Queen Elyria stood in the courtyard, directing servants as they loaded Ravenna's boxes into the carriage. "Hurry up with the things, will you?" she ordered, her voice firm.
Ravenna emerged from the castle, looking tired and worn. She had been dreading this day for what felt like forever and the reality of leaving her family and home was finally sinking in. Zariel walked closely behind her, his limp noticeable as he favored one leg over the other.
King Wolfric's eyes narrowed as he noticed Zariel's limp. "What's with the limp, Zariel?" he asked, his tone curious.
Zariel's response was quick and smooth. "I hit my knee on some blasted chair in my chambers. Don't worry, it doesn't pain much."
Ravenna made a hissing sound at his words, aware of his lies, proud of the real cause of his limp. Zariel shot her a glare, but she met his anger with a defiant stare.
Ravenna turned to her father, embracing him tightly. "Oh, father! I shall miss you so much," she whispered, her voice trembling.
King Wolfric sighed, kissing her forehead. "I shall miss you even more, my dearest lamb."
Xanthea approached, holding a leather bag. "May I join?" she asked, smiling sweetly. She gave a small bow to Zariel before turning to Ravenna. Despite their complicated relationship, Ravenna felt a pang in her heart as she looked at her sister.
Xanthea pulled her into a hug. "Dearest sister, I shall miss you." Ravenna remained silent, but hugged Xanthea back, inhaling the familiar flowery scent. She took in the scent like it was the last time she would be seeing her.
Well, who knows?
Xanthea handed Ravenna the leather bag. "I know you don't read much, but here's some for you."
Ravenna's eyes welled as she found Xanthea's books inside. "Thank you," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. Ravenna could hear her father asking Percival to watch over her.
Queen Elyria interrupted, her voice stern. "You be good to your husband and be quick in getting pregnant. Giving him an heir will keep him." Ravenna rolled her eyes, her frustration evident.
"You had better behave! I really don't know why you refused to take Isla with you." Her mother's voice was flat, hiding the pain she felt.
Zariel interrupted, his voice firm. "It's time to go, wife."
Queen Elyria hugged Ravenna tightly, sniffling. "Oh, my precious daughter." Ravenna wondered if she was truly precious. If she was, why would she be given off to Zariel? The rogue King? Of all people?
King Wolfric promised, "We shall come visit you in three full moons."
Zariel thanked him, "Thank you for your hospitality and trusting your daughter with me."
Zariel offered Ravenna his hand to help her into the carriage.
Ravenna refused Zariel's hand, opting to enter the carriage alone.
As the carriage rolled away, Ravenna waved goodbye to her family and Isla. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as the castle disappeared from view.
Zariel asked, "Are you crying?"
Ravenna snapped, "No!" She buried her face in Xanthea's book, seeking escape from Zariel's gaze and her own troubled emotions. How she wished she was riding in Percival's carriage instead.
The ride to Cestria was oppressive, the silence between Ravenna and Zariel heavy with tension. Ravenna's gaze remained fixed on the book in her hands, her escape from the uncomfortable atmosphere. Zariel, however, couldn't help but steal glances at her, wondering what thoughts consumed her mind.
"Are you going to pretend to read that book all the way to Cestria?" Zariel asked, breaking the silence. Ravenna's glare was swift. "I do not pretend."
Zariel's laughter was low and smooth. "Well, if you don't pretend, why haven't you flipped a page since we left?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Ravenna's cheeks flushed as she realized her mistake. She hadn't turned a page since beginning the book, her attention divided between the text and plotting her escape.
"I...I am just slow with reading," she stuttered.
Zariel's chuckle was skeptical. "Indeed."
"I was thinking you would ask questions about the kingdom you are to rule with me," he added, his tone inviting conversation.
Ravenna's retort was sharp. "Maybe I just don't want to know about it."
Zariel's gaze lingered on her, amusement dancing in his eyes. Ravenna's insides quivered, irritated by her body's betrayal.
"I need to stretch my legs!" she announced abruptly.
Zariel ordered the carriage to stop, and as Ravenna stepped out, he grasped her arm. "Don't even think of running away."
Ravenna's defiance flared as she freed herself from his grip.
As she leaned against a rock, rubbing her sore feet, Zariel approached. His eyes burned with intensity, making her heart race.
"You haven't let me kiss you," he said, his face inches from hers.
Ravenna's response was venomous. "I'd rather kiss a viper!"
Zariel laughed, his hands brushing her hair back. Ravenna clutched Xanthea's book tightly, her emotions in turmoil.
Then, in a sudden move, Ravenna slammed the book into Zariel's face.
"Aye! Ravenna!" he yelled, stunned.
Ravenna fled back to the carriage, leaving Zariel nursing his bleeding nose.
A guard rushed to his side. "Sire? What is the matter?"
Zariel's curses were under his breath. "Let's continue the journey!"
"Sire, you're bleeding," the guard observed.
Zariel snapped, "Continue the journey, you fool!"
The guard stuttered, "Y-yes, sire."
As Zariel entered the carriage, Ravenna's fierce gaze met his. She clutched the book like a shield.
"Do not come any closer!" she warned.
Zariel glared, his nose still bleeding, and leaned back, silence descending once more.
The carriage continued on, the tension between them still thick, until they reached the Cestrian borders. Zariel's silence was a cold, calculated warning. Now nursing an almost broken nose, crushed toe and injured groin.
As they crossed into Cestria, Ravenna's eyes widened in awe. The kingdom's sheer scale and beauty took her breath away. Towering walls made of gleaming black stone, adorned with carefully melted metals stretched as far as the eye could see. The walls seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, casting a mesmerizing glow over the landscape. Beyond the walls, she could see green hills and silvery streams.
Zariel watched Ravenna's reaction with amusement, his silence still palpable from their earlier exchange. Despite nursing his wounded nose, a hint of a smile played on his lips.
"You should get a wet cloth for your nose," Ravenna said, not looking at him.
Zariel remained silent, his gaze still fixed on her.
As they approached the castle, Ravenna's wonder grew. The castle's imposing structure, with towers reaching for the sky, dwarfed Valtoria's. Knights and servants awaited their arrival, alongside dignitaries dressed in regal attire, which Ravenna could tell were court members.
Zariel turned to Ravenna, his expression serious. "Now, act as my respectable wife."
Ravenna's face remained blank, but she took his hand as they stepped out of the carriage.
The announcer's voice boomed, "Welcome, His Highest Majesty, King Zariel Blackthorne, King of Cestria, and his bride!" The fanfare swelled, and the servants opened the carriage door.
As they emerged, the gathered crowd greeted them with bows and curtsies. "Greetings, your majesty!"
Zariel nodded, his gaze sweeping the assembly. Ravenna smiled stiffly, waving at the crowd as Zariel announced, "I present to you, Princess Ravenna Valois, now Blackthorne, my bride from Valtoria. We shall see to her coronation tonight."
The crowd erupted in cheers, and Zariel leaned in to whisper, "This is the part where you wave."
Ravenna's smile faltered for a moment before she waved.
As they entered the castle, the throne room's grandeur left Ravenna breathless. The high ceiling, adorned with beautiful paintings, seemed to stretch up to the heavens.
A stocky man with a warm smile, approached them. "Greetings, your majesties."
Zariel smiled, his expression relaxing. "Ah! Lord Baldric! How are you doing?"
Baldric's smile reached his eyes. "Quite well, your majesty. I must say, the Queen is a beauty."
Ravenna smiled, feeling a sense of ease with the friendly lord.
"I shall leave you with Lord Baldric, trusted special advisor. I have to attend to pending court matters." Zariel stated.
As Zariel departed to attend to court matters, Lord Baldric whispered, "Is it me or does his majesty's face look like a tomato?"
Ravenna's laughter burst forth, and Baldric joined in.
"Pardon me, your majesty," he said, chuckling.
Ravenna grinned. "You are extremely pardoned."
" You are highly welcome to Cestria, My lady. Pray, let me show you to your chambers."
Ravenna linked her arm in his as he led her through the hallway, telling her a few details about the old castle.
Her chamber was breathtaking – a sprawling suite with velvet-draped windows, and delicate lace curtains. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings, and the floor was covered with plush, silver-embroidered carpets.
A massive, four-poster bed dominated the room, its canopy embroidered with Cestria's crest. A delicate, rose-petal-filled bathtub sat in one corner, surrounded by candles and fragrant oils.
Ravenna's eyes widened as she took in the opulence. "This is...beyond words."
Lord Baldric beamed. "I'm glad you approve, your majesty. Rest now, and I shall ensure everything is prepared for your coronation tonight."
Ravenna still wowed at the chamber. It was fit for a Queen. No, a goddess.
Baldric left her to have privacy. Ravenna fell on the bed, the softness pulling her tired body into sleep.
Ravenna's eyes flashed open a few hours later to a gentle tap on her shoulder.
A pair of big brown eyes stared down at her, the face smiled too sweetly at her. Ravenna immediately sat up, eyes scanning the owner of the eyes. She had long brown hair that was loosely tied with purple ribbons, matching her gown.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"Sorry to interrupt your rest, my lady. I am Melaina, your lady help and I've come to get you prepared for the coronation and consummation ceremony."