I knew she wasn't gonna stop. Once Tara puts her mind to something, there IS no stopping her. I was going to lose. I guess it won't be all that bad, I thought. Worse that could happen, some pretty girl plays with your dick a little bit. Worse things have definitely happened. But it was my sister, and..
"Ok," I gave in, collapsing back, "Have at it. Examine away."
"Ok!" she whispered.
Her hand reached in again and I quivered a little when her fingers touched me. She spread open the hole in my boxers and kind of pinched my dick between two fingers. Raising it up and turning it in her fingers like a scientist examining a specimen. Only this scientist happened to be my sister, and she was half naked in my bed, playing with my flacid penis. She laid her head back on my leg and smiled as she turned it over and back, pointing it in different directions.
"It is nice," she said, "Even if it isn't hard. Does it get much bigger?"
"Uhh," I guess I was playing along now, "Yeah I guess. Pretty big."
"You gotta play with the tip, right?" she asked, like she didn't know, "To make it big?"
"Uhhh, yeah," I said, "That'll probably do it."
"Like this?" she said, and she rubbed her thumb around the tip a few times.
A weird sensation came over me and my first instinct was to gasp and grab her hand away.
"Hahaha," she laughed, "Did it work?"
"No," I said, "It didn't. Time's up. Leave my poor little guy alone."
"Ohhhh ok," she said and laid her head back down.
I laid mine back again too. Closed my eyes and pretended nothing had just happened between my sister and my penis. But it was too late. The touch of her thumb must have triggered something and I felt my cock slowly start to rise. I knew Tara was still looking at it too.
"It's moving!" she whispered, "Did I do that?"
"No," I said, eyes still closed, "It just does that. Leave it alone."
"Awww," she continued, "It's poking it's cute little head out!"
And she was right. It was. My cock was slowly rising and was sticking through the hole in the front of my boxers. I decided to just lay there and do nothing. If I ignored it, it might go down. But this was not the case. And then...
"Baaaaby brotherrrrr...!" Tara sang.
And there was a tingling in my cock that sent waves up my spine as Tara gently tickled the underside of my shaft.
"Oh my god.." I whispered, still lying, "Don't do that!"
She giggled and did it again. With two fingers she slowly caressed to underside of my rising shaft. Up, and then down.
"Stop.." I whispered, looking down. I placed my hand on top of hers, but she kept on going. "You need to st... stop.."
My eyes rolled back and my mouth opened wide. My feet trembled in their socks. My toes stretched as far as they could go. Tara continued to smile and gently caress my hardening cock. This was a game to her, and I wanted so badly to make her stop, but it just felt soooo good. I couldn't. My body froze up and I looked down. What I saw was my hard cock, standing straight up towards my face and my sisters smiling, giggling face right next to it, singing "Babbbbby brotherrrrrr..." while her fingertips gently and slowly moved up and down... up and down on my hard cock. I looked over at her ass, trying to take my mind off of what was happening. She stuck her butt up in the air.
"Grab my butt," she whispered, and she smacked her butt.
My left hand shot out and I grabbed onto Tara's butt like someone trying to stop themselves from falling over. Her hand went right back to my cock, but instead of just caressing it, she wrapped her whole hand around it.
"Oh my god..." I whispered again, my breath trembling.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I looked down and saw my sister, staring at my hard cock as she gripped it firmly in her hand. She lifted it up so it pointed at the ceiling. She gave it a little squeeze and then raised her hand up, and then down again. And then back up, and then down again. My balls raised up with each movement, my skin folding up and down with her hand.
"Tara.." I breathed out, "You can't..."
"Shhhhh, just lay back," she whispered. Then with a pouty face she said, "You've had a rough day."
"Wheeeww" I sighed, looking up. Eyes wide, I tried hard to come to terms with what was happening, "Ok," I whispered, "...ok."
I looked back at the ass I was holding on for dear life to. I started moving my thumb around it, grabbing different parts. Playing with her ass like something to squeeze to take my mind off of some sort of pain. But this was not pain I was feeling. It was pure pleasure. My sister pumped a few more times on my cock and I was rock hard. My sister Tara was officially jerking me off. How was this happening? As her hand came back down, she swirled her thumb around the tip of my cock, lubing it up for the next pump. My hips started rocking with the rhythm of each pump, like I was starting to fuck her hand. I was no longer resisting.
I stared at the ceiling. A really hot girl is jerking me off, I thought. I looked back at her ass and moved my thumb a little bit under her panties. Her butt felt warmer the closer I brought my thumb toward her pussy. She was moving her head a little closer to my cock, and she started licking the shaft, up and down at first as she pumped my cock with her hand. She pointed my cock toward her face and licked up the shaft to the head. Then she brought her head up and aimed my cock toward her mouth. I felt a deeply warm sensation throughout my whole body as I watched my sister's head slowly lower onto my cock and it disappeared into her mouth.
"Ohhhh my god...," I moaned.
"Mmmmm.." she moaned back with her mouth full.