I had an epiphany. Elvira was clearly going through a very difficult and emotional time with her room destroyed and her loneliness at school. What she needed right now was a friend and protector, not some guy trying to take her clothes off. I decided then and there that I wasn't going to try to push her into doing anything else, no matter how much I wanted to.
After we got home, we went to check on her room today. I hoped that being able to move back into her room might help calm her down a bit, as well as remove some of my temptation. We were greeted by a foul odor. All the water in her room from the storm had caused mold. The room would be uninhabitable until it was completely cleaned. Mom said that even if they could find someone to clean up the mess right away, it would take weeks to get a contractor to replace the carpet and drywall and fix everything up. Until then, we were still roommates.
We moved most of her stuff into the garage. When we were done, there was still a little time before dinner, so we went to my room.
She said;
__I'm going to try to relax in the shower
She was still emotionally exhausted. Before we went to the bathroom, she came over and half hugged me, half collapsed in my arms for a moment;
__Thanks for your help
Just holding her soft body started to make me hard, and I had to roll over so my hard cock wouldn't rub her waist through our clothes.
She walked over to the shower and I sat on my bed for a minute, thinking about her again. I heard the water running and couldn't help but think of the water running down her naked body. I glanced at the bathroom door and noticed that it was ajar. The towel I had placed under the door last night to keep out the cold had gotten stuck underneath it and prevented the door from closing completely. Hesitating for a moment, I stood up and crept over to the door to peek inside.
Elvira stood naked in the bathroom with her back to me. She had a beautiful body, with just a little bit of fat spread all over her figure, making her skin soft and silky. My eyes followed her legs from the floor to her thighs, then stopped where her flesh began the steep curve of her ass. Her ass was firm but very nicely round, and I thought back to the way my cock had been pressed between her cheeks the night before with only a few thin layers of cotton in between.
Her arms were raised above her head, pinning her hair, and she turned slightly to the side, giving me a view of the outline of her left breast. Suddenly, she dropped a hairpin on the floor and bent down to pick it up. I was startled by the sudden movement and was afraid she would turn around and see me, but I kept my eyes on her. She slowly bent at the waist without turning around and reached for it on the floor. Her ass cheeks parted slightly, and between them, her little pink hole appeared. I only glanced at it briefly before settling on the space between her thighs. Her round pussy lips were pressed together, with the little red fuzz I remembered seeing there in the closet the night before. She had apparently found her hairpin, and as she leaned in a little further to grab it, her pussy lips parted slightly, giving a tantalizing glimpse of the pink flesh inside.
I desperately wanted my finger to go back to where it had been the night before, but even as that thought crossed my mind, Elvira stood up, put in the last hairpin, stepped into the shower, and closed the shower door.
The spell broken, I finally pulled away from the door, took two steps back, and plopped down in my computer chair. Not chasing her while we shared my room was going to be really hard, especially considering how horny I was. I decided I needed to relieve myself, and Elvira's shower might be my only opportunity of the night. I turned to my computer, unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock, and began to browse through my favorite videos. I knew I could have exploded at first touch, but since I was so horny and might not get another chance for a while, I wanted to prolong things a little, and I knew I had Elvira's warning that she would turn off the shower before she came back to my room. I watched video after video and stroked myself. Just as I was about to draw my conclusion, the water turned off.
Elvira called from the bathroom;
__Do you know if dinner is ready?
My hand froze on my cock and, almost panicking, I closed the file. I shoved myself in my pants and glanced at the shower door. I could see through the crack from where I was, but I couldn't see Elvira from my angle. I quickly but silently moved away from the computer and the bathroom door and sat on the bed before answering;
__Probably, it's about then
I do my best to hide my rapid breathing.
She answered;
__Good, I'll be out in a minute
I sat down and silently scolded myself for having another awkward situation.
Elvira came out of the shower already in her pajamas, her mood seeming much better. I asked;
__Are you feeling better?
She glanced around the room briefly, then turned back to me;
__Yes. The shower was very relaxing.
She smiled softly and went downstairs. It was already late after dinner, but Mom wanted to talk a little more about Elvira's room. Mom was always very matter-of-fact with us and liked to keep us informed about all the boring details of what the homeowners insurance covered, etc. I think she thought knowing the plan would help Elvira not stress out too much.
Elvira and I went to my room and I headed to the bathroom to get ready.
__ELVIRA: Don't stay in there too long, I'm tired and need to brush my teeth.
We were both in and out after only a few minutes, me in boxers and a t-shirt and her in her old blue cotton pajamas again. As Elvira climbed into my bed, I stopped. Thinking about my previous resolution, I turned off the light and climbed into the sleeping bag.
Elvira said;
__It's going to be just as cold out there as it was last night... And cold in here too. Please don't hurt yourself again like before.
The invitation was almost more than I could bear. This was just how it had started last time. Did Elvira mean what I wanted her to mean? Even though I knew I should, I simply couldn't resist the opportunity. I had spent the entire day in a state of relentless arousal and I was hornier than ever. I wanted to relive last night so badly, but I still didn't dare believe it could be true.
I pulled myself out of the sleeping bag, knowing that my cock was already hard as a rock. Nervous as I could be, I tried to casually cover it with my hand as I made my way to the bed so she wouldn't see it because of the light from the computer screen. I climbed onto the side closest to the bed this time and turned to face her. I said as seriously as I could;
Elvira pulled the covers over me and settled in behind me, also on her side and facing me with as much space between us as the twin bed would allow. Her relaxation from earlier had dissipated and I could feel the tension in her body. I just knew she was nervous about me trying something. I was just as tense as she was and I could feel the pressure of my cock in my pants. I decided to wait and fall asleep.
We lay there tensely for a few minutes when suddenly one of the dogs barked from the living room. It wasn't uncommon for this to happen at night, as our two dogs shared the couch and would sometimes kick each other or lay awkwardly on top of each other. Still, it was enough to startle us both, and Elvira practically jumped on my back. She grabbed my shoulder with her hand and pressed herself against me, shivering slightly. I tried again to get her out of my head and sleep, despite the added sensation of her body heat and the feel of her hand on my shoulder.
After another minute of fruitless attempts to sleep, Elvira removed her hand from my shoulder. She slid under my arm and wrapped it loosely around my stomach. We were both as tense as before and my mind was racing. I wanted so badly for her to do something again, but I still didn't dare believe it. My judgment was surely clouded, and a mistake on my part could really hurt Elvira. I lay there and waited, and hoped.
Another minute passed, and I felt Elvira gradually relax. Her breathing became slow and steady. I decided she must have fallen asleep. As my disappointment grew, Elvira suddenly inhaled slowly and shifted slightly. Her hand moved up and down my stomach, as if searching for a more comfortable position. After a few seconds, her hand settled, having slipped slightly under my shirt and with her finger just above my waistband. Her fingers were long with soft tips, and just the feel of them on my skin was more than I could bear.
I felt so frustrated and nervous, my adrenaline as high as last night, but I knew that with her comfortably asleep, there was nothing I could do but wait. Then she inhaled again less sharply, and the fingers of her hand began to rub slowly and lightly against my skin, only inches from the tip of my hard cock.
Was it possible that she was just pretending to be asleep? Was she lying there, wanting this as much as I was, as afraid of rejection as I was, and trying to gradually test me without committing? I still wasn't ready to commit, but I was ready to try to push her forward.
My boxers were failing to contain my cock. I shifted myself and lifted my hips slightly, just enough for the tip of my cock to brush the side of her hand. If she was truly asleep, she would never feel it, but if she was as turned on as I was last night...
A moment later, seemingly emboldened, her hand began to move again. She moved it down slightly and touched the side again to the tip of my cock through my boxers, then rubbed lightly. She slid just her pinky finger under the waistband near my cock and held it there, as if testing the water. My heart raced at the sensation and I inhaled and exhaled slowly and carefully, as a signal to her.
Another finger slid in, then another, until her whole hand was slowly moving underneath. Her finger ran down my pubic area, as mine had done before. Then, with one finger, she reached up and touched the skin of my cock for the first time. She slowly ran the tip of her finger along its length, along the base and back up to the tip. She circled her finger around the head.
As she continued to stroke my cock, she brought her head closer and lightly kissed my neck, then again. Her kisses trailed to my ear, and she whispered to me. Her voice was soft and gentle, but with more excitement than I could remember hearing before;
__I left the bathroom door open a little for you when I took my shower, hoping you would peek in.
She continued to run her finger along and around my cock. I turned my head to hers;
__I did, I couldn't help it. I've been thinking about you all day. When you reached down to pick up that hairpin, it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
With that, she slowly wrapped all of her fingers around my cock and pushed all the way to the base of it and just held it there.
__ELVIRA: I got to watch you too, while you thought I was in the shower. Watching you rub your club made me want to touch it so bad.