The blinding sun lights from penetrating into the room blinded me as I opened my eyes and I groaned rolling to the other side of the bed.
The soft sheets of the bed made me opened my eyes completely and woke me out of my daze. my bed wasn’t as soft as this. I glanced around the unfamiliar room and I wondered where I am.
I took off the duvet to get out of the bed when I noticed I was naked and I felt a slight discomfort underneath
“Fuck!” I whispered silently, hoping whoever was in here with me wouldn’t hear me.
How did I end up here? I placed my hand on my head as the hammering sound couldn’t make me sit upright.
I can’t remember how I had ended up In a room I haven’t been into before and ended up being naked.
Obviously, I was here in this room with someone, but who was he? And how did I get to him?
I rolled my eyes as my new friend I had made here talked my ears off about her boyfriend.
“Oh come on Leila, you don’t even know him” she said when she noticed my eye roll.
“Exactly!” I replied, she gave me a look and I sighed walking ahead of her.
“Okay fine, I won’t say a thing anymore, we are here for us to have fun and nothing more and you my dear new friend will be letting loose” she caught up to me and gave my ass a little slap smiling cheekily at me.
She pulled me towards the hotel bar and I groaned.
“I don’t want to get drunk Jessie” I said and she chuckled.
“You agreed on letting loose and that’s what we are here to do too let loose my dear, so drink you must, drunk you will” she laughed
She pulled me along with her until we arrived at the hotel bar.
“Two glass of Mojito and Martini” she screamed through the loud music to the barman while she smiled from ear to ear.
The barman placed our drink on the counter and she took the drinks handing mine to me.
“Toast to being loose” she said laughing at the end, you would think she’s high but she isn’t, she haven’t gotten a pinch of alcohol yet into her system but she was already acting high.
“Toast” I said and downed the glass. I shuts my eyes as I felt the burn in my throat.
Megan and I downed the second glass then the third and fourth, I could feel myself beginning to loosen up.
Megan requested for another drink which she told the bartender to mix and damn did it burn my throat.
A red haired dude walked up to us with a drink in his hand, he was more interested in Megan as she was the only one he strikes conversation with.
We got more drinks and at the end of the night, I couldn’t understand a word anyone said.
“Hey Leila, this dude and I needs to get into each others pants but I will be right back” Megan whispered-yelled into my ears and giggled. I giggled in return.
“Okay, I will wait here for your return” I replied. She hop on a leg, calling the red haired her husband while they walked away.
Few more drinks into my system and some hours later with no return of Megan, I decided to go back to my hotel room.
I tried to find the keyhole to put my key into when I pressed the door handle and the door opened.
I guess when I was leaving the room, I had forgot to lock it.
I walked into the dark room and didn’t bother to find the switch to turn the light on.
I blindly found my way to the bed and was about to lay on it when I felt a hand around my waist and their lips latched on mine.
I should have fought back the kiss since I couldn’t see who it was but I didn’t, who would want to miss out on such a kiss, whoever it is sure knows how to use his tongue.
I had responded to every of his touches with the same energy. Fuck! He is an expert in this, the way his hand perfectly founds every curves of my body, leaving hot trails behind.
The moment his fingers found my mound I was a goner as I began moaning under his touch.
~~End of Flashback ~~
“Great, great, great Leila, you got yourself deflowered by a man you have no idea what he looks like” I mumbled, scolding myself.
I was moaning like a whore for him, I covered my face as if someone else can have access to my thoughts and get a peak of last night activity.
There was no sign of running water coming out of the bathroom, the side of the bed was cold, I guess he left after we had fallen asleep last night.
Well, this is my cue to leave.
I quickly tried to picked up my scattered clothes from the floor and my face burned red in embarrassment, I am surely doing the walk of shame.
A white piece at the end of the bed stand caught my attention. I went over and picked it up.
It was a paper with some words written on it, it could be meant for someone. Who dumbass? My subconscious questioned. The paper is meant for me.
I began to read what was written and the words I saw made me begin to boil in anger.
“I have to leave for a while, please make sure to wait for me to come back”
The fucking bastard! What does he take me for huh? A whore?
I quickly put on my clothes and left the room like I was never there. I heard into my room and packed my bags while I left the hotel.
A ping on my phone signified a text l. I brought out my phone and realized it is a text from Megan.
Apparently, she has left already.
I boarded a cab which took me to the airport, luckily I wouldn’t be missing my flight.
The plane had already took off and I rested my head at the head rest of my seat.
My mind wanders back to my trip and lastly to the hot sex I had last night and I began to clench my tight as the memories of last night washed through me.
What’s wrong with me? I just had sex with a stranger, I just had my first sex with a stranger and yet I am having ideas already.
I should have listened to Jessie when she had said I shouldn’t travel all alone. If I had taken this trip with someone, I wouldn’t have lost my virginity in such a degrading manner and the bastard had the nerve to drop a piece of paper for me, the nerve!.
What if he had taken a naked picture of me while I was asleep? Oh goodness! Please let this jot be true.
My heart beat began to increase and it seemed like I was going to have a panic attack.
‘Okay, calm down Leila, everything is going to be fine' I calmed myself down and I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the memories.
I am going to put everything behind me, yes, it was all a dream, I didn’t have hot sex last night, neither was I in this town nor did I know this hotel. Yep! All a dream Leila, it was all a dream.
I was exhausted as hell as I stood at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport while I tried to get a cab.
My phone pinged and I was tempted to leave it but t my curiosity wouldn’t let me.
I groaned when I read the content of the text from Mom.
‘I need five hundred dollars and it is urgent'
“Not again Mom” Mom has been doing this, gambling and getting drunks in casinos.
She has sold almost everything we have to our name. My dad died when I was little but if he was alive I know he would be against Mom’s gambling addiction.
‘Mom, I do not have such amount of money to give to you, besides you would just gamble it away'
I slipped my phone back into my pocket and fortunately, I was able to get a taxi home.
An hot bath and the bed are what I need right now. My phone buzzed but I ignored it, it buzzed again and I still ignored it.
I don’t need to check but I know it’s Mom trying to reach me since I had refused to send the money to her.
My phone pinged and I had no choice to check it out.
‘Leila, the money is urgent, I need to make a payment to some people I owe and if I don’t do that it would cost my life'
My heart accelerated at the wright of the text. Who would Mom be indebted to that would threaten her life?