You can't tame what's meant to be wild, doc. It just aren’t natural"
Grigori jabbed the curved knife into the left chest of the dead girl, which he held on his lap. He thrust
out a love-shaped object from the chest. The pack mates hovered around the Alpha as he dropped the
expired body, and raised the heart for the moon goddess to accept as a tribal ritual.
"The spirits that shield us, have redeemed our tribe from doom. We are the monster that can never
be challenged" Grigori's voice reached the climax of the cloud.
"Hunting the dead, we remain monsters" the hunters replied in unison.
Jason and Fridolf lurked themselves in umbrella plants, frightened, it appears that they both came for a
spontaneous adventure.
"They are the supernatural demons that kill the dead and offer their hearts to the wolf demon, they are
creatures like us but still, they are different" Jason uttered ghastly, without staring at Fridolf who
deluded to know all.
"I am sorry, I was ignorant of their tribes, I have not discovered anything about them," Fridolf
acknowledged in a remorseful state.
The bone shadow attacked the blood Talon and claimed a locus in Sagrimur. The hunters of blood, the
most powerful tribe in Sazi-thur, consists of five tribes which include the blood talon, Bone shadow,
heritage moon, and the silver syndicate.
"My grandmother, a silver syndicate like me, told me stories of the bone shadow and blood talon, she
distinguished both tribes and described how powerful they can be, they fear no death. They all have an
unexplainable mark that undergoes a transition. The bone shadow tribes are obsessive lore keepers,
they are not involved in the matters of humanity." Fridolf, astonished by the foretold history of the
different tribes of Sazi-thur, felt ashamed of his position as an elder; he was presumed to give an
account of any hidden information, not the risen Alpha; with his widened stare, he listened more.
Jason continued with his low tone gruesome teaching, eyes focused on Grigori who was communicating
with his pack mates.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lily left Max's family room to have a shower, in her lonely world. Angst, she turned on the shower and
relaxed in the bathtub, pouring out her pain into the flowing water.
She growled, her energy exploding, her fur disappearing, blood rapidly bathing her entire body.
Yowling, she angrily slammed her wounded arm on a shower faucet, this inflicted more pain, and this
tormented her as she transited to a human form.
The blood was draining down the sink, as clean water sinks up, she was seeing the deep scar vividly
without a fur obstructing.
"Lily, remaining in the room would not grant you a death wish or issue you an escape from slavery. You
need to feed your emperor with your left arm " Andrew, one of the sons of the betas family, let out in a
boisterous tone.
Lily lost a lot of energy in the shower, head-spinning like the sun around its orbit, she struggled to wear
a shirt and panties, opened her chamber to attend to Tommy, whom she considered as the beast that
never want to see her alive, her vision was made twice as much, weak and hungry, Lily collapsed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Having done with the ritual, I suggest we return home?" Fridolf mumbled, weak and hungry, he
thought of hunting for a meal.
"They have marched down to their tribe, happily performing a perfect ritual for the moon goddess,"
Jason added, coming out of their hiding place with a sigh.
"The police officer called and requested your attention at the station, including the doctor," Meg
announced as she opened the door.
"What's the urgency about, I hope is not about the young girl without a mate, Meg?" Jason asked and
went to take a shower.
"Which is?" Meg inquired
The silver syndicate does not exhaust questions, always inquisitive to know what the other heart knows
"Lily Amore, the female lone wolf, the rejected one that was born out of a bite from an unknown tribe"
he scowled as he transformed.
" ooooh, the rejected wolf, she is in a kettle of fish within our tribe "Lily laughed loudly but the laughter
was pushed with effort.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
" If she would die of this anguish, so be it, "Tommy said in disgust as he watched Lily growling in pain.
" She was bitten by a powerful monster, and this has resulted in a permanent mark, she would not die
but would cause more crisis in this tribe until her identity is revealed “the supernatural doctor
announced as he splashed a herb on the wounded part, mumbling incantations. I think she would be banished from the silver syndicate once she recovers since she would cause the
crisis to the tribe " Jason announced from the door as he strode forward to the patient lying in a
rejected state.
"She is wild and ready to serve my family, I will suggest she continue her task" Thames, one of the sons
of Max's family suggested.
"You would always be second in rank and not a leader, you lack intellectual ability, you are selfish that
you care about your desire, you choose to knock her around " Jason let out in anger, standing up to the
"If the leader would fight his second in the seat, what is the fate of his followers?" Meg stood in the
center of the two men.
Tommy felt the smoothness of the wall as he rotated at a pole, centered in the room, he does not care if
she survive or not, all he knows is that he needs to be served like a king, and Lily have served him to his
satisfaction, so he swirled around to enable him to think clearly.