It was eight o'clock and I was still in bed. Without leaving my room, I was sure that my father would have left for work by now. I remember not introducing you to him properly because it wasn't worth it. But if you want to know what he does for a living, I could simply tell you that he works at the town hall. He is one of those people who sign or put stamps on birth certificates and all kinds of documents that have to be judged by the State. Already at seven thirty minutes, he leaves the house by car and at noon, he makes a stopover at the house when he does not have errands to do in the city.
Indeed, I was alone in my bed, naked. My door was still closed. Bored, I remembered my horrible actions of the day before. I had a crazy desire to be stoned. Yes, I wanted someone to lick me, grab me by the nipples and get me wet. Oh yes, I wanted to feel my clitoris between someone's tongue. Alone in my room, I regretted not having the power to make this someone come in front of me, who would be none other than my cousin, the new bachelor. I remember one day when, together, following a soap opera on Novelas, Joslius had gotten a crazy hard-on just because of a simple kiss from those damn white people who are never ashamed to have sex anywhere. Yes, white people are carefree; they have sex everywhere! Even in the supermarket when they feel like it, they fuck each other without paying attention to anyone. Here in Benin, even a simple kiss on the lips, they take you on camera to publish you on social networks; the worst shit! That's why, as soon as I get my baccalaureate, I will calmly ask my father to send me to the country of the French. Oh yes, I have to leave the country to the crazy people who don't know that everyone is free to live their lives as they please.
And then! Unable to bear this loneliness and this crazy desire that might make me scream, I grabbed my phone, activated the Wi-Fi connection and unfortunately for me, no connection. I got off the bed and tied my sheet up to my waist. I walked over to my door and unlocked it. I headed to the living room to see why the connection was unavailable on my phone. Then I noticed that the router, the software program that maps the metal interconnections between the input and output points of an electronic IC, was turned off. Without looking to see who had turned it off, I calmly activated it and turned around in my room. Recognizing Google as the most satisfying site, I logged on and went to its search bar and typed: woman fucking.
Yikes! A hundred proposals were made to me among which I chose the one that will wake up all the sleeping demons of my body. I forgot to close my door. I left the phone on the bed and went to lock it for fear that Stephan would come and catch me in my game.
I came back and took my phone; I put in my earphones and watching the pornographic movie on my smartphone, I could hear the sound in my ears.
Yes, fellatio! The little white girl with big boobs was lying on a bed while the guy was sucking her lips. Not being still, the girl was sucking her lips in return. The two lovers were sucking each other's lips. The guy had both breasts of the girl between his hands and caressed them. After sucking each other's lips for a long time, the guy calmly went down to the breasts and grabbed them one by one in his mouth. This time, I had a crazy urge to have the same thing happen to me. Yes, my nipples had risen and had become very hard. The desire to feel them in a man's mouth possessed me. I regretted not having anyone around me. Yet I concentrated on following the movements of the girl and her lover. I imagined myself in her place; I imagined myself in the beautiful sensation she was living in her body, this intense electric circuit. In my headphones, I could hear her shouting "ouch". Yes, she was saying the thing; the thing that women say when they are being fucked. Her screams increased my sexual desire and I had the urge to share with her, her guy. But how could I do it? Was I going to break the phone to get them both out? I couldn't!
I took my pain in patience and continued the reading of my video. The man, being addicted to the girl's breasts, was only devouring them without getting tired of it. While he was caressing one with his right hand, he had his mouth wet with saliva on the second with his left hand. He was only sucking her breasts like a baby in search of milk. The girl was letting herself go. Putting myself in the girl's place, I was wetting on the bed. My pussy had become all wet, it looked like a barrel of water was being poured inside me.
Yes, you can already understand what was going on inside my body. Throwing off my sheet, I stuck my index finger into my Jessica and began to make inward exits. I was lying on my stomach and judging this position inappropriate, I changed my position and turned over onto my back. Holding the phone with my left hand, I had the index finger of my right hand in my wet pussy like cornmeal. I grabbed my clit and stroked it; this increased my fantasy.
The man, no, he is too strong in caresses. He had caressed the girl so much that the girl had finally lost her voice to express what she was feeling inside. The girl, having lost her voice, became calm and entrusted her life to Jesus and waited for the man to get her high. But the man, not yet satisfied, continued to caress her. My eyes wide on the screen, I saw the gentleman pulling down the girl's panties and poof! my desire increased by 20% more. I think this gentleman wanted to drive me crazy with his game.
On the girl's pubic area, there were black hairs. The gentleman, passing his hand over the hairs, finally located the girl's clitoris which he grabbed in one go and bim, he brought his devilishly wet mouth to it and pulled it into his mouth. He sucked it while the index finger of his right hand went in and out of the girl's completely wet pussy. Mine was also wet here. It was at this point that I began to hear the girl's voice saying, "oh my God; go ahead; yes, I like it; ssssss; yes go ahead; please continue; I like it; you're great; don't be afraid to suck me off; please go ahead.
I could hardly stand what the girl was saying but I had no choice. It was the season of her pleasure and I think she was right to take advantage of it.
The man, being determined to his task, did not stop too. He crunched the clitoris of the young girl like a carrot. I had nobody to crunch mine and I was obliged to do it myself. That was the first time I regretted the fact that God did not tame us with a supernatural force that would allow us to extend our heads to our private parts like monkeys do. Monkeys have the power to suck themselves, so why not us?
The gentleman, after having spent all his time killing the girl with envy, took off his jeans and left his big bangala exposed.
Oh Lord Jesus! It was a big hammer like that, dear readers, a kind of hammer that women love.
When the girl saw it, she jumped up from the bed and took it in her mouth and my heart vibrated. I had the desire to pull it out of her and push it into my pussy, which was dying of this intense desire.
Feeling incapacitated, a tear came to my right eye.
Yes, I couldn't take it anymore. I abandoned my phone on the bed and quickly put on a pair of boxers. I headed to the living room, took the direction that led to my brother's room.
When I got to his door, I knocked twice but no one answered. I pushed it open and damn! The bastard wasn't there! He was already out, leaving me alone in this big house. I leaned against the wall and slid down, teeth clenched. I lowered my head and a tear pretended to fall from my eye.
A thought haunted my mind and I ran back to my room. I rummaged in my drawer and found a candle. I grabbed it and rolled over on my bed. I took off my underwear and slowly inserted the candle into my pussy, claiming it as a man's magic stick. I turned on my movie once more and with my eyes on the scripts, I was satisfied. I had not yet cum when suddenly the living room bell rang; warning of a stranger at the gate.
I accelerated the rhythm to quickly reach my orgasm but the intruder persisted in pressing the contact. I was forced to break my task and put on a dress and go to the portal to unlock it.
Who did I see? Joslius!
I jumped up and grabbed onto his neck.
- Welcome home, big brother!
- Thank you, my dear!
- You got here so fast this time! I exclaimed in surprise.
- It's true, it's because I didn't leave directly for Parakou.
- And where did you come from? I asked him, grabbing his briefcase and dragging it into the courtyard.
- I've been in Cotonou for three days," he answered, following me.
In front of him, I turned my big buttocks in my soft dress. I couldn't tell if that had any effect on him. All I know about Joslius is that he had always looked at me with the eyes of a brother. To him, I was his sister, and since we were not in the land of the French, where a child was free to marry his aunt, all our ties were limited to the family threshold.
- Did Dad leave for work already?
- Yes," I answered.
- And Stephan?
- I don't know where he went? And the crossing, was it affordable?
- Yes, my dear sister! You were always beautiful!
- Thank you big brother! And you too, you were always beautiful!
- Thank you!
- Before you go back to your room, let me pour you a glass of water.
- I won't mind.
And I left him to get him a drink.
- Here you go, big brother!
He snatched the glass from me and inhaling the smell of the liquid, frowned and stared at me with his beautiful eyes.
- But it's alcohol!" he said.
- It's true! Your uncle brought it to us last night. He said that it is too effective to break the effects of fatigue.
- Wow, my uncle always likes things that rejuvenate the blood and cure the body," he said with a smile.
As I watched, Joslius raised the glass to his mouth and after three sips, he emptied the glass.
- I think it would be good of me to serve you some more.
- Its excess is not dangerous perhaps?
- Not at all! Your uncle takes more than four glasses, I lied to him.
- You're serious?
- I swear it to you!
And slowly, I returned to the refrigerator and filled the glass with the same alcoholic liquor.
I convinced Joslius to empty the second glass. He did so without question. I left him in the living room and dragged his briefcase to his room. Before I returned, he was already drunk. On his eyes, I think I was multiplied by six.
I dragged him to my room, precisely to my bed and made him lie down.