Nandini POV:
"Nandini wake up... U are going to late for college" my mom was trying to wake me up..."oh freak!!! Its already 8:30... what am going to do" I was ranting in panic..."Right now u should go and get ready" WTF!!!its Navya...but I didn't have time to ask her... I got ready in record time...
"What are you doing in my house early in the morning and where are the boys" I asked when we settled ourselves in the car. "I have know idea suddenly cabir called and told me he and manik have some work" navya said...
We reached college and run but regret because the first period was off due to some meeting... We both decided to go canteen... We sat in one table and about to order but.......
The boys came with our breakfast and all were ours favourite... Me and Navya were numb to react.... "Why are u girls looking us like that...we knew u didn't have ur breakfast" cabir said casually. "Yeah and that's why I made our first class off" Manik announce proudly and I gape at him.. "Are u guys crazy" we girls shouted together..
"Don't react like that" said Aliya and rest of the gang join us... "You should be happy at last u guys are friend that to great one" said dhruv... "Yeah..Otherwise nobody ever did something for us..." Mukti said sarcastically looking at Cabir.. "Right ..why should someone do something for u Lady Hitler" replied Cabir with same sarcasm...
"Seriously guys This is too much" I said a little bit thoughts were roaming around the memories of party night ...How manik's behavior changed suddenly.. About the friendship...If Manik didn't ask her for friendship ,she would have asked him for friendship...Because our thoughts were same.. But the new feeling and expectations are creating mess..." Exactly guys u didn't need to cancel the class" Navya second me..
"Alright let's cut the crap...if u two knew that we didn't eat properly last night and also skip the breakfast,wouldn't u wanted us to have something because its harmful for our health?" Manik asked painfully... We nod..."Exactly we also wanted the same thing...we knew u will not convince for bunking the class so we have no other choice "Cabir said...felling hurt
" we know guys but just for two of us we cancel so many students class...this is wrong" I justified... "who said its only for u girls its for us also even we didn't had our breakfast" all time food freak Cabir said..."U guys are hopeless" navya said frustratedly..
We ate our breakfast and went to class ... Manik and Cabir didn't wait for us...after three hour its lunch time we headed towards canteen again but We couldn't find Manik and Cabir.. "Dhruv where are Manik and cabir they were with you,right?asked Navya.. " They said they are not feeling like eating" answered Abhi...They were hurt more than angry...We looked at each other feeling guilty...
"What to do now?" Navya asked in a helpless tone..."I have a plan..We have to ask for forgiveness and they have to forgive".." Can we help?"said aliya..."no we have to face them alone " I said confidently...
Manik's POV:
Me and Cabir didn't wait for the girls...why should we? We did everything for them only and they said we did wrong..I was at my home suddenly I got a text from Nandini..'Need help...Come to the Murthy Mansion Asop' I became so scared...I hoped she was fine...I rushed there and saw Cabir also present there..."They called you?" I asked ..." No just texted me"..cabir replied...
We entered the house...and asked one of the servent about Nandini.. "Baby ji and Navya are in the terrace" he replaid and went away...we ran towards the terrace..we were about to enter but stopped ..there was a warning card.. 'If u want to enter then keep it in your mind u are not allowed to exit till the purpose accomplished...'
"What the heck is this?" Cabir said clearly irritated..."We need to enter "I said and entered ..and we got the biggest shock... Sorry balloons were everywhere,small lights were also there..The decoration was impressive with sorry balloons.." We knew you guys will come" we both turned and saw they were standing.." What were you thinking? You think its some kind of joke .So you even know how much we got worried?" I shouted loosing my temper..
"We are sorry" both said in unison.."U hurt us a lot so its not that easy" said can he behaving like a cool temper parson.." We know you care a lot for us and we are not saying its wrong but the way you tried to take care of us that's way was wrong" said Nandini with pleading eyes... "Really then what is the right way? And why was that wrong because other students also thanked us for off period" I demanded..
"I don't know what is right but misusing your power is definitely wrong. Other students might thanked you for today but they will not even think for once if they have to point a finger towards u for misusing your power. And we don't want that.we can't do everything we want using our power..This is what we tried to reason with you..." Said Nandini.
I looked at Cabir so as he..we knew they were right but we are too adamant to except.. We tried to walked out but they stopped us." How stubborn.. You guys know we are right but still..Too much attitude "said Navya.." I think u guys forget the warning card..u can't leave"said Nandini sternly ..."we can" I said and tried to go but Nandini said"We thought we will have dinner with you guys" "We didn't have lunch also..its ok we will starve today u guys go" Navya said dramatically
"This is blackmail". Cabir whined .then I noticed a table there ..full of foods.." Why you didn't eat?" I asked softly " As if u had"said Nandini.. I and cabir smiled.."Are we forgiven?" Said Navya.."Yes u are and we sorry too for overreact "cabir said...
" let's go I am starving" I said..We sat and ate our dinner which was all my and cabirs favorite...We had Custard for dessert favourite.. "If we are having this yammy food for being mad at u ..we should often do this." Cabir said .."Right"I second him..after a heartfelt meal we all headed towards our home..