Yeah, Revenge is sweet, but mind you, To let it go is sweeter.
What about a situation whereby avenging is impossible?
1 - Prologue
PROLOGUE: (Must not be skipped)
How it all started..
...Then there was a knock on the door.
"Come on in" Director DW said in an authoritative manner then a middle-aged man walked in with some papers which he further on dropped on the table right in front of his director.
"I've checked the files again, no error sir" The man said as he avoided eye contact with his director.
"Mr May, are you assuring me now that you didn't make any mistake this time around?" The Director asked because earlier, he returned the files to him 'cos there were few blunder in it.
"No mistakes sir" Mr May responded.
Mr DW neatly arranged the files..."Good, good" He said, he trusted his work to an extent that he didn't even bother to cross-check it this time.
"Yes sir" Mr May turned to go.
"Sss.. Sir"He stammered.
"There's a task I ought to deal with myself but it's never gonna be possible b'cos I'm travelling to Dubai" Director D paused to observed the look on Mr May's face.
"I just don't know why I feel like you are the perfect one I should hand-over the task to"He concluded.
"You're leaving for Dubai? With who, Me or Mr Jeremy?"
"I just told you that I'm handling over a task to you. Listen, Two; it's
not a business trip.. I'm not taking Mr Jeremy along with me.It's just I and my family"
"Seriously Director DW, This is so unfair" Mr May yelled,hitting the table angrily. "It's not even a business trip,you just wanna leave the country for the fun it" "Because you're a boss right?" He continued to yell angrily.
"Be calm Mr May" Director DW snapped as he tried to calm himself from being provoked.
"My bad! I'm sorry sir" He said acting like he's really sorry.
"Anyways, I'm not leaving San Francisco for the fun it like you just said. My wife, her condition and perhaps you don't know, I've got the best doctors in Dubai" Director DW told him then he glared deeply into his eyes. "Mr May,I know you have a grudge against me, I don't care to know why yet.. but just so you know, because you loathe me doesn't mean you are allowed to disrespect me. Listen and listen very good, I ,Mr Dawton remains the director of this company.Therefore, I deserve full respect Ok? "
"Ok then, safe trip" Mr May rudely said, leaving the office.
"Mr May!!" Director DW shouted after him but he ignored, slamming the door, making it give an annoying noise.
"Warning Mr May, I won't go easy on you next time" Director DW shouted.
"Fine! he should just slit my throat instead" Mr May soliloquised in anger, kicking a chair and re-kicking it.
"I remain the director of this company.Therefore,i deserve full respect" He mimicked.
"Blah blah blah, I just want him dead!"
"Seriously, I'm not a fool but he is turning me into one and I strongly refused to be used by anyone, just anyone.I am not stupid, why am i working for someone younger than me? It's supposed to be the other way round..Why is he my Director? Isn't that position supposed to be mine? C'mon I'm not a fool, What d'hell am I gonna do before it's too late??"
"Hello Mr Jeremy" Director DW said immediately after receiving the call.
"Ohhhh...Get him what he wants, you and I know he is so troublesome..and besides, he is very fond of you... He barely demand for things when I'm with him. So Please buy him whatever he wants" Director DW said to Me Jeremy through the telephone.
"Oh Really? Today's kid are so unbelievable! I mean, you took him to a fun park yesterday and today, he wants you to take him there again" He laughed "I love the man my little boy is becoming. Do satisfy him, he already sees you as an elder brother anyway. Please take good care of my son and do take good care of yourself too"
"Oh the tickets, Get three"
"Thank you so much Mr Jeremy.Keep on with the good works, I have never regretted having you as my personal assistant, you deserve to be promoted. I promise I'ld..."
Someone bang the door unexpectedly. The telephone dropped off Director DW's hand as soon as he saw Mr May walking in majestically with a gun pointing it directly at him.
"Mr May,What the hell are you doing with a gun? " He shouted. "Wh... What.. what ar...are you trying to do?"
"Relax Director DW or should I already call you the ex-director? " He laughed hysterically.
"Wh..What? "
"Don't freak out yet, I'll be a little bit fair. So is there anything you wanna say to someone? your loved ones? your son? your lovely wife? Oh no, she would join you soon, i'm terrible at separating couples"
"Please drop the gun Mr May. If there is any dispute between us, we could simply settle it amiciably" Mr DW trembled.
"No, no and no. Don't make me spend too much time. I didn't plan to see a drama or listen to stories... They would be awake soon" Mr May said smiling wickedly.
"Security!!! " Director DW screamed.
"Didn't you hear me say they would be awake soon? Everyone is sleeping! Thanks to the unobservant food-vendor" He continued to smile satisfactorily,pointing the gun at him.
"I do not think I have ever done you wrong,never have I! perhaps I have, I'm deeply sorry" He cried.
"Just one bullet,goodbye Mr DW"He pulled the trigger.
"Fvck! Darn it! Jeeez what have I done?
What the hell did I just do?" Mr May immediately lamented after he shot his director, straight in his head.
His hands were shaking in fear and the gun dropped from his hand.
"Mr DW, Mr.." He rushed to the man who was lifeless already.
"Oh My God! What took over me?! What would I do now" He trembled
"This is not me. Why did I kill him? Why?
I wasn't in my right senses" He continued to lament in a confused state..
"Calm down Calm down.. " Mr May tried to console himself.
"The deal has already been done, I better stop blaming myself and act fast before I would get caught" He said and wiped his eyes which were already teary.
"Okay, everyone is still fast asleep. No one caught me or heard the gun sound"
He rushed to pick up the gun from the ground and hurried out of the Office.