"I could just take my clothes off to get it back Ms. Winters." I said innocently before taking a sip of my coffee
"At least take me on a date first Miss Collins." She joked before placing her mug into the sink
She was so hot and cold this morning and I have no idea how I ended up here last night but god I was glad I had. I've done a lot of stupid shit but accidentally wandering onto her lawn and kissing her last night has to be one of the best drunken mistakes I've ever made.
I smirked at her "What time should I pick you up?"
"On what, your skateboard?" She laughed as she turned to look at me
She looked sexy leaning back against the counter with her emerald eyes on mine.
I shook my head rolling my eyes "No in my car dumbass."
She smiled with curiosity in her eyes "If you have a car why skateboard to school?"
I grinned at her "My parents don't like when I hotbox the whip but I prefer being high for high school, I mean it's in the name."
She groaned "Seriously you'd rather skateboard to school than drive just so you can get high?"
"Have you ever been high?" I questioned curiously
A cute blush filled her cheeks "I may have."
"I'm gonna find your stash." I joked setting my coffee down and running through the living room and into her bedroom
She chased after me yelling "Blair get out of my room."
As soon as I was inside I knew why, she had a vibrator just chilling on her nightstand.
I quickly picked it up and when she entered the room she looked horrified "What's this Ms. Winters?"
"You know what it is Blair now give it to me." She stated trying to grab it from me
I jumped on her bed and laughed "This is pretty big Ms. Winters."
It was honestly, it was a 8 inch vibrating dildo and the thought of her using it was enough to make me soaking wet.
She smirked at me crossing her arms over her chest "Sounds like you're used to small dicks."
"More like I'm used to no dicks and a lot of pussy." I chuckled as I tossed her the vibrator
She caught it and quickly hid it in the night stand drawer as I jumped off the bed.
"Out." She stated pointing to the living room
I rolled my eyes but obliged as I made my way back to the kitchen where my coffee was waiting for me.
"Please do not go through my stuff." She huffed as she entered the kitchen
I smirked "Yes ma'am."
"Ugh, we should get you home, you're too nosey." She said glaring at me
I laughed softly "I think we both know you enjoy my antics."
"Mhm sure." She said rolling her eyes at me
I smirked remembering our earlier conversation "So what time should I pick you up for our date?"
"Never." She laughed
I frowned at her "C'mon let me take you out, I usually don't even do dates."
"Oh so I'm special?" She asked with a smirk
"Something like that." I teased
She laughed and shook her head "We cannot go out on a date around here, we could run into a student or worse a teacher."
"You know it's funny I think that every time I'm trashed and I go into a fast food restaurant." I joked before continuing "How about a stay at home date?"
"So sex?" She said bluntly catching me off guard
I laughed nervously "No, dinner at my house tonight."
"At your parents house." She countered
"Yes Alice, at my parents house." I replied rolling my eyes
"What if they come home?" She questioned
I laughed hysterically causing a look of confusion to fill her face "Yeah that won't happen, you don't even wanna know what I usually do when they're gone."
"Mmm," she hummed "fine I'll come over for dinner."
I internally high fived myself before realizing I also needed a ride home to prepare "Any chance I could have a ride home?"
"Any chance you remember your address now?" She questioned
"31 Pine Street." I replied with a small smile "I can help you find it so you'll know where it is when you come over for our date."
"You're a bad influence on me." She chuckled "Let's go."
We walked out to her car, it was a gray Nissan Rogue and the inside was spotless even for a newer car.
"Wow your car is so clean." I complimented once we were both buckled
She laughed "Used to the teenage mess?"
"You say that like you're so much older than me." I grumbled
"I am." She replied as we pulled out of the driveway
I rolled my eyes "Not really, but either way, you're a clean freak I can already tell."
"I am not." She said defensively
"Mhm sure." I replied using her line from earlier "Turn up here."
Once we made it to my house, she parked in the driveway and I looked over at her lips that I so desperately wanted to kiss. As if reading my mind she pulled me into a short heated kiss before pulling back and smiling at me.
"See you at six." I smirked
"See you then." She replied blushing
I hopped out of her car and went inside my empty house to take a shower. I had slept in the wet clothes from last night but luckily managed to not lose my phone that was in my back pocket. I was thanking the lords that it was waterproof because if not, I would be totally fucked. I pulled the damp clothes off before throwing them in the hamper and starting the shower. I hopped in once it warmed up and let the hot water work it's magic on my sore body. As Alice's face popped into my mind I couldn't help but get horny all over again. I mean I basically just had one of the hottest women I've seen teasing and kissing me all morning, can you blame me? My hand slowly made its way between my legs and I rubbed my clit slowly while the water hit my back and fell to the floor. As I sped up I couldn't stop thinking about the events of the morning and before I knew it I reached my climax.