Jayden Sutton sits down listening to the conversation between his Dad, Richard and Mr. Hilton without much interest.
He try to say a word or two when it is directed to him but focus on picking through the many dishes on the table.
The two men laugh at something he could not grab then raise their glasses for a clink, they turn to him and he pick up his untouched drink and join everyone to toast to what he has no idea what.
“Jay, will you be willing to come with me to a friend’s party?” Reina asked and hold his hand resting on his lap.
“I know you don’t like going to parties that much but I promised my friends you would come” she added.
Jayson give her a cold gaze staring at their enjoined hands and Reina pull away quickly. She turns to his mother, Mrs. Sutton to help talk to him.
Despite the fact that they have known each other since little and grew up together, Jayden has never warmed up to her and always treat her coldly.
She always try to get him to show her a teeny bit attention whenever they are together but he always give her cold shoulders.
He kept quiet about their rumored relationship too which makes Reina feel unease.
“Jayden, you can’t keep being rude to Reina all the time, I understand that you can’t stand people getting closer to you but she is not just anyone” Margot said and turn to Reina.
“He’s going with you” she assures her and Reina smiles
“I actually have something to discuss concerning their relationship” Mr. Hilton said
“Reina will be graduating from college in a few months” Richard continued trying to make his intention known slowly but Margot already understand what he wants to say and complete the words for him.
“Why don’t we have our kids get engaged now?” Mrs. Sutton says turning to Mr. Hilton whose face light up.
The Hilton’s family would not have been able to make it this far if not for Richard Sutton’s help.
Ever since Reina’s Mother’s death, Margot has adopted Reina as her daughter and treat them so good.
They have become close family friends since then and their kids grew up together. Because of their parent’s close relationship, Reina becomes the only person that has ever been close to Jayden.
This make everyone to believe they will be perfect together and Reina start rumors about their relationship which none of the families has denied.
“Of course I will be pleased if that happens, the both of them look good together” Richard replied excitedly
Reina persuade him to bring up the topic to the Suttons' and turn their words into reality, after all Jayden’s parents like and regard her as their daughter.
“Concerning that, we will have to ask them” Mr. Sutton replies reluctantly.
Although he likes Reina a lot but he knows he can’t force any decision on Jayden.
“Uncle, aunt I will be more than happy to get engaged with Jay” Reina said smiling.
“Jayden, what do you say?” his father turn to him and everyone also do the same waiting for him to speak
“We are not in a relationship so why would we get engaged?” Jayden said much to Reina’s dismay and the smile on her face disappear instantly
His parents couldn’t say anything because they already expect that much and turn their face away
Reina panicked hearing his words and stood up from her seat then held his hand
“Jayden, what are you saying? We are going to get married anyways, doesn’t matter if we are in a relationship we can start now” she said
“You are the one who keep getting ahead of yourself and making up stories, I never promised you anything and we don’t have any relationship” he told her clearly as tears welled up in Reina’s eyes
It’s true he never promised her anything nor were they in a relationship but he never deny any of the rumors about them
Even when their friends talk about them being a couple, he doesn’t deny it either
“What do you mean Jayden, you know how much I love you, I have always love you” she said but he didn’t even bother to look at her
Jayden has made it clear to her once that he will never love her and can only be with her as a brother after she lost her mother but she didn’t stop then.
“Why don’t we talk about this another day” Sutton said seeing his son’s cold attitude to Reina
He is aware of Reina’s feelings towards his son but knows clearly that Jayden might not feel the same way about her and seeing his son’s attitude today confirms his thoughts
“Why don’t we do that, am sure the both of them will work things out later" Margot added.
She really likes Reina and will love her to be her daughter-in-law
Richard Hilton nods his head not satisfied with the way things are going, it true that the Sutton never mentioned marriage but Reina assured him that they are getting along just fine but seems like all that is in her head.
“There is nothing to discuss further on this, I will take my leave now” Jayden told them firmly and stood up
This is why he never like gathering like this, his mother always tries to set him up with Reina and force him to accompany her
Jayden look at his father once more and nods his head respectively then walk out ignoring Reina’s tears
Reina watch him leave with tears in her eyes, if Jayden really deny their relationship and everyone gets to know then she will be ridiculed and shamed by everyone as a liar.
She cleaned her eyes and run after him on a second thought….
Olivia sat down at the so called party blaming herself for accepting to go with Emma, she is bored out of her mind sitting down in a corner and just picking at the foods
It seems to her more like it’s a hook up party where everyone just has fun with each other and wastes their time
This is one of the reasons why she hates going to gatherings like this, she never fit in and always have to leave before the party ends
Olivia try keeping her cool and stay for a few more minutes but Emma found a handsome guy in his third year after Audrey was dragged away by some girls for the second time when she tried talking to him
Almost every girl there wants to talk with Audrey and they keep stopping him from going over to Olivia, he is surely the kind of guy everyone fawns over. Typical girl’s sweetheart
Emma came to her and told her that she will be going to the restroom with the guy she has been flirting with and leaves before getting her response which is obviously no.
Seeing that her friend is out of sight, Audrey manage to escape the girls crowding around him and sat down next to Olivia then he offered her a bottle of beer which she decline
"You don't drink?" He asked raising his voice a little so she can hear him
"I do" she answered and took it with a fake smile. He is the reason why she is here right now.
"Then you must not like interacting with new people? You have been quiet all night" He asked again and Olivia gave him a dissatisfying look
"If you know that then leave" she thought but gave a different reply
"I have some work to do later" she answered and he became silent making Olivia feel bad.
She has always been wary of guys and doesn’t interact much with those who show interest in her but he maybe he is different.
She took the drink from him and takes a long gulp from the beer before dropping the bottle on the table
"Actually Olivia I want to talk to you…”Audrey was interrupted by another guy who seems really drunk already
“Audrey there you are, I can’t believe you reject my sister to be with someone like her" he said in a very loud voice which attract some attention to them
"Joe, you are drunk. You should go home now" Audrey told him and stood up to take him away from there but he pushed him aside and sat down beside Olivia.
“Don’t worry, I will keep her company” he said
Olivia could smell alcohol all over his body; he must be one of the guys bathing in beer because of a game
She turns her face away feeling disgusted by him
He tries to place his hand around her but Audrey was quick to stop him and pull Olivia up from the chair which annoyed him
“What are you doing? Are you going to leave? Common that’s rude I am still talking with you" He said
"What's his deal?"Olivia thought more irritated
Audrey step forward to tell him off but Olivia was a second faster than he was
“Will you f**k off and stop being a nuisance” she shot at him
“Pathetic” Olivia muttered and pulls away from Audrey then start walking out of the room not ready to stay one more minute in there.
Audrey tries to stop her and wanted to follow her out but another girl stops him blocking his way.