My eyelid began to nictate continuously as I could suddenly hear some crackling and rustling leaves. I wondered where I found myself.
I immediately stood from my lying position where I laid on the ground as I dusted my body from the sand. I felt a very sharp pain in my head. More like a migraine.
"Ouch!" I winced in pain as I continued to clean the dust off my body.
From my standing position, I was surrounded by towering giants of trees, then I realized I was in a forest. I looked around and got confused about what I was doing in such a place as my heart struggled with panic.
I heard a screeching sound of animals, coming from different directions in a loud tone as I fearfully turned around over and over again towards the direction the sounds came from. I didn't see a thing and suddenly, it stopped. Instantly, my breath accelerated. I watched my body freeze in fear.
A vast silence reigned over the land. The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lonely and cold that seemed the spirit of it had noticed my presence.
I glanced around, looking up at the long trees and the dried leaves moving and flying around with the help of the heavy breeze from the forest as goosebumps filled my body from the cold that came with the crisp weather.
The sound of the wind lashing against the trees caused some frightening sounds. Shockingly, I saw what I had never seen before. I saw countless dried leaves being carried by the sudden wind in a circular form as it approached me, causing me to step backward. 2 minutes before the leaves reached my standing position, I immediately turned backward and was about to run when a lady blocked my escape as she stood in front of me. I was now in between two unknown things. A bunch of leaves carried by a heavy wind in a circular form and a woman with very long red hair, almost reaching her waist, wearing a very long beautiful silver gown as the color of her skin glittered. Shining so bright that its reflection troubled my eyesight as I fell to the ground.
"People aren't born good or bad. Maybe they're born with tendencies, either way, the pain will come." The voice repeated these statements over and over again as it echoed continuously, causing the force from the wind to intensify as the trees shook non-stop as if the leaves were about to deviate from its root. I covered my ears with both hands as I screamed so loud with my eyes shut so tight.
The moment I opened my eyes, I found myself in my room, lying on the bed in my pajamas.
"It's a dream…" I said and sat up, resting my back on the bed rest as I held my chest and felt how fast my heart was beating. I heard the ticking sound of the clock hanging on the wall of my room when suddenly, I heard an alarming sound of 5:00 am coming from my phone. I swiftly turned it off and saw I had missed 8 calls from Corey. I sighed worriedly and was reluctantly dropping my phone when suddenly, another call came in. I looked at the phone screen and saw it was Derek, calling.
I yawned, stretching my body which caused the sound of a cracking bone to be heard. I felt a bit energized as I picked up the call.
On the phone…
"Hello, sleepy head… don't tell me my call was responsible for pulling you awake from sleep?" He asked as I chuckled.
"Not at all," I replied.
"No work today?" He asked, his voice sounding curious.
"There is. I'll prepare after the call." I replied.
"Alright then… be a lovely teacher to your pupils, got it?" He said as I chuckled for the second time.
"Sure!" I replied. After Derek demanded that I shouldn't follow uncle Isaac for wolf research for my safety even though he knew I graduated as a wolf biologist, I promised him I wouldn't. I lied to him about getting a new job as a teacher, teaching little children in one of the local schools around my community. Never did he know that my actual job was being a manager of Wolfie Researches Limited Companies owned by uncle Isaac. We were responsible for doing experiments with the blood of wolves. Uncle Isaac wanted me as a wolf biologist, and Derek, my best friend, wanted me to do a risk-free job because of my safety.
"Sure… I'll be a good teacher as always," I said as I heard him chuckling from the other end of the call.
"Good! Alright, have a nice day at work. We'll catch up later." He said. " Alright, bye," I replied as we both ended the call.
I immediately rushed into the bathroom and once I was done bathing, I quickened with my dress and made my face presentable, took breakfast before I finally left home, heading to work.
After being in a taxi for about 25 minutes, the car finally stopped opposite of my office building as I paid him off and climbed down. The road wasn't busy with many running cars. I guess it's because it was on a weekend. Many people must have been having a good rest at home, waiting to resume their various work on Monday.
Just as I was about to crossover towards the other end of the road, a young dude with a mask pulled me from behind and pinned me against the walls of a lonely building beside the road as he made me look him in the face.
I got frightened as I took in breath rapidly. My heartbeat never disappointed. It kept beating so fast.
"Hello, cute…" he said as he removed the mask. I let out a sigh of frustration the moment I recognized his identity. It was Corey.
"Get your hands off me!" I yelled as I continued to push him away to free myself from his grip. He held me tightly with a continuous sneer. Inhaling the scent of my body, starting from my neck, moving towards my lips.
"Not until I decide to." He spoke annoyingly, very close to my mouth as I immediately turned my face away with my eyes shut tight in a split second and opened it there after.
"What do you want this time?" I asked with a face filled with anxiety as he laughed out loud, finally letting go of me, letting me release a short sigh of relief calmly.
"How about we go in there and have some fun? With those cute tit of yours?" He said as he saw the terror that gripped my face. He watched me as my heart panted heavily.
"Scared, huh?" Aren't you ready to take the consequences of your actions?" He asked as the scene of that terrifying incident popped in and out of my head.
"What happened was a mistake. Please…" I said in a sobbing and weak voice.
"What I'll be doing to you will also be a mistake." He replied with a mocking laugh as he looked over to the other end of the road and saw two police men walking towards our direction. He feared that they were approaching us as I continued to glance at the officers and the moment I looked around, I couldn't find him. He was gone. His whereabouts was something I knew nothing about.
That was a great relief for me. I immediately brightened my face and crossed the road, walking into my office building.