*Melissa's POV*
It was the evening of the same day, and the blonde lady who Mr Brown had handed me to come to meet me. Earlier, she had introduced herself as Veronica Dawn. She was the house cook.
She seemed to be a nice person, even though she had given a lot of chores to do inside the kitchen, she still kept checking on me from time to time, asking if I was okay.
"Melissa, it's time to take food to the young master," she told me, her eyes looking as pitiful towards me like when we first met. I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat and the feeling bile rose up in my stomach. Why did I have to be the one to take his food to him? I wanted to ask, but was too afraid too. I didn't want to annoy Ms Dawn
"Okay, Ms Dawn," I replied reluctantly.
"Just call me Veronica, child," she told me and I nodded. "Now, quickly go have your bath and come take the food to him. She directed me to the maid quarters where I went to bath and returned back shortly after.
She handed me the food and I carried it shakily.
"Careful, so you don't pour it," she told me.
I carried the tray that contained three different dishes, and began to climb the flight of stairs. My fear increased with each step I took as I didn't know how he react seeing me again. I felt my legs and my whole body shaking.
"He's just a man. He's just a man," I told myself repeated to calm my nerves. Of course he was just a man, but a man without a heart, I added in my mind.
I finally got to the last floor where he was staying. The floor had a different painting from the first two floors. The painting was a kind of a duller Color. It was grey if I was correct.
"Just as grey as his heart," I muttered
When I finally got to his door. I stood there frozen in place, knocking on his door appeared harder than I had thought. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, before summoning the courage to knock.
After knocking twice and not getting a reply, pushed the door softly and entered. Maybe he usually found it stressful to answer his door. As I stepped into the room, I was welcomed Into total darkness. I grabbed tightly to the tray I was holding, standing at a spot. I wouldn't want to move an inch and stumble, pouring the food away. God! I wasn't prepared for this at all.
"Mr Brown," I called and got no reply. "Mr Brown," I called again and was only answered by an eerie silence. I concluded he wasn't in the room, feeling some kind of relief wash over me. But as I turned to go, the light suddenly came on and I jolted, the tray in my hand almost tripping.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in his usual cold tone which still made me shiver. I turned to see him sitting in a sofa at the far end of the room, shirtless with his legs crossed. I swallowed hard, quickly averting my gaze from his exposed chest.
"Veron... Ms Dawn asked me to bring your food," I stated, quickly correcting myself as I didn't know if he would like the idea of me calling her by her first name. He didn't say anything and just stared at me with a gloomy expression. I felt like a prey before it's angry predator.
After what seemed like forever, he spoke.
"Did you bath before carrying that food?" he asked, his eyes not bothering to spare me a glance.
"Yes, I did," I found myself answering immediately. He then looked like he was contemplating if I had said the Truth. Could this man just tell me to fucking drop this tray already? I found him annoying.
"Go back and bath before bringing it," he said casually, still not sparing me a glance. What? Was he deaf? Didn't he hear the path I said I had had my bath?
"I already had my bath just now, Mr Brown," I said with gritted teeth, trying so hard to control my anger.
"Just now, you were standing right there. Now, leave and never allow me repeat myself, ever again," he said, his voice almost a yell and I quickly turned back and left the room. My eyes stung with tears but I did my best to hold it back. Was he always this difficult? At this rate, I didn't know how long I could put up with him.
I had been working since I got here. I was tired and hungry, yet, he still had the guts to treat me like some slave. I had to be strong, as long as it was just me. At least my dad was okay. At that, I remembered I still hadn't heard from him since morning, which was unlike him. I hoped he was okay?
Maybe he felt too broken to call me. I pitied him. Just two weeks ago, he lost his wife, and now his daughter was with some heartless man. I made a mental note to call him as soon as I finished everything I was doing.
I got to the kitchen and dropped the food on the long table there, earning a shocked look from Veronica.
"He asked me to go bath again," I explained before she could ask me. She shook her head and continued with what she was doing.
I rushed back to go bath again, changing my cloth as well. I didn't want him to send me back again for that. I got to the kitchen and met Veronica dishing another food.
"He wouldn't accept that one again," she told me, even though I didn't bother asking. The man was too annoying. When she finished, she arranged the food again, making sure it looked perfect before letting me carry it.
I carried it and headed back upstairs. I was already on the the second floor when I began to hear footstep behind me. I tried to increase my pace, not wanting whoever it was to meet me but the tray I was carrying didn't allow me climb fast. The person soon caught up with me and a very nice feminine cologne wafted into my nose.
"Hey, who are you?" The person asked making me pause in my track. "And what are you doing here. I don't recognize you," she said coldly.
I took a long deep breath, feeling a headache coming my way. So, she knew every worker in the house? Even from the back.
"I'm Melissa, and I'm a new maid," I replied passively. The way she sounded, she was either Mr Brown's woman or his sister.
"You're a maid? Are you sure about that because you don't look like one. Or are you one of those girls who disguises as one to steal people's men."
Okay! She was his woman, and I didn't really have the strength to deal with her at all. What the fuck was wrong with the people in this house?
"I'm a maid ma'am, and I'm not here to steal people's men," I said mockingly and began to climb again.
"Stop there, young lady," she yelled furiously. "Now, turn back and leave. I don't need any of you to take care of my man for me. I'm back now, and I'll do it myself."
With that, she angrily past me and I stood there frozen and dumbfounded. So, what exactly was I supposed to do now?