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Love her beyond time!

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Caline Soveneer is a daughter of a wealthy family. She was inherently disgusted with her current life, when she was youn...

KingGoodgirlSweetgxgTrue Love

Chapter 1 : Being a rich lady, really unhappy...

Caline Soveneer, a young lady from a rich family. She is well educated, beautiful and intelligent. Since she was a child, she has sucked on a golden spoon, admired by many people. But few people know that her life is inherently extremely boring.

People only know how to judge a person by their appearance, few people know how to judge a person by their heart?

Living in velvet does not mean joy and happiness.

Living in wealth does not mean that everything can be bought with money.

Has anyone asked her if she lived a happy life?


Caline's parents were married for profit, giving birth to her because they wanted an heir at the urging of the two families. From a young age, her parents were rarely at home. Caline greatly admired children his age. They are taken by their parents to go out on weekends and eat rice cooked by their mother.

But what about her? From a young age, she was surrounded by servants who took care of all kinds of things. Taught by the best tutors. It was not until she was 15 years old that Caline went to school. She gets to eat rice cooked by the chef. Live in a big mansion with everything.

Just like a princess living in a castle. At the end of the month, her parents will visit her once. Mostly the two of them just asked if she was missing anything? Are she well?

Caline wants to be a web novel author. Her debut novel series is a series of novels. Loved by many readers.

' Queen of Entella. '

At noon, Caline sat on the balcony reading a book. The light rays of the sun shine down through the purple wisteria flowers. From time to time, there was still a light breeze blowing through. Pleasant, she thought.

Caline looked up at the purple wisteria petals fluttering in the wind and sun. The scent of wisteria flowers is mildly fragrant, making people feel a little comfortable.

Caline once read a sentence in a book, purple wisteria "is a symbol of an undying, eternal love..." Can she meet such a person? That person is ready to love her, whoever she is. Will that person be willing to do everything for her? Bring her happiness…

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and she looked at the clock in the room. At this hour, only one person came to find her.

It was Mrs. Loesi, her housekeeper. She is the one who arranges the study schedule as well as the reasonable rest time for her. Always the same ,…

Caline stretched out, got up, opened the door, and the housekeeper straightened his back to look at her. Loesi said in a deep voice.

"It's time for lunch, Lady Caline."

"I'll be right down."

Just stepped out of the room, outside the balcony. A purple wisteria petal slowly fell onto her necklace. This necklace is the one she bought from a jewelry store on the street.

Before leaving, she also told her.

“Young lady, are you wishing for someone to love you no matter who you are? But don't worry, you will find the right person. The right person in a strange situation you will encounter.”

“What you need to do is not let go of that person's hand under any circumstances. Remember 'Every love has its price'. Who will volunteer to pay that price? That let time decide everything.”

An absurd statement? Even though she thought so, she still believed in that statement. That's why Caline was always thinking about this.


After eating lunch, Caline went up to her room again. She did not intend to take a nap, but continued to read her book on the balcony. Caline suddenly saw the bracelet she bought yesterday, it is very beautiful. The pattern on the ring is very delicate. Involuntarily, she picked it up.

She put it on, the wind suddenly blew so hard that the wisteria flowers tilted to one side. Small flower petals wrapped around Caline's body. The sweet scent of flowers made her sleepy. Caline tried to hold back, not letting herself fall asleep.

A strange voice began to speak...

[ The system starts counting down ! ]

[ 5…4…3…2…1…0…]

" What ?..."

She started to lose consciousness….

The voice of the old woman at the jewelry store still resounded in waves. “…A suitable person in a strange situation you will encounter.”

The right person, in a strange situation….


“Lady Caline, wake up…”

Who is that ? Who is waking me up? The light is so bright, I can't see well...

“Caline! How long do you plan to bake it?! I still have afternoon tea with the Queen today!!!”

“Savi, you wake him up quickly!”

"Yes, Master Kevin."

Too noisy . Who is Young Master Kevin? Who is Savi?

Caline sat up and looked around in surprise. This room isn't yours?! This room is quite simple, with a faint scent of wisteria.

Did she pass through the air? Caline lime ran to the dressing table. This face belongs to her. But what is the current situation?

“Hey Savi. May I ask you a few questions?"

"Okay, you can ask me anything."

" Who am I ?"

“Young lady is the only daughter of Duke Selena. The Queen's best friend during her school days."

“Oh…I get the gist of the problem.”

" Yes ?"

She stood up and stretched. Looking out, smiling.

“Prepare a simple outfit for me. Later, I will go to the palace to have tea with the Queen."

"Yes ma'am."


Caline silently looked at the surroundings on the way to the palace. The weather is warm, with occasional breezes. The leaves on the trees swayed gently in the wind, everyone was busy doing their own thing.

She is very curious about the Queen she is about to meet, according to the description in the novel she wrote, this person has silky silver hair. She has crooked teeth and extremely sharp eyes. Make other people look scared.

Although beautiful, she is an extremely unapproachable person. That Queen's name was Anthelisa Entella.

"Very smart girl, as expected, I chose the wrong person."

A white cat appeared. Her big, purple eyes were like wisteria flowers. Although Savi was still sitting here, she didn't seem to be paying much attention, as if she hadn't seen it.

" Who are you ?"

“I am the system that will help you with your future quests, my name is Lu. Nice to meet you ."

"Do you think I'm happy? Send me back to the real world quickly!!!”

"Sorry but I can't, master has to finish all the quests before he can go home."

“How many quests are there?”

“Nearly a hundred quests, master. Could it be more?”

"What's the first mission?"

“Where is the hurry? This is just the beginning.”

You really want to strangle that cat named Lu, how long will it take to complete more than a hundred missions?

But you also have to accept your fate. At this point, it's okay to not do it.

The carriage stopped, and Caline got out. She wears a simple white dress that exudes purity. Hair tied with a red bow. She walked in slowly, the palace was really magnificent. The sentinels glared harder than ever, and inside, servants ran back and forth, making people dizzy.

The servant led her into a large room, filled with books. Caline looked around with curious eyes. After all, how many books are there? Caline picked up a book and read it intently.

She loves reading books, since she was a child, unlike other children her age who often play with dolls or toys. She likes to read again, just sitting in her room reading all day. Her mother told her to read a book every day and summarize its contents in the most detail.

Of course she would be smarter than any other kid her age. Her parents are never at home. They often travel everywhere for work. They left her a large mansion, left her with a bank card for her to buy things she liked. But they did not leave her the warmth and love of a real family.

"You seems to like books, doesn't you?"

A voice rang out, startling Caline and dropping the book on the floor.

“Good morning Queen .” Caline bowed respectfully.

"What's the point of bowing so respectfully between us? you sat down."

She picked up the book and placed it on the table. The Queen was very young, according to her memory, Anthelisa was only 18 years old. So she's the same age as her, even though she's not here, she still hasn't been able to accurately capture everything that's going on.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other, hasn't it?"

" Yes..."

"You don't have to be so nervous, even though I'm Queen, I still want to be a commoner."

“Is that what you thinks?”

Anthelisa did not answer, she looked at her and smiled slightly. Caline looked into her eyes, eyes as blue as the ocean, deep and hard to guess her current emotions.

"Do you think it's easy to govern a country?"

"Yes , of course not."

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