I'm sitting on the park bench tossing bread pieces into the water, watching the ducks eat and dip their heads in and out of the water. I wasn't over the fact that my boss had gone all sour on me for I don't know what, I sigh and take out my phone. I start playing candy crush putting all my concentration on the game, trying to keep the owl stable. I smile when I manage to get all the special candy.
"I hope it's talking about me. "
That voice is way too familiar, Eric.
I remain silent as I try out the next level.
"How are you? " he says taking a seat next to me. I feel the urge to just stand up and leave but decide to resist it.
There are many ways of solving these things without being a bitch Lola.
"I'm okay. "I say without looking at him.
"Can we talk? "He says.
"I wanted to say I'm really sorry, Lo-"
"Nah ah, it's Deloris for you." I jump in.
"Please listen, I just want to fix things. I know I messed up please let me start over, with you .please just give me another chance, please. "He says .
I glance at him and search in his eyes for any spark of emotion and realize he was serious. I feel my face heat up and tears gather at the corners of my eyes , the lump in my throat was now making it hard for me to breathe. I let my tears stream down freely, I sniff a little and drop my gaze to the ground.
"I loved you, Eric. I trusted you ,I told you I didn't want to face heartbreak because a lot of people said it was a hard thing to get through, you promised me I wouldn't have to face it but I did either way. "
He looked ashamed, he had dropped his head down and his hair had fallen over his forehead.
"For other girls facing the same situation as I am, they might not even want to see their ex's face right now but I am here talking to you. Eric I know I'm not the prettiest girl, there are tons of better looking girls inside and out, you can give each one of them a try for all I care. I can't hold a grudge forever but it's not easy to erase the memory, I forgive you but I can't forget. Its not that I don't want to but I can't, I guess that comes with being human. "
With that I left him on the bench staring at the water as I left the park.
"Where did you go in the morning, I was kinda lonely here. "Says Aunt Lisa.
She was fiddling with her cards and occasionally peeking on Ami's cards. Right now we are in the basement gambling without the money. We are using Doritos as the money.
"I was walking around the city, I needed some fresh air. "I state trying to match the cards.
"What happened?, I know when you say you need air there's something up. "She says placing her cards on the table.
"Nothing really I just wanted to walk around. "
"Yes!!, pass the chips y'all. "Ami shouts placing her matching cards on the dark wood. She stretches her body across the table gathering all the chips and stuffing them in her mouth.
I groan inwardly. I really hated losing. I know it's just chips but I never liked the fact of becoming a loser.
"I don't get how you win all the time. "
"It's something I call ...uh...talent. "She says doing her little victory dance in her seat.
"I think you ch-" I m interrupted by my phone buzzing.
I pull it out of my head pocket and check the caller ID.
I answer standing up signalling to my aunt and Ami that I wasn't planning on coming back.
"Hello Mama, everything's fine here how's dad? I'm doing my best mama, I promise I will. Okay, love you. Goodnight mama. " I end the call and change into my pyjamas. I don't last long until I'm consumed by darkness.