Isabella had just finished dancing and one thing she needed was a shot glass of alcohol or anything that was scorchingly hot and would burn her mouth. She needed all the pain she could get to divert the crazy feeling away from her. This madness she had going on with Jeremy needed to stop unless she wouldn’t have any control over it anymore. Maybe something about the way everything was dangerous for both of them made it more thrilling. The sad truth was there, Jeremy was a man who would never be caught with her. He would rather be hanged by his balls than go against his wife.
She tried to focus on her new job here and of course her new audience, she sure had a stunning performance tonight and it won’t be long before she starts to climb up the ladder real fast. At least if real life wasn’t working out well for her, she had the chance to be her own source of happiness and find joy amongst the tall poles that made her a queen. This was her world, she better stop sulking and grab life by its horns. Wiggling her butt to the loud music still coming from the club, Isabelle couldn’t wait to change out of her outfit and get to her room. Maybe watch a sappy romance and cry along with the main character or drink herself into a stupor. Either work because she would be alone both ways.
“What would our star for the night love to drink?” The bartender asked as if he had been watching all her monologue and Isabella flashed him a flirty smile while she prayed in her head that he didn’t see her talk to herself while she zoned out. He blushed hard and Isabella concluded that he wasn’t really the type that got a lot of attention from girls that worked here but there’s always a room for change. She thought for a while before she asked him to give her the hottest drink for tonight before he winked in her direction. He disappeared shortly and Isabella climbed the stool, she knew she would have to wave off a lot of men tonight. She stole the show as usual and now she had to deal with sassy bitches who couldn’t make it to the audition stage and the ones who feels like she would be a threat to them. Isabella wiggled her body with the music and she watched in amusement as different drunk bodies rubbed against each other. This place was very different from the strip club and sanity here was minimal, unlike the strip club where most of the men had lost their sanity.
“Hey beautiful woman, I am Leonard Castillo” Someone introduced himself and Isabella turned back to drink in the appearance of this man standing before her. He was short, the kind of man that her cousin did business with. Max enjoyed the company of such men and not her, she would rather bite off her tongue than get involved with them. The wall street hawks. She loved playing safe and she saw what mixing with the wrong crowd did to her cousin, Tasha. Nobody wants to end up like Tasha and Isabella took that mantra a little bit far.
“Let’s go to my penthouse, I am sure you will enjoy the view from up there. What are you saying, beautiful woman?” He asked again and this time, Isabella willed herself not to throw up at how disgusting he sounded. She would rather do anything else than go home with this man that can’t seem to read the room. She smiled a tight-lipped smile at him before she turned to the bartender who brought her the drink she ordered. She took a long gulp of the alcohol, and the taste felt foreign. Not the kind she had taken before and she was definitely open to more alcohol exploration. She knew the man was still staring and Isabella began a countdown in her head and waited for him to react. Men like him didn’t hesitate to behave the way they deemed nice and it was always the opposite most times. She started a countdown in her head to when he would start to lose his cool and call her names because she refused to reply to him. Maybe something about the red outfit she was wearing was making him attracted to her but she was going to leave here as soon as she was sure that she has enough to make her numb for the whole night.
“Back off Leonard, the woman isn’t interested.” Someone said from another corner and the persistent man raised his hands in mock surrender before walking off no doubt to find another prey to take to his penthouse since he was so desperate about taking a woman to his penthouse to stare at paintings or maybe recreate another. She turned to thank her savior and her breath got stuck in her throat as she took in the appearance of the devil standing in front of her.
He smiled before he walks to the bartender who presented him with another glass of alcohol, unlike her, he took everything down in one gulp and he didn’t wince. Isabella wondered how he was comfortable downing alcohol in such a harsh manner before. If she tried it, she would lose her throat with the damn thing, the best thing was either to take it slow and let it work or not take it at all. She wasn’t taking her eyes off him and something about the way he stared at her made her feel uneasy. If anything, he looked more ravishing than the last time she saw him. Now, he wanted to jump his bones.
“Mi Querida, let’s dance.” He stretched his hands towards her and for some weird reasons, she took them too. He encased his large hands in her small ones before he pulled her closer gently. All air got knocked out of her lungs as he led her gently to the dancefloor. Something told her this was more than just a dance, this was more and everything else. She let herself stop worrying about Jeremy ad his troubled life, she willed herself to stop worrying about the fact that she was this close to running mad. Instead, she let herself get lost in the cologne of this handsome man. She was going to let go of herself for once this night. She would be Isabella Moretti without all the problems tonight.