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Chapter 3.2

Chapter 3.2

"Michael, I'm glad to see you are alright. What happened?"

"I got into a little accident but Miss Richards here helped me," he said pointing at Joanna.

"Joanna, meet my frie...I mean my boss Benjamin."

"Lovely to meet you sir. I need to get him checked in, please excuse me," she said as she left both man starring after her.

"So I'm your boss now? And what are supposed to be as my employee?"

"I am your driver, I have to explain that expensive car somehow."

Benjamin chuckled saying, "And so the games begin."

They went to the nurses desk were they found Joanna talking with the nurse. The place was packed with patients waiting to be attended to.

Joanna walked up to the nurse??s desk, frowning as she looked down as the blonde filing her nails.

"Excuse me. May I please see one of the doctors in attendance?"

"Sure thing sweety, just take this here form, fill out the patient details and wait in line like everyone else," she said popping her gum making Joanna frown in disapproval.

Holding herself erect she took the forms and went back towards Michael to get his details as she was fuming inside at the way the nurse spoke to her. After filling out the details she headed back to the nurse and handed over the papers. Sitting down between Benjamin and Michael she told Jonathan that he could leave.


"So you mean to tell me your friend let you use his house as well as his driver. I wish I had friends like that," he said looking at Benjamin as he said the last sentence, who just rolled his eyes at him.

"I have to take this call," Benjamin said as he stood up leaving them.

"Yes, she, did. She insisted I use her car, not one to trust me getting around by myself," she said putting emphasis on that her friend was a woman.

"Well, she, is a good friend. So tell me something about yourself."

"Well I just started working as a secretary at Powell Architectural and Construction Firm."

"Wow, you work for "The" company right there. Our boss just started doing business with them. Benjamin there heads the marketing department so I get to know what happens around the company. I'm sure the pay is really good, so why don't you have your own place?"

"Well I am actually hunting for a small apartment to rent out. But I have been really busy since I moved here two weeks ago."

"Mmm. There are a few places I could suggest if you need any help."

"Thank you that would be very kind of you."

Joanna didn't know lying came so naturally to her as she spoke with Michael. She had to remember everything she told him or else if her story changed she would have problems. They slowly got to know each other as they waited for the doctor. After an hour of sitting down she excused herself as she headed back to the nurse. Michael couldn't take his eyes of her as she walked away, loving the sway of her hips in her jeans. She easily captured everyone's attention as she walked away.

Joanna's POV

I was fast losing my patience as I waited for the nurse to finish her phone call. I was worried that Michael could be badly hurt and sitting here wasn't helping either one of us.

"Excuse me, may I please see your chief of staff, he is an old friend of mine?" I asked her in a serious tone.

"Okay" the nurse said with a sigh as she stood up to show me towards his office.

"Good morning sir. I am sure you remember me from last month??s charity gala."

"Miss Powell it's lovely to see you again, what may I do for you this morning?"

"I wanted to see what use my money has been put to, but it seems nothing has changed from what you told me," now I have a friend of mine who requires immediate attention and so do about a dozen or so people back there. Now be a dear and send someone out immediately or else in the next hour you will find yourself jobless and a disgrace in the medical community. You know I can easily shut this place down with the amount of shares I have in this institution," she said in a venomous tone."

As she walked out of the room she said, "Oh and make sure my friend gets all the care he needs, no matter what," leaving the hospital chief looking pale and frightened.


"I was getting worried, what took you so long?"

"Oh sorry about that, I just had to use the ladies after speaking with the nurse, she said a doctor would see us shortly."

Just then the blonde nurse called out Michael??s name, and they were shown to an examination room. She left the room leaving him with the doctor as he was examined. Taking out her cell phone she called Kim.

"Kim, I need you to get me a list of all the employees of St Andrews hospital. And find out who I told to monitor the progress of the hospital. I need to see them in my office first thing tomorrow morning."

After her brief conversation with her PA, she returned to the examination room, just as Michael walked out of the X-Ray room.

"Well the images are all clear, your forearm has a fracture though most likely from the way you landed when you were hit. The blood flow in your hand is good, the previous doctor did a superb job in realigning the ulna. You will have to keep it in a splint for a couple of months. I don't believe surgery will be necessary. The nurse will give you some pain medication. Make sure to only take the pills when in pain, and don't take them if you going to operate any machinery."

A nurse came to apply the splint.

Joanna found herself drawn to his bedside as she said, "I'm sorry for all this," softly looking down.

"Hey, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have jumped out in front of your car," he said turning her face up to face him. "Besides I'm glad it was an angel who knocked me down, not some old man," he said making her blush.

The nurse cleared her throat reminding them that she was still in the room as she helped him into a sling. As they left the room, they found Benjamin still in the waiting room, who upon seeing them insisted on taking Michael home.

"I'll see you around Joanna," he said to her loving the roll of her name on his tongue.

"Goodbye Michael," she said as she gave him a small wave.

Her phone rang and looking at the caller ID she saw it was her mother.

"Sorry mom, I can't make it for dinner, can I come over some other time. Something urgent just came up. I will send Jonathan over to pick Ethan up."

"Oh, okay dear. I will just tell your father. Take care of yourself. Love you dear."

"Bye mom. Love you too mom."

Michaels POV

"Parker I need you to find out if we own any apartment buildings close to Powell Architectural and Construction Firm. I need the information in the next five minutes," he said hanging up his call.

"Why are you apartment hunting?"

"Well, my little beauty is looking for an apartment, what better way to get one close to where she works and coincidentally live in that same building.

"Just make sure you don't get carried away with this game of yours. Remember to not let your other life interfere with this charade."

"She is not my girlfriend, she is my future wife, and don't worry about that."

I missed her presence already, she was different from the other women, and there was something about her I couldn't figure out though.

His phone rang and he quickly picked it up knowing it was his PA.

"Sir Oakwood heights is not far from the Powell's Firm."

"Good, meet me there immediately," he said dropping the call. "Well I just found my new home my friend. Let's got to Oakwood heights," he told Benjamin.

"Where is the manager??s office?"

"Right this way sir," Parker said as he led the way.

On entering the small office, an overwhelming stench of tobacco smoke welcomed Michael into the room. A few cockroaches scrambled around the room running away from him. In front of him sat a middle aged short pudgy man wearing a cream shirt underneath a black striped waistcoat, and black slacks. He looked up at them raising his thick bushy eyebrows at yet another prospect of making more money. Grinning up at them the first thing Michael noticed was the gold tooth that stood amongst the rest of the tobacco stained teeth.

"Are you the manager of this building?"

"Manager?" he scoffed. "I own this building."

"Oh is that so. May we please have a tour I am looking for two apartments to rent out.???

"Well you have chosen the right place," he said as he struggled to get out of his chair.

As they went around the building inspecting it, he saw that the building was generally in a dilapidated state. This was not good for business yes they sold building materials, but they also owned a coupled of hotels and apartment buildings around the city. They had an image to maintain, he had been so focused on one aspect of their company that he had neglected their other projects.

Upon returning to the office Michael spoke first as the manager took out a cigarette sticking it between his pink lips.

"Sir, do you know who I am?"

"Should I?" He scoffed.

"I am the Michael Raymond, CEO of Raymond and Sons. I own this building which you claim to be yours," he said in a cold tone. "I don't want to waste any of your time, but you have failed at your job miserably. Thank you for your services," he said as he watched the cigarette falls from the man??s lips in shock.

Turning to leave, he told Parker to follow him. Benjamin remained silent enjoying the drama unfolding before his eyes.

"Get me a list of how many tenants are in this building. Call in Jackson and tell him to get some men down here to fixture this place up, find me a doorman, and make sure that elevator is fixed. I wanted everything done as in yesterday. I will come back in the evening to check on your progress, and there better be a difference, I also want two rooms in perfect condition, fully furnished and stocked.

I don't want any disappointments Parker."

"Everything will be taken care of sir."

"And take care of that mess in the office, get me a decent manager. Tell Phillip to run background checks on the other managers of the buildings we own. I am sick and tired of incompetent workers, its high time people know I don't take such nonsense."

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