The lady woke up and didn't see Henry on the bed. She quickly wrapped the blanket around her bare body, walking out. At a point of her search, she began perceiving smoke and knew something actually was burning off. Then she put on clothes, leaving the house, heading to the direction she thought smoke could be coming from.
She felt like screaming his name, but she remembered she didn't even know a bit of him.
"Hey!" She would call out instead, hoping he shows off from his hiding place. Afterwards, she got no response and so decided to call again until her eyes caught up with Henry who squatted before a burning flame.
When she came closer, she saw the briefcase, just open and empty and knew he had been burning money.
"What the thump are you doing?" She screeched, really blown up by Henry's crazy decision.
"That's over a million dollars! Oh heavens I had known it was money." She regretfully said.
"You had a time last night and what about the money too? I believe you ain't to be paid from the briefcase." Henry told her, standing up to leave.
"But you stole the briefcase from the owner!" She yelled at his ignorance, wishing she could pluck it out of him.
Henry "The briefcase is neither theirs." Henry calmly replied, bringing down the hood.
"Whatever. Then yours. You could have kept it or something. Oh Christ!" The young lady gradually became crazy over the wastage.
"It belongs to no one. It returned to the owner." He replied her taking out steps, leaving.
"Who's the fuckin owner? The air or the impossible heavens?" The lady asked all the more.
"It returned to no one. It belongs to no one." He specifically answered, walking out.
The lady sighed heavily, walking back into her house, heading to the fridge. Then, she found out a piece raw beef almost eaten up. Looking up at the fridge with a taste of confusion, she realised more of beefs eaten up into halves and frightening scars on the wall of the fridge's door. Then she ran out, screaming to Henry who had gone far.
"Hey, you! You ate up the beefs in the fridge and still burn up some cool dollars? Who the thump does that? I think I got you really crazy last night. Her chiming voice slowly died down to her sudden deliberation.
"Was that a night of a damn trial? Yeah, he's pretty good in bed. Yeah, yeah." She soliloquiesed, walking back into her house.
Henry increased his pace and walked through a dirty tunnel, heading out. He avoided the spots that ushered the fierce sun rays until he was out. Then he stood at the exit, looking out to the field where some people hung out. He paced backwards, and sat on a block, with his face hidden inside the hood. Soon, he began hearing foot steps and knew someone was coming with innocent steps. He didn't care to see who it was, but kept looking down, very mute.
It was a girl, she was smoking and walking down the tunnel, towards Henry. She sat and released a smoke, taking off the hood.
"Hey." She sighed softly at Henry, but he said nothing.
"Have you been to death before? You know, it's really crazy to ask, but trust me, I have met it once." She said again as Henry was really interested. But he chose not to be noticed, as the girls cigarette fell into the drops of water on the ground.
"Shit." She rushed in with a stressed but quick breath.
She put her hand into her jacket and put out a second stick of Cigarette, turning it to and fro between his right index finger and the middle finger, looking pensive at the ground. Meanwhile Henry, inasmuch as he wanted to know what death was, also wanted to see the girl. But a part of him didn't agree to it, only to stare at the ground, mute.
"It's pretty dangerous and all the stuff. You'll face rejection at some point, and defi- fuckin- nitely meet those...... loneliness. You'll feel death the moment.... your heart begins to swell, blead and learn to death. Nothing around makes you comfortable, if not put up more disasters and then, you'll actually feel there's no life because you are fuckin dead. Well that's not the problem here, just wanted to spill a hey with a reminder of a dead body just like you're seeing me rigok out his hand with a cigarette lighter, liting it up to a slight smoking and slow burning at its tail with a red light that delivered the thick smoke.
"Thanks." She sighed, putting the cigarette too her lips.
Afterwards, she went on talking while a strange thing silently began. The vague veins that went through her neck showed up apparently and occasionally. It caught Henry's glance and he could tell he was really salivating but he thought he couldn't control whatever that had come upon him. Her heart beat sounded more louder, and he could hear the flushing of blood down her tiny networks of arteries and veins. His teeth at some point began hitting over to the vibration that moved the upper jaw, incessantly hitting the lower jaw.
"I'm Stephanie." The girl said, releasing the smoke through her slightly opened mouth that created a stronger pressure and taking out her right hand to have a handshake with Henry.
But he stared at her and she chuckled, withdrawing her already aching wrist.
"Um... So what do...." The girl was yet speaking after some time of taking in the smoke, when she was interrupted by the gulping sound she heard. It was Henry, throwing up at his side.
"Are you okay?" She asked, holding her cigarette aside, standing and inching to his front.
Henry still said nothing, but slowly looked up to her, with his wet long hair that had left off his his captivating black hood. He breathed heavily through his mouth, looking directly into Stephanie's blue eyes.
"Are you sure you're...." Stephanie had wanted to ask, as Henry held her head, kissing her lips with a quick act, holding tight her head.
Stephanie however, couldn't get her breath easily since her mouth went to his and his pointed nose pressed against hers. She quickly put down her hands, unzipping Henry's trouser and putting out his hard cock and quickly squatted, throwing off the cigarette she had been holding all the while. She stroke her enclosed hand on it severally, before forcing it into her mouth, trying to get it all in to her mouth. Henry dragged her up by her hair and pushed her against the wall of the tunnel, putting out her under wear and inserting his hard cock into her ass that was already getting wet.
"No, no, stop it!" Stephanie fumbled with a quick breath, but Henry had held her firmly, pounding his hard cock into Stephanie. She kept forcing through Henry's hard grip to get away, but she just couldn't. She had to lift her heel backwards, hitting his butts hardly. That way she escaped, after she had successfully pushed him to the ground. Then, Henry slept off.