“What in the world are you reading?” Stepping into the cell, Noah came over to sit on the edge of his bunk, where Wren had curled up with his head on Noah’s pillow. He tipped up the edge of the book before Wren could answer. “Cell? I didn’t know King had anything new out.”
“It’s not that new.” Wren carefully placed his simple, glossy black bookmark between the pages and sat up. “There’s a movie based on it. I was thinking of asking if it could be played in the day room, but…”
Noah shook his head. “You can’t go to the day room, you’d be too exposed.” He brushed his hand over Wren’s hair, then stood again. “I have an idea. Wait here.”
Focusing on the book was impossible as curiosity overtook Wren. He sat up, absently lifting Noah’s pillow and holding it to his chest as he often did when he was alone and couldn’t find a good distraction. Noah’s scent clung to the material, the subtle hint of a crisp, winterfresh shampoo and notes of something warmer, like cinnamon. Did Noah think it was strange? All the years of only having ‘relationships’ online made it hard to know what was considered ‘normal’, but everything about Noah made Wren feel safe.
About twenty minutes later, there was the sound of footsteps outside the cell. Wren tensed, his eyes widening as Noah came in with his arms full, another inmate a step behind him.
The strange thing Noah was carrying appeared to be a television. With an entirely clear casing. While he set the gadget on their small desk, the other inmate hooked up a transparent blu-ray player.
“Thank you, Gus.” Noah patted the inmate on the back once everything was set up, turning his attention to Wren as the man left. He held up a disc. “He’s a fan of Stephan King, too.”
Biting back the huge smile that wanted to escape, Wren slid to the edge of the mattress. “But, sir, you said there was no point to getting a TV in here. You never watched much before prison and there are plenty of books and, well, if it’s any reassurance, my aunt felt the same. I didn’t watch anything until I was on my own and I’d just play it in the background while I was breaking into—”
Noah laughed, grabbing Wren by the collar of his shirt and tugging him in for a kiss, cutting off his words. “What have I told you about random confessions?”
“I’m sorry, sir.” Breathless, as he always was when Noah kissed him, Wren stared up into those gray eyes he’d never get enough of having look back at him. His lips tingled and he almost forgot the cell block was active and anyone could see them like this.
Which Noah had been avoiding, not wanting Wren to draw any more interest than he already did.
Reluctantly, Wren tried to slip away.
But Noah didn’t let him go. He brushed his lips softly over Wren’s, smiling against them. “Stay where I put you, my boy. I want to give you a new experience you’ve never had.” He pressed Wren back onto the bunk. “Do you like popcorn?”
“No, sir.”
Noah chuckled. “I didn’t think so.”
“But I’d enjoy some, if you would, sir.” Wren rubbed his hands on his thighs. “Not...not only because you’re in control. Because...because this experience you’re giving me, with you? I...want it all.”
The look in Noah’s eyes brought a strange sensation, deep in Wren’s core. A fluttering, almost like something was wrong with him. What he imagined it felt like in Aliens before a chestburster ripped itself out, only...in a good way.
Stepping closer, Noah cupped his cheek. “And I want to give it to you.”
Reality had set in after that. The increased attempts on Wren’s life, Noah’s determination to get him out and keep him from getting too attached. Naturally, Wren accepted his Dom’s decisions, but he’d never wanted Noah to be alone.
He’d hoped, someday, there would be someone he’d let love him. That he’d love in return.
Finally, Noah had found that someone. And Wren couldn’t be happier for him. For Jamie.
And that he still had a place with them both?
There was no way he’d ever take that for granted. Part of why he hadn’t finished the list. It would have been a very good list, too.
I don’t need it anymore.
Wren continued separating the groceries into their appropriate containers, putting the labels he’d printed out earlier on each. His head came up as Noah moved to his side to take two of the containers. He took a deep breath. “Sir…?”
Arms full, Noah stilled. Concern filled his eyes, along with some of that doubt Rhodey had unintentionally put there. “What is it, my little bird?” He put the containers back down. “I know you have a lot of reservations about this trip, but I need you to trust me to protect you. Please?”
“I do.” Wren reached out, putting his hand over his Dom’s. “I always have. I won’t pretend I’m excited about leaving The Asylum or a very long trip to areas where civilization will be scarce and I don’t particularly enjoy relieving myself in the dirt or picking leaves out of my hair. But...I’m glad you want me with you, even if it’s only because Jamie and Jared aren’t here.”