The guard lead them to their various rooms. Lucky for Val she got to stay in the same room with Trixy and one other girl who seems cool judging by her facial appearance.
Val just sat on her bed waiting for her turn to bath cuz they all have to share one bathroom but separate bed and wardrobe.............
"Finally" she muttered as Trixy came out, and she went in immediately.......
Few minutes later, she came out with a towel round her chest as she walked straight to the wardrobe ignoring the fact that, Trixy and the other girl where making noises with their conversation with looks more like an argument.
Val just changed into one of the cloth she saw available in the wardrobe , and was heading back to her bed when she saw the other girl's mouth wide open while starring at her in shock.........
" What's it ?" Val said smiling at the look on the girls face and also checking if something was wrong with what she was wearing .........
"OMG..... !!" , came the girl's voice which made Val more confused.
"Damn, you are so curved" she finally spoke out still in shock making Trixy to burst into a hard laugh while Val who wasn't expecting that reply just smiled exposing her cute dimples.
"You shouldn't have opened your mouth like that cuz it made you looked awkward ............" Val said giving her a ( what ur name) look but she seems not to understand.
"Lydia" came Trixy voice who perfectly understand Val.
"Oh, nice nam..........", Val was cut off by the speaker in their room which was hunged at the top.
" I can't believe we will now be treated like a slave here, see the so many rules that we have to follow in other to stay out of troubles " ........................
Lydia and Trixy continued their conversation in which they tried carrying Val along but she seems not to be in a good mood after coming out of the hall, so they decided to let her be for sometime and continued to talk about themselves until they both finally falls asleep.
Val on the other hand, couldn't sleep as kept rolling on the bed , she was trying to sleep but was finding it difficult.
"Who am I deceiving" she scoffs as she left her room for a stroll, right now she needs fresh air in other to get her mind off something.
As val continued strolling inside the mansion, she began to hear some funny sounds more like a scream or something. So she decided to go check it out.
Ahh !!
Ma....... master ple... ase take it easy on me.........
"I thought you always wanted it so, why the plead" Val said to herself cuz she knows it was definitely Mandy's voice.
She was about passing the front of Mic's ( Michelle) room when the door was pulled open as Mandy ran out naked. One could tell that she was sore underneath due to the way she was limping......
"He is so heartless that he couldn't even allow her put back on her cloth" she cursed, feeling irritated.
"Anyway, that's non of my business." Val rolled her eyes and continued walking till she landed herself at the garden which was way more bigger than the one she has at home but who cares.....
Few minutes ago**
Came Michelle's voice while seated on his chair smoking.....
What!!..... Mandy scream in her head, after almost drilling me to death. I can't even move my legs properly.........
" You won't like what will happen if I have to repeat myself" Mic said with a cold face which frighten the gut out of her as she rushed out of the room not minding the pain she was feeling underneath.
Mic dropped his cigarettes in the ash tray and grab a glass of alcohol heading outside with one of his hand tucked inside his pocket while the other holding the glass.
"I think some fresh air will be of use"
He muttered to himself.
At the garden**
Val kept staring at the starts being displayed in the sky, the atmosphere seems pleasant and calm , ''you look even more beautiful today'' , she said referring to the starts .
"Yh ..... She doesn't takes nonsense from anyone but she also got soft side too....
'I miss you mum...... I wish you were still here..... But I promise you one thing mom..... Just one thing...
And that is revenge......... Even if that is the last thing I do mom.............'
the pain and memory of how her mom die helpless in her arms was something she couldn't forget and she blames herself for being weak .....
Val blinks her eyes countless times trying to take back the tears that was about to fall, " who are you deceiving val, just let it all out" her subconscious told her. her eyes were now filled with tears again but this time she wiped them of...
"I must be strong for you mom" she mouthed trying to console herself.....
"And who do you want to take revenge from" a cold voice ask form behind.
Shocking the hell out of Val. she turned to see it was non other than DON Michelle her greatest enemy