Chandigarh, 2020
A sudden screeching cacophony got me back from the nostalgic sentiments of my ancientness to my present and I saw my baby who was sobbing hysterically in the arms of my frenetic hubby. How expected of you, Pritika, I rebuked myself and hastily reaped my baby in my arms and sat on the mattress to feed her. She had never gotten up like this, today would be a unique day out of all the three-hundred-sixty-three days that she had been bequeathed to us.
Divyaant brooded and he too sat beside me on the bed looking at our baby in deep solicitude. "She was quite crotchety today, so much like her mother". It took me a minute to discern what he had asserted, this person leaves no chance unturned to aggravate me up like this.
I glared at him and punched him on his chest when I felt a sudden prick on my bosom, an excruciating pain-inducing prickle. Karma never forgets my address and the speed-post it always sends to me with extra gifts, I puffed out in utter soreness and irritation and glanced at my guffawing toddler who enjoyed biting me as much as she did with those soft toys of her.
From the time she had gotten teeth, she used to bite anything, non-living to living and my bosom was one of her favourite spots as her chortle and amusement was the highest whenever she did that. Divyaant likewise started chuckling along with his mischievous daughter, but before I could have scolded Divyanka in my novice voice, she resumed her task and didn't bother me after that.
Pulling me against his chest and giving me support on my back, Divyaant mumbled near my neck, "She is daddy's girl, she cannot tolerate a single scratch on her father, wifey". I couldn't interpret sometimes that was he, my husband, Divyaant the way his moods used to swing from one tree to another resembling much like a monkey. "Of course she is, all her crankiness comes from you only, hubby," two can play the game, I snickered and settled comfortably against his torso.
After a long time, we were having such special moments as he was invariably occupied in encompassing new modifications inside his newly established law firm and I too was always busy in managing Divyanka and her stubborn tantrums that she always threw. "And all her wild cat-like hallmarks is bequeathed by her mother exclusively, isn't it so, wifey?" he teased triumphantly, playing with my tresses, braiding and unbraiding it carelessly.
"Pritika..." before Divyaant could've advanced further towards the footsteps of Sharukh Khan, my mother-in-law exasperated out, coming inside our room hastily, taking longer steps. I immediately adjusted my scarf near my bosom and shifted away from the fretful husband of mine who had a scowl on his face now.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, she aforementioned, "Why was Gudia crying like this? I was panicked when I heard her scream," saying this, she glanced at her naughty granddaughter who was now gibbering at her favourite person nevertheless she didn't leave my side. "Once she's full, I will take her to my room, last night I saw the lights were on in your bedroom, she might have not let you sleep, again? Isn't it? Take rest for a little while, beta, today you'd be fasting so proper rest is required," concern lacing her sweet tone, she patted my cheeks and smiled at me.
Meanwhile, Divyaant started narrating her about the recent trip he had made to Bhiwani, our ancestral place and mother could only glow more and more, getting to know about the positive changes that had transpired over there since the last year we had visited Bhiwani. Our family hailed from Bhiwani, Rajasthan but Divyaant's grandfather was the first one to migrate to Chandigarh at the time of partition as there was a lot of chaos and other bigotries rushing in that period.
In India, a girl is warned to be in limits and be reserved in front of your in-laws but I had an opposite case. I was more open to my in-laws rather than my family. It was all because of my mother-in-law only and her love for me that I could be the most felicitous in this house.
After Divyanka's tummy and hunger was full, Mother took her in her arms and after making her burp, she left the room, after petting my forehead and proving for the umpteenth time that she loved me more than her son, I giggled teasingly and showed my tongue at him. But instead of doing any stunt with me, he got up from the bed and fastened the door, now showing me his lopsided grin. Something, something in his mind, I mused childishly.
"So, what were you saying? I am being a cranky baby? Let's see who's being cranky," I could see the waggish tint in his orbs and the way he was sauntering towards me, a boffola appeared on my lips thinking about the accomplishment of my plan once he'd be near me. "We cannot be lovey-dovey today, hubby, I have a fast and you too, although secretly. So, please no calories burning activity today," once I was almost on his lap, I unveiled the sardonic truth laughing joyfully at his dull and sunken reaction. My hands were circumvented around his neck and I was facing him, smiling and laughing like an idiot.
Vexation warping his visage, he maddened out, "Okay, I am going to brush my teeth and take a shower, you take rest". I knew he was angry but I also knew he would understand, he never failed on that. I drew back my hands and got up from his lap giving him a grin that he returned with a scowl. Once he was inside the lavatory, I lied on the bed and sighed in absolute exuberance and contentment.
This family had given me so much, that an outsider could never get in any house which doesn't belong to his/her community. I was not of Marwadi community yet I am supremely married to this husband of mine and of course his family. Taking a trip down my memory lane about those old reminiscences, I relocated my phone from the drawer and started swiping through the gallery section of the three best years old life of mine.
January 6, 2017, when the first seed of love was planted between us starting with a heart-jerking boo. A drop of tear unknowingly plummeted down my right eye. But before I could've rendered more of my pearls, I was back hugged out of the blue by none other than my hippopotamus who was fresh as a fish out of the water, I laughed gleefully when he started tickling me on my waist.
"Leave me, you idiot, leave me, hip.." my 'hippo' was left incomplete as his lips conquered over mine, surpassing my every laugh that I was chortling earlier.
I was completely unprepared. He never left a chance to tame me, to overwhelm me. Every time he touched me, it felt like he was touching me for the very first time. Warmth spread throughout my entire body. Those kisses were my salvation and my torment. Before I could be breathless, he left my lips and stared down at me in sheer adoration and love, the love which could burn me and drown me at the same time, my mind mused in a jigsaw panting heavily. But a sudden throb of guilt and remorse surfaced my palpitating heart.
It shouldn't have happened. No!
"Now, no kisses for the entire day, not even one. It's our fast today...", I was dumbly interrupted again as he started articulating in his domineering voice, "So? On fast husbands cannot kiss their wives too? In which book you've read that? Tell me? I agree with the intercourse part but why kiss, Chikki?". Wow, he had used his-given nickname after so many days, I beamed internally.
"Huh, you can never understand, carnal desires are to be kept at bay whenever we are fasting, Boo Boo. Just like we keep the food temptation at bay on a fasting day, similarly, we should keep such desires away for a day, so," saying this, I embraced him, snuggling closer to him. "But hugging is allowed?" he could be the most inquisitive baby, I tell you, I sighed in annoyance and muttered a yes for him.
Keeping my locks away from falling on my eyes, he whispered smoothly, "Our baby will be one-year-old in just two days, how are we going to celebrate it? You have thought about it?".
"Of course, I was just going to discuss it with you, what if we call all our friends and families and celebrate it in some other city. We can have a family-time too, na?" I pitched in eagerly as I too was excited to celebrate my rasgulla's first birthday. Time flew so fast, I couldn't believe she was one-year-old now, a grown-up baby
Grinning proudly at my idea, he affirmed, "That'd be awesome, Chikki. Rasgulla would love to meet all the other children after all she loves children around her".
I smiled coquettishly, recollecting about my Rasgulla's memories when she was just so tiny.
Breaking my chain of thoughts, Divyaant put the last nail in the coffin, "I was thinking to give a piece of happy news to our Rasgulla on her birthday so that on her next birthday, her brother or sister would also be singing 'Happy birthday' song to her in their cute voice, what do you say?".
"Gaindeeee," I shrieked emphatically and started smacking him with the pillow as he had endeavoured to take off the scarf from my scruff, with his chortling laughter playing in the background.
After the commotion in our bedroom, the rest of the day was spent in preparing and later celebrating for the 'Teej' festival, by the way, a very very,
Happy Teej!