Liza and I are in panic mode right now. How is he here? We are not supposed to live together, this is so annoying. I really can't fathom how I feel right now. Looking at Gretta for explanation, she just smiled sadly at me, turned off the gas and walked out of the kitchen. Okay that was weird
Walking over to me Liza placed her hands on my shoulder and sighed. Frowning slightly she looked at me in confusion "I thought you both are not supposed to live together?"
Running my hands through my hair I groaned "I thought so too Liza, this all feels like some stupid dream, i really need to call my parents for an explanation. I can't even imagine living with that guy"
Smiling Liza said "well I can" she smiled dreamily. I glared at her and she raised her eyebrows. "what? he's hot, I mean I'm not blind". Liza said waving her hands
Shaking my head at her I take shaky breaths and try my best to calm myself down. Walking over to the fridge I take an apple and start eating it. Liza just sighed and started operating her phone. Some minutes later Gretta walked back into the kitchen to tell me my presence was needed in the living room.
I mentally prepared myself for whatever was going to happen and went straight to the living room. Okay this is weird. I gasped in surprise seeing my parents seated together with Miss Claudia, Damien's mum.
When my mum spotted me she stood up dramatically and rushed over to me giving me a tight hug. "Francesca dear I missed you so much. You hardly even call us anymore" mum said sweetly while smiling sadly. I took my time to take in her appearance, she is currently putting on a green knee-length gown with black heels. Her blond straight her has been tied in a neat bon. Returning her smile I raised my eyebrows.
"Mum you know I'm busy at the hospital, at least you could have called" I said to her with sarcasm.
"Oh stop it dear, you know I also tried calling you but I was always occupied"
Oh stop with this unnecessary affection, we both know we haven't seen or spoken for the past two years, since you decided to marry off your daughter because of a so called contract. Get to the point already. WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!
Joining in the fake affection drama dad also stands up and gives me a hug. Having decided that I had enough I moved to the sofa at the end of the living room and sat down. My mother-in-law smiled at me and said something. was it... Oh I don't remember cause I didn't pay attention.
"So Francesca and Damien, you both will now be living together in this house. You will stay in the same room and you will announce your marriage to the public in the next two months. There is need for you two to give birth to an heir but that can be done in the next two years. Any questions? A male lawyer who I didn't even notice was here said.
With every word the lawyer spoke I could feel the anger rising within me, this must be a joke.
I looked at Damien but he sat there emotionless, and just kept tapping his feat on the ground as if he would prefer to be anywhere but here. Well damn him and same here. It's obvious he already knew, I mean that's the only explanation for his sudden visit.
Registering his words I stood up and glared at my parents. My dad was busy grinning like a teenage girl while my mum just kept smiling. Seriously? I'm trying to find the humor in this but nah, it's not working.
"mum, dad you both never mentioned this to me, this was never part of the contract. You told me I didn't have to live with him. How does living together and giving birth to an heir get into this suddenly?" I asked my parents in anger. My dad glared at me in disapproval but I didn't care. He must be joking if he thinks I have a little alum of respect for him right now but I mean if parents are capable of doing this to their children then it's obvious they don't love you. Mum anxiously stoop up and took a step forward, looking from me to Damien she said "we modified the contract"
I could feel the anger rising in me, I knew I would snap anytime soon. What gives them the right to think they can mess with my life. "What? Modified the contract?. What gives you the right to do that. What makes you think you can disrespect me like that. This is my life..."
"Young lady it was stated in the contract that we can modify it anytime" Dad said cutting me off. He gave me a stern look as if trying to stop me from saying what he knew I was about to say.
"You mean the contract you tricked me into signing. The same contract you made sure I never read" I said glaring at him. You know at this point I feel like a fool, a fool that trusts too much. A fool that needs to understand that life can be brutal. From the corner of my eye I could see Damien and his mum exchange a look. But they stayed out if it. Good.
Dad suddenly got up and pointed at me "what are you talking..."
Laughing sarcastically I scoffed "oh please, don't act like you don't know what I'm saying. You called me to sign a document saying it was a surprise and I shouldn't read it, I foolishly complied because of the love and trust I had for you both. But what did you do? You told me it was a contract and I shouldn't bother reading it, if I knew the content of that contract I would be damned if I signed it" I said to my dad angrily, I could see the guilt on their faces, but I knew their ego will never let them do the right thing. My parents wire shocked expressions on their faces, I knew they never expected me to actually say it out, especially in front of their the Lorenzo family. They still thought I was that little defenseless kitten, well look who turned into a lion with claws.
"Language young lady" mum quickly added trying her best not to meet my gaze. Deep down I knew I missed my parents, the parents that actually lived me.
Scoffing I looked at her square in the eye and sarcastically said "sweet parents, don't you think it's too late to start teaching values and manners now? Cause it's obvious you failed" with that I stormed out of the living room and went straight to my room. Locking the door I dropped to my knees, what did I do and who did I offend?
Ugh, what kind of situation have I found myself. I spent the next two hours wallowing in self pity.
After telling myself self pity won't help I decided to take a shower, after thirty minutes I changed into a baggy grey top and black jean shorts. Looking at my self in the mirror I saw a very troubled girl. This was definitely not the Francesca of two years ago. Taking a comb I brushed my hair slowly, taking in my troubled appearance. I finally decided to go outside and head straight for the door. I know my parents must have left by now, I knew when they drove off.
Opening my door, I head over to Liza's room. Which is just two doors from mine by the way. Entering the room I look around and notice it looks empty. Her make-up box is not on the nightstand which is weird. Her make-up box has always been on the nightstand. What? I walk to her closet and it's all empty. It's not like Liza to suddenly disappear. I mean she should have at least informed me she was going.
Panicking I take out my phone from my short's pocket and start calling her. I look for her in the bathroom but she isn't there. Her line is switched off, weird. Something suddenly catches my eye, it's an envelope on the nightstand. Taking it I see my name written on it. Opening it I frown at the contents.
Dear Francesca
Hey Besty, I know you're upset and i understand why. I didn't really mean to leave like that but Your parents and Damien's mum told me you guys ready need privacy and I understand. Please don't be angry, I didn't tell you cause I knew you wouldn't let me leave. It's been a while since I've been to my house and I'm looking forward to sleep overs with you. You're the best housemate ever. Please don't be angry and PS I know you've already tried calling me but my phone's switched off cause I don't want you to scold me. See yah tommorow.
Love you
Liza :-)
This it's really the height of it. My parents overstepped. Liza is the only person that has been there for me. Groaning I make my way out of the room and rush down the stairs. I decide to go to the large garden and relax. On my way there Rio smiles at me in greeting but I just wave at him and run to the garden. The scenery here is incredible, there are different types of flowers and plants. There are planted in a colour like method. Seating on swing I put on my ear plugs and dive into the world of music. I song along to my favorite romantic songs, this are those eare times where I just let go and live.
"Cause I never knew I loved you, I believe in love
You are the reason I feel free
You are the apple of my eyes"
I sat there singing to one of my favorite love songs. When i sang to my full, I pulled of my earplugs and slowly opened my eyes. I decide to look around the garden and... what?... who I saw surprised me. Damien Lorenzo was sitting at the far end of the garden watching me. His eyes are unreadable, a muscle in his jaw twitches. He has a laptop and a novel on his lap so... Wait has he been there all this while? Oh My God I didn't notice. I didn't care to look at that side of the garden. His hazel eyes are staring at my blue eyes like he's trying to read me, his forehead creases and I see him turn back to his book. Gosh, blushing I face palm myself.
Wow, what an impression. And why am I blushing like a fool, my singing most have been bad. Ughhhhh this is so embarrassing. Gathering up the courage I turn my head in his direction and meet him staring at me with a smirk on his face. The smirk was gone in a second, but I saw it. It was definitely there. He starts typing something in a fast rhythm and I just sit there in silence.
Wow, I just keep embarrassing myself. Standing up I I take my phone and earplugs and leave the garden before I embarrass myself any further.
It's already getting dark and I'm starving, ohh I just realized I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. Walking to the kitchen I find that Gretta is not there. That's weird, I usually help her in the kitchen every evening, frowning at myself I decide to go look for Rio and ask of Gretta but Rio is not in his post either. After searching around the house and I still didn't find them I start calling their names.
"Gretta, Rio" I shout. After waiting for a response, I still here nothing. I continue shouting their names around the house but still no response. Walking to the living room I'm about to try once more when a voice interrupts me.
"They're not here so please keep your voice down, I'm trying to work here" Turning to the source of the voice I see Damien standing at the top of the stairs with his hands in his sweats pocket. He's currently putting on a white hoodie. His hair look wet, almost like he just had a shower. He raised his brows and he's about to turn when...
"Umm please where are they" I ask after finally finding my voice.
He turns back to me and stares at me for a while, as if contemplating if he should answer. Then finally he just rudely turned his back and went back to his room, he also made a point of slamming the door hard.
Excuse me, oh if that's how he wants to play then trust me two can play this game. Damn.
Walking to the kitchen I go over to the freezer and notice that Gretta has made some food for the evening. Thank God, I'm so hungry. She made some soup, roasted beef, spaghetti and meatballs along with some tacos. Hmm, I'll go with the tacos and and spaghetti accompanied with meatballs. Weird combination right? Who cares!
After warming everything up I take them to the dinning table. I first finish the tacos then get ready for the spaghetti. After two bits if my spaghetti I hear Damien's door opening and his footsteps approaching the dinning room. Deciding to ignore him I continue eating, then he clears his throat twice.
I didn't even bother to look at him, I avoided him like a plague.
"We both know you know I'm standing here" Damien said in a cool voice. Raising my head in his direction I stare for a while then continue eating. He frowns slightly then moved closer to me
"Is the food still remaining, I tried ordering some but there seems to be a network problem" he said again
Smirking I look at him once more and shrug. He balls his hands in a fist. Ignoring him I continue eating.
Suddenly, he takes my hand and drags me to my feet. He cages me between him and the dinning table. He frowns then glares at me. We're so close I can feel his hot breath fanning my face.
"Now answer me" he asks angrily.
"I... Umm..."
Francesca what suddenly cut your tongue, you are usually confident. Don't let this guy make you helpless.
But he's so hot
"Answer me Francesca" he said impatiently. He smells like flowers
Seriously Francesca? Seriously
"It's in the freezer. Gretta cooked some food" I answered. Gathering my courage I turn my face away and drag his hands from the table. After hesitating he finally let's me go and tries to look at my face but I avoid his gaze.
Reaching for my plate I start heading towards the kitchen when his voice stops me.
"They said we have to move in together today, I mean share the same room. They'll know if we don't. Plus we're to go out on a date tomorrow" Without looking at him I start going to the kitchen. After cleaning my plates I see Damien has already warned his food and he makes his way to the dinning table. I'm disturbed from my thoughts when my phone starts ringing, I hit receive and put it on loud speaker since i needed to wash my hands.
"Hello Francesca" a male voice said from the other line
Crap that's Sam's voice. Shit can't this guy just let me be.
"Hey Sam" I reply lazily
"I was wondering if you could come to dinner with me tomorrow" Sam said sweetly
Ugh. I have to break his heart
"Umm Sam I really can't go with you" I said calmly
I could here the sharp intake of breath Sam took
"Why? Is something wrong, did I do something. Did I do anything wrong. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to..."
"You did nothing wrong Sam" I cut him off.
Just then Damien walks in and Sam decided it was the right time to say "I love you".