What I am about to tell you is my own story that I lived. My name is Ginette, I am a very beautiful woman, a seductive w...
Chapter 01
What I am about to tell you is my own story that I lived. My name is Ginette, I am a very beautiful woman, a seductive woman, a woman who made men bite. Coming from a very very poor family, life has shown me all the colors of this world. After obtaining my baccalaureate, I decided to continue my studies outside my village but due to lack of means, I had no choice but to look for another solution. I am the older sister of three boys, and my mom and dad could barely afford to feed us. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I had just graduated from high school, I was in the yard playing with my brothers when my dad called me. I quickly put an end to the games and went to see him.
___ Here I am father. I said as I lowered myself down.
My father looked at me as if I had something on me. I had never seen my father like this before.
___ Dad, what’s wrong I asked my father who kept looking at me with that face.
___ Ginette !
___ Yes, Dad.
___ You just graduated from high school. You have to go to the city to support yourself. What are we going to do
Again, I was at a loss for words, I didn’t know what to say. My father was always staring at me. Every time our eyes met, I tried to look away. I didn’t know what to say to my father, since I had no choice, I decided to leave some answers for my father.
___ Dad ! I exclaimed, I’m not a little girl anymore, I’m old enough to take care of you, my mom and my brothers. Dad, I’ve decided not to continue with college.
I had finished this sentence with tears, I remember very well, my father, who did not expect such a thing, approached me, lifted my head as if he had something to tell me.
___ My daughter, I know that you have become a very big girl. I also know that you can take care of the whole family. But please don’t give up your studies because of us.
My eyes filled with tears, I got up slowly and went to lie down in my cabin. I was just thinking about what to do when my little brother came into my cabin with sirs all over his body.
___ Big sister ! Big sister ! Big sister ! he exclaimed, breathing heavily.
___ What’s wrong with you Ferdinand I asked as I lifted my head.
___ It’s mom who just fell in the market place.
___ What I shouted as I walked out.
I ran like crazy to see what was wrong with my mother. A few meters away from the market, I heard churchautements, when I arrived, I saw my mother lying on the ground. I crouched down and touched her. She was barely breathing.
___ What’s wrong mom
___ Honey, I was walking when I lost my balance.
___ Mom, it’s okay. Get up slowly, I need to take you home.
Me and my brother picked up our mother slowly and left the market. On the way home, a high class car passed us, I tried to stop it but it didn’t respond. We were walking quietly when suddenly I saw the same car turning around again. As we approached, the car stopped and a very young woman who was barely my age got out. I couldn’t believe it, it was my classmate, Evelyn. She was my best friend when we were still in second grade but one day she disappeared.
___ I dream Ginette
___ Evelyn.
___ Is that you, Ginette It’s a small world. Is this mommy
___ Yes, it’s my mother.
___ Come, I’ll give you a lift. The sun is too much.
___ Is this your car
___ Yes, Ginette. I have to drop you off.
I couldn’t believe it, Evelyn opened the door of her car and we got my mother in. The car smelled great, I kept looking at my best friend. She put her car in motion and we disappeared into the countryside. When we arrived at our destination, my father thanked Evelyn for what she had done to my mother.
___ I don’t have much to do, but I will help your wife get better.
She put her hand in the dress she was wearing and took out nothing but bills. My father’s eyes were already shining, I don’t remember how much she gave my father but it was a lot of money. My father had spent minutes thanking her, wanting to leave, Evelyn had decided to talk with me. I followed her to her car.
___ Evelyn, where have you been all these years
___ In the United States, there’s money there.
___ Is that true
___ Yes Ginette, what are you doing in this shitty country. Look how dirty you are, I’m ready to help you.
___ By doing what
___ I’ll take you with me to the United States.
___ Are you serious
___ Yes. Yes, I’m serious. It’s time to show you that I’m your best friend. But I’ll need your birth certificate and other documents to get you a passport.
___ I’ll have to go get my birth certificate.
Who am I to turn down this opportunity I hurried to my cabin, went through my things and brought my birth certificate to Evelyn who before leaving reassured me to come back before the end of the week with my passport so she could take me to the United States with her.
To be continued