Previous named "Our Love Story"
Arjun Rai is a well-known businessman across the globe. He owns many industries and a t...
"Mom I am getting late I'll have something in the hospital don't worry, " I said and headed for my car keys.
"Are you looking for these?" my six-year-old niece asked.
She had my car keys with her.
"Aakii give to me," I told her very sweetly.
I was very much attached to Aakii she lives with her parents in Singapore but was here for a vacation.
"Nani told me not to give it to you until you finish your breakfast" she said and smiled.
Awww she looked so cute.
Now I have to eat my breakfast no matter how late I am getting for hospital.
And you known Delhi's traffic is terrible.
At the dinning table my dad was sitting and had a worried expression.
"What happen you fine?" I asked.
"Kabir is cooking some thing I don't know if I will be alive after that or not" he said and acted if he is dead already.
Kabir is one of my annoying cousin who comes Delhi whenever my sister comes for vacation and stays until she stays. That means I have to tolerate this person for next five months. He's insane. Well one thing he is good at is saving people's life. Yup you got it right he's doctor well rather a surgeon. So he don't get a problem when he stays in Delhi. Fortis have many branches all over India and one in Delhi so he goes there when he stays in Delhi.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen and of course my dear sweet little small munchkin Aakii"
Kabir said and Aakii made a face which meant she didn't liked what Kabir just said."My newest version of a sandwich. It has nutella inside and is covered with egg . Enjoy."he said and sat down.
I looked at the dish which from no angle looked like a sandwich and said "Kabir do you like wasting food because I think you do" I said.
"Awww look at there someone is jealous" he said in a very annoying manner.
"Jealous and me well I am not jealous because I known that I can't cook and I don't try to do it either unlike you who try to poke their nose everywhere they feel like. Anyways on a final note STOP WASTING FOOD. At least don't do that with my neuttla." I said that took an apple and and left.
So yeah this is how my day starts.
Pia was sitting outside my cabin as usual and talking on intercom.
When I came there she stood up and greeted me.
"Pia how many times I have told you don't you dare stand when I come I am not an oldy doctor I am still 26 same age as you are so stop acting professional with me. Do that when Dr. Khanna is here or Dr. Chandra. Got it?"
"I do Dr. Naina get it but what to do I am stuck with my manners." She smiled.
"Hmm so what's my schedule for today. Just tell me about my new patients"
"Yes there is one new patient a 12 year old boy and nephew of Mr. Rai" she said that and smiled.
"Mr. Rai as in Arjun Rai the youngest CEO of Airtravel Airlines?" I was astounded as what Pia just said.
"Yes the CEO of Airtravel Airlines."
I walked into my cabin without another word.
Just then my best buddie Shivi entered.
"Hello whats up" she said.
Shivi and I were school buddies same batch same school and same gang of friends but I was closest to her. I met her in 1st standard and from then we are best friends forever.
"Hi so how was last night?" I asked.
"Hmm....It was good everyone was there had a great time. Everyone was missing you. Should have come last minute ditch. I hate you." She complained like a 10 year old.
We just sat there and talked about busy schedule.
She was a IT person way too different from my field but still we were very close. She live in bangalore we hardly meet each other only on diwali holi and we are lucky she would come sometime just like that.
She bid me good bye and headed to the airport.
I got a knock on my door.
Pia entered.
"Naina Mr.Rai is here" she said that and left.
Ooh god. I am freaking out. A billionaire is going to my client. Obviously if he is satisfied with my work. But what do I do if he becomes my client. What if doesn't like my counselling and get me fired from my job. Oooo no no Nai this is not going to happen got it. Yes got it. I mumbled to myself. I was in my deep thoughts and then I was interrupted by a knock on my door.
And there stood the one and only Arjun Rai.
He was a real beauty. He looked annoyed.
I smiled at him I asked him to have a seat.
This will be interesting.