"Thirdly, Do not develop romantic feelings for me," Lucas stated boldly as he laid down his rules.
"Excuse me?" Kate's disbelief was palpable. ‘Did he really just tell me I am forbidden from falling in love with him?’
"And what if I do?" Kate's question escaped her lips before she could stop herself. She caught a glimpse of Lucas' widened eyes and noticed his fist clenching before he covered up his reaction a moment later.
"It could jeopardize the plan," he responded without hesitation.
"Why?" Kate probed further.
"To the public, we will appear as a couple, but only until I gain control over the business and family. After that, we will go our separate ways. If you fall in love with me, it would only complicate matters when it's time to end our arrangement."
Kate was taken aback by his words. ‘Did he make that rule to spare me a broken heart? I never thought he would care that much.’
She wet her lips and swallowed hard before speaking again, "But what if it goes the other way? What if you fall in love with me?"
"That is highly unlikely," Lucas resolutely stated, causing Kate to wince at his blunt assessment.
"Managing the family will require most of my attention, and I have no interest in a genuine relationship. You do not need to worry about me breaking our agreement, and I can assure you that my actions will not be driven by misguided emotions. While we gangsters are many things, I pride myself on being a man of my word."
"I...I understand," Kate responded, trying to decipher if his words were meant to be insulting or considerate.
However, one question still lingered in her mind - what if they both fall in love with each other? She chose to keep her thoughts to herself for now.
"Do you truly believe people will buy this act? Two individuals who are not in love pretending to be...I don't know, it seems like most people will see through it."
"That is of little consequence," Lucas replied dismissively.
"What do you mean?" Kate inquired.
"Love is not a necessary component for a successful relationship, especially in my line of work. As long as the marriage is legitimate, it doesn't matter if others realize we do not have genuine feelings for each other.”
"How cynical," Kate exclaimed. "A relationship should be built on love! What you're suggesting is-"
Lucas interrupted, clearly agitated. "Not something for you to criticize." His tone became sharper. "Love is not a requirement for this plan to work and it will only cause issues. Therefore, you are not allowed to develop feelings for me. If you do, I suggest you keep them to yourself."
"Fine," Kate acquiesced, studying him intently. ‘I just don't understand. He seems cold and emotionless, but for a moment there, it seemed like he was trying to protect me from getting hurt... or is he protecting his own heart?’ Their gazes met and Lucas narrowed his eyes before looking away.
As attendants arrived with their food, the delicious aroma filled the air, but Kate couldn't bring herself to eat. She fixed Lucas with a serious look and stated, "Alright, I will abide by your rules as long as I can establish some of my own."
One of Lucas's eyebrows raised. "Alright, what are they?"
"First," Kate began, "if you're going to make such a fuss about my attire, then you have to provide me with something suitable. I don't have enough money to completely replace my wardrobe just because you want me to."
Lucas nodded. "Fair enough. We'll be attending a gala at the end of the week, so I will make sure you have suitable clothing by then."
"Second," Kate continued, "when we are in public, you have to act like you genuinely love me." She saw his eyes widen in surprise.
"Why on earth would you want that?" Lucas questioned.
"Because I don't want people looking at us and feeling sorry for me being in a loveless relationship!" Kate exclaimed. "It's bad enough that you act cold towards me when we're alone."
"Very well, if it is your wish," Lucas reluctantly agreed.
‘You don't have to make it seem like such a burden.’ Kate mused.
"Is that all?" Lucas asked, his voice softening.
"Just one more thing," she said, nodding. "I understand not wanting a romantic relationship, but I still want to be able to see my friends.”
Lucas nonchalantly shrugged, "As long as proper precautions are taken, I see no reason to object."
"Very well, I agree to your terms."
"Excellent." With that sentiment off her chest, Kate redirected her focus to the dinner at hand.
The next day, upon her explorations of the villa, Kate stumbled upon Ace who was eagerly anticipating her arrival.
"Ah, it's delightful to see you settling in." Ace beamed, his smile exuding warmness. "Lucas tasked me with being your bodyguard, so if you're in the mood for some fun, simply give me the word."
"As a matter of fact, I was hoping to venture into town for a midday meal."
"At your command, my lady." Ace bowed his head in a chivalrous manner, causing Kate to giggle at his playful antics.
Ace escorts Kate to a cafe she frequented, entering the familiar establishment filled her with a peaceful sense of familiarity.
Ace surveyed the surroundings, stating, "This place seems to have a decent amount of traffic. I believe you will be safe here. I must attend to some errands, but I will return for you in approximately an hour."
"Perfect." Kate eagerly agreed, watching as Ace departed. She then proceeded to her usual spot, basking in the serenity of the city beyond the café's walls.
"Kate." A voice called out, and she turned to see Matteo waving at her from a nearby table, where he was devouring a sandwich.