Belle turned in the comfortable bed, which she laid in. Slowly opening her eyes, she touched around the bed for her phone as she did routinely whenever she woke up but it wasn't on the bed.
With sleepiness still in her eyes, she was almost going back to sleep when she heard her phone ring loudly, forcing her to open her eyes. Looking around, she couldn't see where it was but she could hear it buzz with her ringing tone. It sounded like it was coming from the mini table sitting in the middle of two cream coloured sofas.
She sighed because she knew she couldn't walk over there to get it, she felt like she was unable to walk after the early morning ended with Ben. Her legs were weak and shaky when she had walked to the bathroom to pee after the sun came out. She saw that he had left and she was glad, glad that she didn't have to face this stranger who made her cry when he sexed her, glad that she didn't have to see him again.
The phone stopped ringing and she sighed once more attempting to close her eyes and return to sleep, the phone's ringing tone went off again, so she knew she had to answer this one because the person had now called more than twice. Dragging her legs lazily, she picked up the phone from her purse.
"Belle?" She heard Brie from over the phone. "Belle, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired." Belle replied, walking back to the bed, still naked, she didn't mind, there was no one else in the room.
"Where are you now, in a cab?"
"No, why?"
"You are still at the hotel?" Brie asked worriedly.
"Do you plan on staying there till tonight? You have to leave or they could charge you for another night once it's 7pm."
"Isn't that the time the room was booked yesterday? If you stay still seven then you are gonna have to pay for one more day."
"I'm tired....."
"You want me to come pick you?" Brie asked.
"No, I think I can get back home myself, it's just....I wanna relax more before coming back home, I mean there's still time till seven right?"
"Do you know what's the time?"
"No, probably 8am, I think?"
"What? It's 5:30! 5:30pm!"
"It's 5:30, I didn't wanna disturb you, you probably decided to spend more time with this guy, but then I got worried and had to call." Belle didn't say anything more after her cousin. She couldn't believe she slept through the day and thought it was still morning.
"I'll be home soon." She just said before cutting the call.
Looking around the room, her clothes weren't on the floor like they were when Ben took it off her, they were laying on the sofa, her earrings were still there at the table but she couldn't find her underwear which she clearly remembered he had torn off her impatiently last night. She rubbed her face with her palms, sitting on the bed for some time.
There was a knock on the door. She took the blanket and wrapped her body with it. When she opened the door, it was a man in blue t-shirt and black trousers, he was a worker at the hotel. He was holding a bag in both hands, looking at her disheveled hair.
"Good day ma'am." He said smiling.
"Good day." She responded his greetings still not sure why he was at the door.
"These are for you ma'am." He lifted the bags waiting for her to take them from her.
"What are they?"
"Hotel service." He lied. He was ordered not to inform her that Ben had arranged for clothes from her, so he simply told her they were from the hotel.
"Hotel service?"
"Yes ma'am, clothes and other things." He smiled again. "I actually came thrice earlier, but you seem not to have heard me knock."
"Oh sorry, I've been sleepy all day." she apologized naturally.
"No ma'am, it's my job, don't apologize." She nodded, taking the bags from him.
When he had left and she had closed the doors, she rested her back on the door with a huge sigh before going to the bathroom.
"Belle!" Brie exclaimed excitedly when she opened the door to their apartment and saw Belle standing there with her shoulder resting against the wall.
"Is she back?" Cherry ran out asking.
"Yeah yeah yeah. Come in." Brie answered her room mate before taking the bag from Belle.
"Oh my.....You changed your clothes, you went shopping?" Cherry asked when she saw Belle walk in wearing a new black dress and flats instead of the heels she left with.
"Come on, give her some space Cherry." Brie scolded Cherry, sitting next to Belle on the couch."When you are done resting, you are going to tell us how it went though."
Belle chuckled at the two girls' drama.
"There's nothing to tell you both."
"What do you mean there' was it? Let's start at that." Cherry joined them on the couch, sitting with her legs crossed.
"Yeah, how was your first time? Did you enjoy it?" Brie also asked.
"Of course she enjoyed it, Brie, what kind of question is that?"
"You are not her, Cherry." Brie replied Cherry, making Belle laugh more.
"It was good." Belle finally talked getting up to go to the room.
"Wait what?" Cherry asked, a little surprised.
"I said it was good." Belle repeated standing at the room's door.
"Just good?" Brie asked.
"Yeah." Belle nodded, not wanting to explain in details what happened through last night till this morning with she and Ben as she found it private. "It was actually very good." She smiled at them, hoping she didn't make it sound like her first time wasn't as good as she expected because it was.
She fell to the bed once she got in, still tired, she faced the ceiling in thought. Now that she was thinking of it, she thought it was crazy how she actually planned to have sex with a complete stranger through an app. Even if Cherry said she had done it before and it was completely safe, she didn't know what Ben looked like before going to the hotel.
Many of the profiles had pictures of themselves but he didn't but somehow got her attention. She couldn't help but ask herself if it was because his profile was as simple as hers.
He only stated that he lived in city S and was twenty nine and that he hadn't had sex in a while. After her thoughts, she concluded that she didn't care because she was never going to see him again.
Heyy, you reading, thanks for reading this far please don't stop, support me in any way that you can. Your reviews, your comments, your criticism, all of it, I would really appreciate them. I love you.
Really I do, I don't know you but you are reading, so I love you.