putting the car into gear.
The house my sister lived in was too big. Dad was rich, I said, but his wealth was a quarter of that of my sister's husband.
The first time I got out of my sister's car and looked around the yard and my entire entourage, I realized that there are people who live in paradise on earth before going to live in eternal paradise with God.
Yes, my sister's husband's house was a paradise. It was as quiet as the home of a French president. Observing the courtyard and the beautiful flowers planted along the walls, I was about to drool.
- Let's go to the bedroom," whispered my sister.
Following in her footsteps, we arrived in a large, fresh living room. To the left of the entrance was a plasma-screen TV. The roof was plastered and the whole wall was tiled. They were mirrored tiles; tiles I'd never seen before in my life. On a carpet, a gentleman and a little boy of about two were having fun. The little boy was of mixed race, while the man's skin was white and fresh.
Since my sister got together with this man, it was the first time I'd seen him in my life. I was stunned to think that my sister had married a white man. It was truly unbelievable, and I wondered by what miracle their paths had crossed.
- Ken," my sister called to the pair, "I'm back.
The man smiled at my sister from his seat and wished her a "happy arrival".
- Thank you, darling," replied my sister.
The little boy got to his feet and rushed to our address. She wrapped both hands around his mother's feet.
- Ryan," called my sister, "were you playing with Daddy?
- Yes, Mom," replied the little boy.
- Good for you! You go and say hello to my husband," said Idelphonsia.
I abandoned my briefcase and walked over to the gentleman sitting on a model, manipulating a large tablet.
- Hello uncle," I said, bowing low.
The man abandoned his tablet and smiled at me before welcoming me.
- Thank you, Uncle.
- You're so beautiful and ravishing!
- Thank you, Uncle.
- You're welcome and see you later.
I left him and went to my sister's house.
- Grab your suitcase and come, I'll show you to your room.
- Okay, big sister.
I grabbed my travel bag and rolling it on its little tires, I followed my sister to a door. She inserted a key in the door lock and turned it. Together with her little boy, we entered the room. She flicked a switch and a large light bulb came on, illuminating the whole room.
The room, it was too beautiful and very sublime.
- This is your room," she said. The fan works well and you're free to use it as you like. And this is your bed. The maid is here to do the housework. But that doesn't mean you can't help out at times. My husband is a very simple person. He likes to tease a lot. So don't take his teasing personally if it hurts your feelings. I don't stay at home very often. I run two large stores. My goods are often exported from Italy. I go to Italy twice a month. In other words, every two weeks, I fly to Italy. Now that you're here, you'll take good care of my child. I trust you, Fidelia.
- I won't let you down, big sister.
- It will be my pleasure. Don't hesitate to tell me anything you need.
- Okay, big sister.
- And one thing: if I do anything to you that goes against your principles, don't hesitate to tell me so that I can correct myself.
- Agreed, big sister.
- And finally, whoever provokes you in the house, whether it's my husband or the maid, don't claim anything and wait until I get back to tell me about it.
- All right, then.
- Well, tidy up the room and come to the living room, we're going to eat.
My sister left me and took off with her little boy.
It was eight o'clock and, still sleeping peacefully in my bed, I received a visit from my sister.
- Fidelia," she called, "I'm going out. As soon as you get up, take a shower and go and have breakfast.
- Okay, big sister, good morning! And Ryan?
- Ryan's in his room. He'll be in the living room as soon as he wakes up.
- Okay, see you soon.
And my sister retired. Still lying in bed, sleep was taking hold of me again a few minutes later when I heard someone coughing. Sleep released me and I half-opened my eyes. Before me was Ken, my sister's husband.
Slowly, he came and sat down next to me with a broad smile around his lips.
- Hello uncle!
- Yes, hello Fidelia, how are you?
- I'm doing fine.
Since I considered myself in my room, I'd gone to bed naked, without bra or panties. A simple sheet was the cloth that hid the components of my supple body.
Ken, without shame or modesty, reached down and grabbed my left breast. He palmed it with a smile and murmured: "You have very nice breasts.
Do I?