Diya was in the restaurant area then supervisor comes to talk to her. As she told they informed to the customers about that tanturm happened, but need to apologize.
Diya say with tension, "Okay! Wait a minute... Listen, I have an idea...type a apology letter in that write this was first and last time mistake not again any problem or complain will be ignore as they will try to think and try to solve it. Thanks for their cooperation by giving a flower with chocolates or sweet. What you all say?"
Everyone agrees with her idea and do as she said, she was finding Jeet. She found Jeet packing his belongings in a box from his table as he was a consultant and Customer Care Executive. He was doing two job for getting out from his financial crisis, and Diya was helping him. Diya come to office area and see Jeet packing his belongings in the box.
Diya walks towards him and offer him a glass of water.
Jeet say with sad feeling, "No need of water please keep aside."
Diya keep the glass aside on the other table and Jeet say with sad feeling and expression, "You here...please Madam see your work otherwise...Sir will also fire you from your work like me!"
Diya say with concern, "Wait! Please don't go and don't leave this place. I will talk to Sir as you are here senior than me and also trained me in my work. Here you are my friend and you are like my elder brother, I know your condition so I send you out of hotel at that moment and your two kids what about them...? See your wife is in coma and she will get well soon. As God is taking exam but God never give so much pain, God also gives us a best thing in life. I can't experience your pain, but I can give a motivation to live. Sir, I don't know the real reason and I know if he gets to know he will understand your situation and not for mercy on you... but seeing your work experience and good working records. He change his mind and cancel to...!"
Advik was listening their talk by next to main door of the office, he walks in with the attitude. Diya seeing him get surprise and he say, "Mr. Jeet...I am not firing you and you will continue working here. As after talking to Raj and seeing his trust on you. I feel I was wrong. So...all the best and Miss. Diya come with me as I want to discuss something with you!"
Diya say with smile, "Okay! Sir I will just back in a minute as I want to visit..."
Jeet interrupts between her talk and say with emotional feeling, "Sir, thanks and from now I try to do my best and Diya Madam, you please go with Sir. I will see the cleaning is over or not!"
Diya give smile and congrats him by shaking the hands.
Advik turns back and swipes his tears. He see two small kids coming running towards from the lobby towards Diya.
Diya sit on the keens and hugs the kids and say, "By the way, your dad has a surprise. Don't cry I will come after an hour and then give an chocolate to you two...okay see you!"
Advik seeing Diya remembers his mother as she also talks to him in this lovely way.
Diya kiss on cheeks of kids and walks out with Advik. Advik see her smiley face feels good and he walks to lawn and he already arranged a table for them. Advik asked Diya to sit on the chair and Advik sit in the front of her on the other chair.
Advik say with calm voice, "Miss Diya...see day after tomorrow is my mother's birthday and keep this decoration as it is. It is really good only in the lawn arrange a stage for caking cutting and some performance on the stage. Tell staff that day after tomorrow no uniform but they should put on the ID card and they all have to stay for birthday party celebration after the duty timing."
Diya take her small diary out from her pocket and write all points as Advik spoked. In that noted points as he wants changes and what to add was written by her.
Advik seeing her talk and behavior feels good and impressive.