At the time the servant had come to knock on her door, Alexia was still fast asleep. The knock on the door was not as loud and disturbing as she would have presumed it to be. But despite being a soft knock, it still made her head hurt so much.
“I'll be there in a minute.” She yelled out to the servant who had come to inform her about breakfast.
She struggled to sit on her bed for a few minutes after speaking. Alexia couldn't do anything but stare lost for a few minutes. Now, it was evident to her that she had not been dreaming. She had truly married a billionaire, just like her father had wanted.
Suddenly, she took a sharp turn to her left hand side of the bed.
“He is not here.” she said inwardly. Again, she turned to her right hand side. It was still the same thing.
Did he just leave without saying anything? She wondered.
Just the thought of that brought about a pang of pain in her chest. She was still in disbelief at how she had made a fool out of herself with him.
Slowly, the memories of their moment last night began to creep into her head.
“You shouldn't have been so stupid, Alexia.” She slapped herself continuously as she said the words. How she had pushed herself into kissing him, and causing them both to give in to their sexual arousal baffled her. This was a man she was just getting to know about. And definitely, her marriage with him was not the kind of dream marriage she wished for herself. Yet, she gave in so easily.
“Ahhh.” She shoke her head vigorously, in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts of that night that plagued her. And with that, she marched down sharply from her bed, and prepared herself for breakfast.
“The Belmont ladies are never known to be late for whatever occasion.” Mrs. Belmont's voice was the first she heard the moment she arrived at the living room. “That is the first rule to being a Belmont. In whatever you do, never be late.” She went on until Alexia finally joined them on the dinning table.
“A pleasant morning to you mother-in-law.” Alexia greeted when she sat.
Mrs. Belmont took a sharp look at her with disapproval and displeasure wrapped around her face.
Alexia of course had seen that. But she believed it was best she ignored her. After all, she didn't understand why or what was the meaning for whatever she said.
“Did you get what I just said?” Mrs
Belmont questioned, her eyes on Alexia.
“Pardon?” Alexia questioned immediately.
“You're late.” Mrs Belmont answered sharply, her stares giving all form of seriousness and unhappiness..
“Uh - I'm sorry. I was just -”
“Hmph!” Mrs Belmont was quick enough to stop him with a quick raise of her hand in the air. “Another rule to being a Belmont lady is that you don't give excuses. Own up to your mistakes. And never repeat them ever.” She said again.
Alexia had always heard about a certain Belmont lady from the news. And truth be told, none of the news she heard about her was pleasant. There was even a time Alexia began to feel like the people were only spreading false rumors about this Belmont lady because they hates the rich. But right now, if she was not mistaken, the certain talked about Belmont lady was Mrs. Belmont. And the news were right. There was no way it could be Lily who was just seated, watching her mother.
“Uh, I'm sorry mother in law.” Alexia said, almost quietly. While she bowed her head in apologies.
“Another thing Alexia,” Mrs Belmont said, and Alexia paused to look back at her. “We don't bow our heads. We're not servants. We stand and speak with so much grace and poise, like queens and princesses.” She quickly added.
“Sorry. But is this a part of the breakfast?” Alexia couldn't help but ask.
“What?” Mrs. Belmont shot at her in disbelief.
The snorting sound that escaped Lily's lips quickly brought about a huge embarrassment on Mrs. Belmont. She took one last look at her daughter, who suddenly realized that she had been loud enough, before she stood up to her feet and left.
Alexia didn't bother turning behind to watch her leave. As it stood, the only thing on her head was food. After such an adventurous night, all she needed was food.
“Oh lord, I'm famished.” Alexia finally said out loud as she began to eat, satisfying her taste buds.
“I think this should serve as a proof that you both had a wonderous night.” Lily voiced out, a smirked spread out on her face. Alexia stopped immediately and gave her a long and hard stare.
“Aren't you going to ask where my brother is?” Lily asked immediately.
“I don't think I need to do that. I'm pretty sure I know where he is.” Alexia answered and continued eating.
“From all the women I've seen my brother with, you're the only one who is tough. The others would have simply let the fear of her get the best of them. And for that, I like you.” Lily giggled.
Alexia scoffed afterwards. If only she was truly as tough as Lily just said.
“I have never envisioned myself as a tough lady. But thank you either way, Lily.” Alexia forced herself to pass a smile at her.
Lily acknowledged her thanks and they dived right into breakfast in silence.
Along the line, Alexia found herself thinking back about Dane again. This time, she couldn't stop wondering about his whereabouts. Had he truly gone to the office just as she was thinking, or was there somewhere else he must have gone to? She wondered.
“Huh, Lily.” She called, and the young lady looked back at her. “Is there perhaps anything I'm to know about your brother?” She finally asked.
For just a few seconds, Lily stared at her in silence. Alexia's whose eyes were fixed on hers, wondered if she had perhaps asked the wrong question.
“Dane -” Lily sighed, and rested her back comfortable on the chair. “Dane is sweet, kind, and everything a woman would ask for.”
“He sure as hell doesn't look like that to me.” Alexia said immediately.
“You met the wrong side of him. Or, probably you met him in a wrong circumstance.” Lily answered back.
“Yeah, I guessed so.”
“A quick advice sister in law…” Lily said. “Don't get high hopes of him loving you back.”