It was very clear that I needed people to work with me, working alone I didn't earn much, I only got a few pieces of crafts a day, when I should have a large volume of pieces.
I've always managed on my own, but it was high time to give in and seek help, but first I would have to calculate my expenses well and see how many people I could pay for.
It was always the same thing, one day I would do my production, and the next day I would go out to sell and come back with nothing.
Not that this is a bad thing, in fact this is very good, but it could increase the production of parts and make more profit.
Since I came back from the center, I haven't put anything in my stomach, I always had lunch with my father and Danda, but I was so swamped with work that I preferred to have a snack with the things I found in the fridge.
After eating, I took my cell phone and saw that there were 8 calls from Danda.
I didn't return, but grabbed the truck keys immediately and went to her.
I drove as fast as I could, despite the inn being very close to my house, but I thought that something had happened to our father.
But when I arrived, I found Danda and Cris talking calmly, but I noticed that Cris' eyes were red.
- What happened? Why are you crying Cris?
She didn't answer me, and to make matters worse, she turned her back on me and walked away quickly.
I looked at Danda, who was clearly tense.
I thought a thousand nonsense.
Could it be if Cris was pregnant and I didn't know? It's okay that she took contraceptives, but nothing is totally effective.
But if I had, I would be man enough to take it, even though I said a thousand times that I didn't want to have children right now, actually, not with her.
- What happened Danda? Is our father well?
Dandara: Our father? What about him?
- I don't know Danda, that's why I'm asking you, you called me several times, so I thought something had happened to him.
Dandara: Ah, it was nothing like that. Daddy is fine.
She looked off into the middle of nowhere, as if she was hiding something from me, or working up the courage to speak.
- Danda, can you tell me why you called me and why you're acting so strangely?
Dandara: Dilan, how many Kyras have you met in your life?
The question was strange, and I didn't understand where she was going with this.
- Just a Dandara, but what kind of question is that? I'm full of things to do, and talking about Kyra is not something I enjoy talking to you about.
Dandara: Dilan, come here.
She called me to take a look at the computer, where I saw the registration of a guest named Kyra.
For a minute, I felt my heart race.
- Do you think it's her Danda?
Dandara: I don't know Dilan, she's in the same room you slept in.
I started walking in large steps towards the rooms, and Dandara ran after me.
Dandara: Dilan, don't do anything crazy, you don't know if it's her, what are you going to knock on her door and say? It will scare the girl.
She was right, I didn't know if it was her or not, it could be anyone, and I would be making a fool of myself if I kept acting like this.
I turned around and headed for the exit.
- I'm going home Danda, I need to think.
Dandara: And Cris Dilan?
- What about her?
Dandara: If she was like that just with the possibility of being Kyra, how do you think Cris will be if it really is her?
- Seeing Kyra is all I want in this life Danda, and if the woman in that room is really her, it won't be Cris that will stop me from doing what I think since the day Kyra was ripped out of my life.
Dandara: Dilan, can't you see that this is crazy? You were a child, and so was she? They didn't even know what love was.
- Love Danda, is what neither time nor distance is able to erase.
I might not even know what love meant back then. But today I know.
I walked out, and got into my truck, and stared at the steering wheel for long minutes, until I finally managed to get out of the corner and go home.
I walked into the house gasping for air, held the handkerchief that belonged to her, and wished deeply that it was really her, inside the room.
I sat on the couch and tried to catch my breath.
I spent so much time imagining what it would be like if she came back that now I can't think of what I'm going to do when I see her.
What if she doesn't remember me anymore?
- What the hell Dilan, try to keep calm.
I got up from the couch and went to take a shower, the afternoon was already approaching, and I needed to do what I always did at times like this.
I needed to go to the beach, I needed to feel the wind hit my face, and take away all these uncertainties that I had.
After showering and dressing, I grabbed Kyra's scarf.
For me, it didn't matter how ridiculous the fact that I carried this scarf everywhere could be, but it was my way of getting around the longing and the pain of not having her with me.
I left the house, and walked to the beach, thinking about a million things, thinking about going to the inn after the beach and trying to see if the woman in the room was really Kyra.
When I was almost arriving at the pier, I couldn't hear my thoughts anymore.
The sound of the sea had disappeared, my legs were unresponsive, and I was no longer feeling the wind in my face. I was paralyzed.
I could only pay attention to the girl who was a few meters away from me.
She was on the pier, her back to me, her hair brown and wavy, it swayed in the wind, the way Kyra's hair did.
I stayed a while watching the girl, who seemed to be enjoying the sea, and the birds, the way I always did when I needed some time alone.
I wondered whether or not I should approach.
What if it wasn't her?
I don't know how many minutes I stayed still, but I decided to walk towards the girl.
There was no one else, just the two of us, and a giant feeling of hope.
The hope of really being her.
As I approached, she noticed my presence.
But she didn't turn around right away.
She stood still for a while, before looking at me.
It looked like she wasn't afraid, or knew exactly who I was.
I also stayed still, waiting for the moment when she finally turned around, and when she turned to me, and faced me, I was sure, in the exact moment we looked at each other, it was her, my Kyra.
I would recognize that look anywhere in the world, and in any passage of time.
She had the same sweetness as always.
We stood facing each other, looking at each other, not saying a word, as if this moment meant everything, as if we didn't need words.
- Dilan...Kyra
We speak our names together.
Nothing changed, everything stayed exactly the same, and I was sure she never forgot me.