Von fumbled with the door, set her laundry basket down in the entryway, pulled her ringing cell phone out of her pocket, and caught it on the last ring. “Hey!”
“You sound out of breath. What were you doing?”
“Laundry. You caught me with my hands full.” She pushed her basket clear of the doorway and shut the door. Then, with the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear, she toted her clothes to the couch and set the basket on the coffee table.
“Guess who I spoke with last night?” Derrick asked excitedly.
“Who?” Only half listening, she reached into the basket and grabbed a pair of lace panties to fold.
“Sean Jacobson,” he said impatiently, like she should know immediately who he was talking about.
The panties slipped from her fingers onto the floor and she clutched the phone to her ear. “Your army buddy, Sean?”
“Yes. He’s in town, at Fort Stewart. He called last night.”
Stunned, she stared blankly at the wall in front of her. “That’s…wonderful. How did he sound?”
“He sounded like the same old Sean. Said he was taking me up on my invitation to come and visit. We’re meeting tonight at Chili’s, and I’d like you to be there.”
“Sure. I’d love to meet him in person.” That was the understatement of a century.
“I’ll be by to pick you up at five-thirty. Wear something pretty. I want him to see I wasn’t exaggerating when I told him how beautiful you are,” Derrick said.
Despite her spinning thoughts, Von managed a slight smile at the sincere compliment she’d just been given. “Thank you.”
“I’ve got to get back to work. See you tonight.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” Von snapped her phone shut and brought it to her lips.
Sean’s alive and in town? Why hadn’t he contacted her, or returned any of her letters or emails? She didn’t have any answers. Maybe tonight she’d get some, but that presented another problem. Von had never told Derrick she’d continued to keep in contact with Sean after his discharge. It wasn’t like it was a big secret or they’d done anything immoral, but by keeping quiet for so long, Derrick was sure to take it the wrong way if he found out now.
Tonight was going to be interesting in more than one way.
Suddenly joy welled up inside. He’s alive! She’d begun to believe he’d gotten himself killed on some fool mission. Blinking away tears of happiness, she slid open her phone and typed out a message on the keypad: Call me! The hunk’s in town.
Marketta worked for the electric company, processing payments. Von knew not to call her direct office line because she wouldn’t be able to talk. But her cousin could talk on her lunch break, only an hour away. However, less than five minutes later, her phone rang.
“He’s here?” Marketta squealed excitedly as soon as she answered.
“Yessss!” Von felt like pumping her fist in the air.
“Does Derrick know?”
Confusion calming her somewhat, she answered, “Of course. How do you think I found out? Derrick called to say he wanted me to go with him tonight to Chili’s. That’s where they’re meeting up.”
“Wait. Now I’m lost. Sean is here to see you, isn’t he?”
Both Von’s eyebrows shot up. “No! Derrick’s been inviting Sean to come visit forever. He must have finally decided to take him up on it.”
Suddenly agitated, Von rose from the couch and crossed over to the window. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Girl, Derrick’s been out of the service, how long? In all that time, your boy Sean has never come to visit until one day, he goes MIA and drops off radar for months. When he suddenly resurfaces, he pops up for a visit. You know what I think? I think something went down that spooked your boy and made him realize who’s important in his life, and that’s why he’s here. He may have contacted Derrick, but it’s you he’s here to see.”
Troubled and unable to pinpoint why, she paced her living room. “Marketta, Sean and I are friends—pen pals really—just like he and Derrick are friends. But unlike Derrick, Sean and I have never discussed meeting in person. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but maybe whatever happened—supposing something did—made him realize how important his friendship with Derrick is. Derrick saved his life once, you know. That’s not something a person forgets.”
“Hmph, knowing Derrick he hasn’t let Sean forget it,” her cousin murmured.
“Derrick’s not like that,” Von snapped.
“All right, all right. No need to get hostile. You know best. I gotta get back to work.”
“Make sure you call and tell me how the evening went.”
“I will.”
Dismissing her cousin’s words as nonsense, Von finished her laundry and wondered, What will I wear tonight?