Stashing her at base would have been a hell of a lot easier on his nerves, Jordan thought the next morning as he watched Tehya move around the kitchen preparing coffee. To fight this battle effectively, he needed to know she was safe, needed to know there was no chance of her being taken. That there was no chance of his hunger getting the best of him and distracting him. As she was now.
Frayed denim cutoffs barely covered the rounded curves of her ass, the threads caressing lightly tanned lush, toned flesh. It was evident she had kept her training up from the appearance of firm feminine muscle beneath her flesh. The snug toffee-colored top she wore molded her full breasts, and thin straps running from her shoulders crisscrossed at her back. She looked even more fragile, more delicate than ever in the skimpy summer clothing. Almost too delicate for the lustful, erotic hungers raging through him.
She didn’t wear a bra and the hardened tips of her nipples pressed against the thin material, drawing his gaze and causing his mouth to water. He remembered the heated, sweet taste of them, as well as their sensitivity in her response to his hungry mouth sucking them.
For the moment, he simply watched her as she poured their coffee then slid his mug across the counter to him. The narrow-eyed resentment in her expression was almost amusing, except he hated seeing her this upset
“You bought the house,” he stated as he gazed around the neat open area and he searched for a topic that would ease her anger.
He’d been on the computer before she came out of the bedroom. She hadn’t just bought the house, either, she’d also bought a small landscaping company that had gone from near bankruptcy to healthy profitability in the six months she had had it.
“I bought the house,” she agreed.
She surprised him doing so. He hadn’t expected Tehya to put down roots without being forced.
“Why, Tehya? Why did you buy a house rather than renting?” Leaning forward, Jordan was careful to keep his tone even, his expression merely curious. He didn’t want to antagonize her this morning. Too many plans had to be made now that plan A was out the window. But also needed to learn more about this side of Tehya that he hadn’t expected.
Leaning against the island, she stared back at him with a serene confidence that only made his dick harder. “Why wouldn’t I want to buy a house, Jordan?” she asked him. “I thought I was safe from my past. If I had known the truth, perhaps I would have done things differently.”
“Then you would have made that decision in Texas,” he said quietly. There was just something about the tone of her voice that warned him that buying this house, buying the business, was something Tehya had hungered for only after leaving Texas. After she had felt she had lost her family there. “Buying a house isn’t something you do on a whim.”
She shrugged negligently and looked around. For a moment, her face softened. For the barest second Jordan glimpsed dreams he had never known Tehya held inside herself. Damn, how had he managed to miss the fact that his Tehya had hungered to put down roots?
“Maybe,” she finally murmured.
Maybe. It was a definite. Just as his certainty in the fact that she was in danger.
“Tehya, I’m working on a safe house for you…”
“Then you’re wasting your time,” she assured him, and he knew she wasn’t joking. “A safe house is only a delay, Jordan. Changing my identity, moving me, hiding me. It’s never worked in the past, it won’t work now.” Acceptance, bitter and filled with regret, tightened her expression.
Jordan wiped his hand over his face and fought to come up with a new plan on the spur of the moment.
“You know, Jordan,” she said as she stared around the house again. “I’ve been on the run, one way or the other, since I was five years old. I never attended a normal school, I didn’t have playmates, and I never had a home.” Her gaze met his as her eyes flashed with pain. “Changing my hair, my looks, my name, my fingerprints, or my location never helped. They always found me eventually and they always will. Delaying the inevitable will only give them the chance to surprise me. What you should do is take your men and just leave. Let me face my past and deal with it for good. I know what I’m facing and I know how to deal with them.”
Leaning back against the barstool, he regarded her silently. Tehya was putting down roots and now she was determined to stand and fight for those roots. He had to admit, he hadn’t expected that of her but perhaps he should have expected.
Tehya had never been predictable.
“If I were in danger, Tehya, would you just walk away?” he asked then knowing the answer, just as she should realize he could never walk away either.
“That’s different,” she answered softly. “As you suspected, I care more for you than I should.”
Damn her, she had the ability to slip past his defenses in ways he could never have expected and never failed to surprise him.
“Do you believe I don’t care for you?” How the hell had she managed to come to that conclusion?
“Observation,” she snorted. “So, did you discuss my phone with Commander Reece?” Pushing away from the center island, she moved to stand across from him. Her brows lifted inquisitively as he fought to find a way to deal with her last comment as well as her abrupt change of subject and the memory of Killian’s betrayal.
Jordan felt the familiar anger rising inside him at the thought of what his former friend had done. “Your ability to call the team wasn’t affected,” he informed her. “There was a tracker pin attached to the programming. He swears the default kicked in and kept calls from sensitive numbers from coming in which is possible, but doesn’t change the fact he did it.”
Her lips parted, her tongue touching the tip of her upper lip for a second in a gesture unique to Tehya. Mocking disbelief and an edge of hurt.
“Killian definitely believes blood will tell, I guess,” she said impassively. “Are we shocked?”
Actually he had been. Shocked and furious. Had Killian been there with him when Jordan learned what he had done, then blood might have been spilled.
“You never called any of us either, Tehya,” he reminded her, his voice tight. “You knew you were being followed, you knew someone had found you.”
She shook her head, her lips tightening for a second as the long ponytail her hair had been gathered into brushed against her back. “I honestly thought it was paranoia,” she admitted bitterly. “I’d never been in one place longer than a few months until I joined your group.…” She gave her head a brief shake. “Base was so secure, my suite there completely protected. I worked where I lived. There was no possibility of any danger.” Her breath hitched for a moment. “I thought it was a product of being away from that security and being on my own.”
She had ignored her instincts and that could have been fatal.
Jordan exhaled roughly at the thought of the danger she could be facing.
“John and Travis are heading in with their wives,” he told her. “We need to find out who’s behind the search for you and why. The team that’s heading here are no more than flunkies. Ira Arthurs and Mark Tenneyson aren’t leaders. Someone has to be backing them.”
“I don’t need your help with this.” Her expression became closed. “I’ll deal with it. I told you Jordan. I’ve been-here-done-this. I don’t need your help.”
“And you think I’m going to let you?” He was almost amused to think that she would believe that. Amused and fucking offended. “Stop wasting your damned breath.”
Her arms crossed beneath her breasts. “What do you care? You were more than eager to walk away nine months ago. Do you really think I need you around now? Trust me, I don’t.”
No one was able to make him mad faster than Tehya could. Son of a bitch, she was staring right back at him, actually believing the crap spilling out of her lips. As though she actually believed he was going to fucking walk away.
With that knowledge, with that anger, his arousal only surged higher. She tempted him and defied him for the hell of it. It didn’t bother her a damned bit to stand there and pretend that her death wouldn’t affect him. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would destroy him.
“I think you’re living under the mistaken impression that you have a choice whether or not I stay here and protect that pretty little ass of yours,” he warned her as he rose from the barstool, his jaw clenching at the defiance in those incredible green eyes of hers.
“I didn’t need you to protect my ass before I met you, and I don’t need it now,” she informed him, a flush beginning to bloom across her lightly tanned cheeks.
Her nipples were harder, he swore they were. Hell, they were standing there having a serious discussion while their bodies were straining for sex.
It would have been amusing if the situation weren’t so damned life-threatening.
“Why the hell do you think Kira pulled you into the Ops, Tey?” he asked her with curiosity, fury beginning to boil inside him. “Do you think it was because she simply liked your pretty face or your charming personality?”
She glared back at him irritably. “I appreciated the help,” she ground out. “I appreciated the period of peace. Kira knows that.”
But he recognized that flash of fear in her eyes. Tehya knew damned well and good that she had been on the verge of losing the battle she was fighting against whoever had targeted her after Sorrel’s death. Just as she had been losing the battle against Sorrel before she killed him and his son.
It wasn’t fear for him, or the team she had been a part of, that had her protesting their involvement though.
“You’re more scared of this fire between us burning us alive than you are of dying,” he said as he placed his hands on the bar and faced her confidently. He knew exactly why she’d rather face her past then have him face it with her.
His dick was throbbing beneath his jeans with an intensity that threatened his self-control more than anything ever had before. The need to taste her, to feel her pussy, so damned hot and tight, wrapped around his cock, was making him crazy.
He’d lain beside her in that bed last night, pretending to be asleep as he listened to her toss and turn for hours. Sleep had been long and slow in coming, and even then, the thought of fucking her had filled his dreams.
He couldn’t be with Tehya without wanting her, without the hunger clawing at his guts. And he knew it was worse for her. The illusion of love trapped the senses, the emotions, and infused woman’s sexuality like nothing else could.
“I’m not the one scared of it,” she all but sneered back at him. “And I’m not the one that regretted the one night we did spend together if you recall. That was you, Jordan.”
Yeah, he had regretted the hell out of it because he’d known that forgetting her would be next to impossible. It had been worse than he had imagined it could be. Sleep was impossible most nights; something as insignificant as a breeze reminded him of her touch. The heat of a summer sun, the warmth of a Texas rainfall. No matter where he turned, memories of Tehya haunted him.
“Did it hurt you, Tehya?” he asked carefully. “When morning came and you knew it couldn’t go anywhere, that it was just that one night, did it hurt?”
Her lips tightened. “Not in the least, Jordan. You should have told me just how easy it would be to walk away. I would have left sooner.”
The little liar. He almost grinned thinking of the lie that slipped so easily past her lips but didn’t quite make it to her eyes.
“I spent six years trying to convince you what a bastard I am.” He straightened as he stared back at her. “Hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted do, because you mattered Tehya. Because you hadn’t yet figured out that love is the greatest illusion of them all, and I didn’t want to be the one to teach you that lesson.”
He knew the man he was, and he knew the woman she was. Breaking her heart had broken a part of him that he still didn’t recognize.
“I don’t need you to teach me anything,” she informed him, her eyes narrowing on him. “And I won’t give you the chance to prove anything, new. So you’re wasting your breath and your time. Go find one of your bimbos, they might appreciate your efforts. I don’t.”
A dare. It was the one thing she obviously hadn’t learned while she worked with him. Never dare him. He was too close to her, too aware of the fact that if he gave her an inch then she had the inner strength to attempt to take a mile and more.
“Oh Tey, there’s so much I could teach you though,” he crooned, watching her face flush, those beautiful dark green eyes flickering with a surge of hunger at the sound of his voice.
Moving around the bar, he locked his gaze on hers as he neared her. He’d decided now was as good a time as any to show her exactly how wrong she was. Until this was over, illusion or not, she was his woman and she would be his lover. And by God, he’d dare anyone to try to take her from him
Tehya felt her heart racing, a weakness filling her womb as she backed up, edging into the corner of the L-shaped counter as Jordan stalked toward her.
He didn’t move quickly. Eyes narrowed, his muscular body tall and broad, tense and predatory, he focused on her with an expression tight with lust. He came up to her, trapping her against the counter, his hips pressing against hers, the hardened length of his cock shockingly thick and hard beneath the denim he wore.
“What do you think this is going to prove?” She heard the weakness in her voice, the catch of breath, the hunger, and she hated it.
All he had to do was touch her. She was such a glutton for punishment that it didn’t even matter that she knew he would never stick around, that she knew he thought she wasn’t good enough for a relationship or to love. When he touched her, it didn’t matter that the only reason he was back was because of responsibility and duty. All that mattered was that he was touching her. That he was there, that she would have one more moment of pleasure at his hands.
“I think it’s going to prove that we both know we can’t fight it as long as we’re involved in this together,” he whispered as his head lowered, his lips feathering along her ear. “Fighting it was easier when we had a mountain to hide in, wasn’t it, darlin’?”
She drew in a hard, ragged breath. “I wasn’t the one fighting it, though, was I, Jordan?”
She had longed for his touch, ached for it. For nine months she had dreamed of it.
“No, you weren’t.” His lips caressed her jaw, the rasp of the dark growth of beard sending shards of sensation racing through her nerve endings. “And now, I just fucking don’t have the strength to save us both.”
A gasp barely escaped as he jerked her to him, his lips suddenly covering hers, slanting over them and pulling her headlong into a maelstrom of wicked sensation and fiery hunger.
One hand cupped her neck, his callused fingers holding her in place as his lips stroked, rubbed against hers, parted them and allowed his tongue to lick against hers as though he wanted nothing more than to taste her.
A whimpering, desperate little moan vibrated in her throat as she buried her hands in his hair. Pleasure sliced through her senses, enfolding her in sensation as Jordan’s arm folded around her hips and he lifted her onto the counter. The position was wickedly carnal, and infused with dominant, possessive intent.
Hunger blazed through her as his hands lowered to drag her legs apart, situating himself between them. The hard ridge of his cock ground against her sex as her juices began to dampen the silk of her panties. Her clit swelled and ached, as her fingers plunged buried deeper into his hair to hold him to her. And she began to pray that he wouldn’t stop, that he wouldn’t pull away. That he would give her just one more memory to hold onto.
“Don’t stop.” Desperation filled her as he broke the kiss, his lips moving to her neck before spreading a line of kisses to her collarbone. Her head arched back, languid pleasure flooded her body with each touch.
“Not hardly,” he bit out, his hands tugging at the hem of her shirt, pulling it up until he bared the tight, aching curves of her breasts. His gaze fell to her nipples, the hunger blazing in his gaze as Tehya stared back at him.
“Jordan.” She jerked against him as his hands framed her breasts, fingertips rasping against the tender, hardened tips of her nipples while his head lowered to them.
“Jordan. God yes. Like that. Suck my nipple like that.” Neck arching, damp heat surrounding the sensitive peak, Tehya arched closer as the explicit words fell from her lips. Words that had his mouth tugging tighter on the tender tip, his tongue lashing harder.
She stared down at him, shocked and torn by the sensations that were stronger and more powerful than they had been the first time. There had been pleasure with him before, but he had been restrained, more in control of himself. A control he didn’t have now, and didn’t bother to try to regain.
Staring down at him now, his blue eyes dark, wicked, as he watched her, his cheeks hollowed and he sucked at her nipple with such hungry demand that Tehya felt the lash of each stroke of his tongue straight to her pussy. The muscles there clenched painfully, spasming with an aching, burning need to be filled. To be fucked.
His tongue rolled and rubbed against the tender tip as each sizzling stroke struck straight to her womb, drawing a ragged moan from her lips. She wrapped her legs around his thighs and arched her hips closer to him, the heavy length of his erection beneath his jeans pressing heatedly into the tender mound of her pussy.
“There, darlin’,” he said, his head lifting as he kissed his way to the other sensitive nipple.
Tehya watched as he licked it first, priming it to pleasure. His tongue tipped against the hardened flesh, prodded at it, then licked over it with erotic hunger. Her breath caught as waves of heat rushed through her system. A second later, the rake of his teeth over the tender tip had her crying out again. Her hips arched, grinding against the heavy weight of his cock as it pressed over her pussy.
His lips parted and he devoured the nipple. Sucking, licking, he drew on it ravenously as his face flushed with hunger. Tehya fought to breathe as she felt the harsh, unyielding throb of need centered in the depths of her pussy. She felt the sharp shards of sensation that tore from her nipple to her clit as he drew on it, nipped and licked it. He made a sensual meal of the tender tip as she cried out in pleasure.
It burned through her nerve endings, through her senses. Each draw of his mouth over her nipple sent wicked lashes of sensation to clench at her womb, tightening it with violent pleasure.
“Damn, I missed you, Tey,” he groaned as his lips slid from her breast, kissing the curve, his tongue tasting it as his fingers moved to the snap of her shorts and released it with confident, knowing fingers.
“I dreamed of fucking you.” Guttural, rough, his voice, his wicked words stroked her senses as the zipper of her shorts slid down. The feel of him removing the shorts left her shuddering in anticipation. She could feel adrenaline sensitizing her further, making her hotter.
In all the dreams she had had of him in the past nine months, it hadn’t come close to this. Even that one night couldn’t compare to this, to the heat and the pleasure surrounding her.
Her hands moved to his shoulders, her breathing rough, as she watched his lips traveling down her stomach, his hands parting her thighs and nearing the lacy band of the white thong she wore with the short denim shorts.
She had meant to tease him a little, she admitted to herself. She had meant to arouse him, but she hadn’t expected this. A hunger burning her alive.
His lashes lifted, and he stared up at her and slowly removed her panties to bare the flushed, slick curves of her sex.
“I’ve dreamed of eating your sweet pussy,” he said explicitly. “That little taste I had before wasn’t enough, Tey.”
Little taste? He’d driven her crazy as he fucked her with his tongue
Her fingers fisted in the material of his shirt a second before he reached up and removed them. The T-shirt was pulled over his head, revealing his broad chest, the light furring of black curls over bronzed flesh. The sexy, soft mat of hair arrowed down his hard abdomen to disappear beneath of his jeans.
She swallowed tightly. “Don’t regret it later,” she whispered.
She didn’t know if she could bear it, if she could stand to see the regret in his eyes once he was finished. Didn’t know if she could bear to see him walk away as though it hadn’t mattered.
His eyes darkened further. “I didn’t regret it the first time, Tey,” he stated. “If there’s been anything in my life better than that night, then I don’t remember it.”
He could have fooled her. Her lips parted to refute that statement. She would have argued the point if he hadn’t chosen that moment to run his fingers over the swollen, heated curves of her pussy. Sensation tore through her. It zapped through her, clenched her room and had her pussy creaming further.
“Do you wax? You’re so soft here.” Approval and pleasure reflected in his voice.
A shudder worked up her spine as his touch sent flames licking around her clit. For the first time in her life there was no shame in the naturally bare flesh that glistened with her juices.
She shook her head. “It’s natural.”
She could see the surprise in his eyes. Surprise and hunger.
“As soft as a whisper.” His fingers stroked along the wet curves, sending the hungry burn deeper into the clenched hungry tissue of her pussy. “As sweet as sugar.” A finger parted the curves, eased through the thick juices then lifted.
Shocked, she watched as he brought his finger to his mouth, and tasted her with explicit pleasure. Brilliant blue eyes burned with lust, as he watched her, enjoyed her.
His expression tightened at the taste of her, his eyes darkening until they glowed a brilliant navy blue in his sun-darkened face.
The sexual intent of the act had her vagina clenching with a sudden tightness that nearly threw her into orgasm. Hard surges of sensation were like electric flames tearing through her body, sensitizing her to the point that every touch, every breath became ecstatic.
“Sweet Tehya, you make me drunk on you,” he groaned as she trembled, watching, waiting as his head lowered and his lips moved closer to the needy flesh awaiting his kiss.
She thought she was prepared for the touch of his lips, his tongue. “Please,” she whispered. “Now Jordan. Don’t tease.” But when his tongue licked through the seam of her pussy and flicked over her clit, a ragged cry tore from her lips. “Like this, sugar?” his tongue flicked over her clit, rasping it with a fiery rapturous stroke of pleasure.
“Jordan. Oh God, it’s so good,” she cried out, as lashing sensation seemed to attack every cell his tongue touched. “It’s so good. I need it, Jordan. I need more,” she was dying for him.
It was damp heat flaying her too sensitive flesh. It was a lash of fiery hunger that stormed through her senses with destructive heat. It was his tongue lapping at her, eating her with decadent pleasure.
His hands pushed her legs further apart, lifting her knees until he could prop her feet against the edge of the counter and bare more of her to his hungry tongue. His tongue flicked over her clit, around it, creating a storm of blazing sensation that washed through her body in waves of sexual intensity.
“Yes,” she moaned, unable to hold back the pleasure, or her vocal appreciation of it. “Jordan. I need you. I need you so bad.”
“What do you need, baby? Tell me what you need, Tehya.” His fingers parted the folds a second before he laid an intimate, deep kiss to her clit.
The suckling pressure, the feel of his lips surrounding the tender bud, shocked her senses further. She couldn’t maintain her position. She sank back, lying along the counter, her fingers curling over the edge to allow her nails something to dig into.
She was so close to coming. She could feel it tightening it her clit with each lick, each suckling kiss. Heat washed through her body, flushing it, causing perspiration to build at her temples as she whimpered with the pleasure.
His lips lifted a second before the explosion could detonate.
“No!” The strangled wail tore from her as her hands reached out for him, locking in his hair as she fought to pull him back to her.
A rough male groan met the protest as she felt his fingers part her further, his tongue licking lower, flickering over the inner folds as his fingers began to circle and caress the opening to her vagina.
She needed him. She needed his tongue fucking her, his fingers. She needed every stroke of possessive heat he had to give impaling her.
She arched to him, desperately seeking that final touch that would send her flying over the edge of ecstasy.
“Sweet, Tehya,” he groaned. “I could get drunk on the taste of you, baby.”
His tongue moved lower, licking, laving, the tender flesh as her fingers tightened in his hair and fought to hold him in place. If he would just lick a little harder, just a little higher.
“Please,” she cried out, agonizing pleasure burning through her. “Give me your tongue, Jordan. Oh God, please fuck me. Fuck me with your tongue.”
His tongue sank inside the desperate, clenching depths of her pussy with a hard, hungry stroke.
“Jordan!” Breathless, pleasure screaming through her now, she shuddered beneath the caress. His tongue began licking at the ultrasensitive tissue inside her, drawing her juices to his tongue. He stoked a fire inside her that she couldn’t escape. Each impalement of his tongue, each hungry penetration parted her clenched muscles, revealing tender nerve endings, stroking a burning need that only rose with each penetration.
The battle Jordan fought as he tasted her, drew her to him, and felt the ripple of tender, internal muscles caressing his tongue, was one he knew he was losing. The battle to simply pleasure her. The battle to hold himself aloof had been lost before he even touched her.
He had meant to show her she couldn’t push him away, couldn’t force him out of her life when she needed him. Instead, he found himself spiraling completely out of control. He lost himself. But he was finding himself in the pleasure he could feel coming from her.
The heated, intimate sweetness flowing from her was intoxicating. He was a man possessed, so fucking starved for the taste of her that once it exploded against his tongue he lost the ability to pull back. To hold back.
His fingers tightened against her thighs, holding them apart as he fought to hold his caresses in check. And he was losing that battle as well. His tongue showed inside her, fucking her with deep, heated tastes of her snug little cunt.
Before he knew it he was drawing the sweet, slick essence of her pussy, dragging it lower, caressing and lubricating the tender entrance to her ass. It was a pleasure he had meant to ease her into. A pleasure he couldn’t resist giving her.
Tehya jerked, her fingers tightening in his hair, as she cried out his name, her voice broken, hunger throbbing through it. His finger slipped inside the snug anal entrance, felt the tender musles tighten as tongue fucked inside her pussy. Her juices spilled to his tongue, eased past it and spilled to the cleft of her rear where he caught it, eased it further back and used the slick essence to penetrate her snug ass deeper.
His fingers pulled back, gathered more of the rich, lush cream and drew it back again, tucking his finger against that tender entrance as he dragged his tongue back from the sweetness of her pussy. He wanted to watch the intimate penetration, watch her take him with greedy hunger.
“Jordan.” She wailed his name again, her hips arching, bearing down against the shallow penetration of his fingertip easing inside the tiny anal entrance.
“God, Tehya,” he groaned, using his thumb to drag more of her juices to his finger before easing further inside her. He delivered another heated kiss to her clit, as his finger pulled back then impaled her once again as the tender bud of her clit drew him again.
It was swollen, throbbing, a tempting, pink little sweet that drew his lips, his tongue, as he fucked her rear with gentle strokes of his finger, loving the tight heat that gripped it.
He’d once thought he preferred a silent lover. Until Tehya. He’d watched the restraint he’d always seen her use disintegrate beneath his caresses. Listened to her sultry cries and knew he’d never again be satisfied with less.
Licking the silken, bare flesh of her pussy made a hunger unlike anything he had ever known before build inside him. Taking her rear with his fingers, feeling her, hearing her pleasure stroked his senses. Her fingers pulled at his hair, her thighs parted further for him as his finger slipped further inside the delicate opening of her ass and his tongue returned to the clenched entrance of her pussy.
“You’re killing me,” she panted, the sound of her pleasure causing his muscles to tense as he fought to hold back the ravenous urges clawing at his dick.
He needed to fuck her. If he didn’t get his dick inside her he was going to die from the need.
He had to force himself to pull his finger back from her rear, but he couldn’t force his lips from her pussy. Moving back to the throbbing bud of her clit, he closed his lips around it and drew it into his mouth, sucking it, laving it with his tongue as a growling moan vibrated in his throat. He was starving for her, desperate for more.
He felt her orgasm rising. As he tucked the tips of two fingers against the flexing entrance to her pussy, he could feel the fragile tissue clenching, her juices flowing, as her hips began to grind against his lips. She was so fucking close to coming for him that he swore he could almost feel her nearing ecstasy himself.
Laying his tongue against the side of her clit, sucking her more firmly, he began to rub against the sensitive bud. His fingers moved harder, faster, impaling her hot flesh, fucking her harder, deeper in response to the hoarse, pleading cries tearing from her throat.
A second later he felt her explode. Her pussy clamped on his thrusting fingers, milking them as her clit gave a hard, convulsive throb and her juices began to spill along his fingers. Hot cuntal walls rippled, spasmed, locking on his fingers and shuddering in ecstasy.
She was coming for him, melting around him. His lips held onto her clit as she bucked against him, driving his fingers deeper, grinding her clit against his suckling lips, his stroking tongue and thrusting fingers, while he used his free hand to release the tortured length of his dick.
Jordan surged to his full height, his hands gripping her hips as he pulled her to the edge of the counter and directed her legs around his hips.
“Fuck me! Now!” she cried out, reaching for him, her eyes glowing with emerald fire as he tucked the head of his engorged cock against the cleft of her suckling pussy.
“Fuck you, baby?” He bit out with raging lust. “How much more do you want, Tell me how you want me to fuck you.”
He rubbed his thick cock head against her entrance. The heated juices spilled around the thick flesh, searing it with agonizing pleasure as he felt his balls tighten in ecstatic anticipation. This was all he’d dreamed of for nine agonizing months.
“Don’t tease me,” she cried out, her fingers gripping his wrists as he held her hips in place. “Please, Jordan, fuck me.” Green eyes dampened with desperate tears as her fingers flexed against his wrists.
His hips jerked involuntarily, burying the wide crest of his cock just barely inside her. Tight, hot flesh rippled spasmodically, milking at the agonizingly sensitive tip of his dick.
A sheen of perspiration glistening on the fragile column, of her neck as a long, low moan passed her lips. Her pussy was like liquid heat, her juices caressing his cock head as he fought to breathe in, to relish every second of this incredible pleasure.
Slowly, his teeth clenched so tight his jaw ached, he tightened his hand around the shaft of his cock and worked the head of his cock just inside the tight opening of her pussy. The ripples of her flesh around the very tip of his cock were like tiny fingers of electrifying ecstasy.
Staring into her eyes he gave her a little more. Just the barest increase to stretch the snug entrance to her vagina.
“Jordan, please!” Her head thrashed against the counter, her legs tightened around his hips, as she fought to pull him deeper inside her. “Please don’t tease me. Please, Jordan. It’s been so long. It’s been so long.” A single tear eased from her left eye.
“Tease?” he groaned. “Ah, baby, I’m not teasing you. I’m giving to you. Giving you every ounce of pleasure I know how to give you.”
He drew back, his gaze dropping to her thighs, seeing the sheen of her slick juices clinging to his cock head before he pressed against her once again. A little more. Just a little deeper, stretching the heated vice-like grip tightening further around him.
“Hard.” She arched closer as his head lifted, his gaze meeting hers. “Fuck me, Jordan. Hard. Please. I want to feel you. All of you, Jordan. Make me burn.”
It was all he could do to keep from shaking, from shuddering and spilling inside her that second. God help him, she was begging for what he wanted more than anything. To give her that edge of pleasure-pain. To take her strong and deep. To possess her. To mark her. And she had no idea what she was asking for.
Tehya stared up at him, dazed, desperate. She could feel that agonizing need whipping through her, burning her. A hunger that pounded at her clit, burned through her pussy and surged through her veins.
“Jordan, I need,” she gasped, staring up at him, watching as a bead of sweat eased down his temple as her hips shifted, barely working his cock deeper inside her. “Hard. Fuck me…”
She screamed.
Her eyes widened, her upper body jolting inches from the counter, as a hard, fierce thrust sent clenching, furious ecstasy tearing through her senses and his cock buried itself inches inside her.
And it wasn’t enough, she didn’t have all of him. But he wasn’t stopping either.
Suspended on a rack of flames, strangled cries tearing from her throat, she felt each fierce thrust as he went deeper, stretching tender flesh long unused and burning it, branding it, with a rapture she knew she would never recover from. There was no cure for the fever Jordan would leave burning inside her once he was gone.
Their gazes locked. Above her, his features were tight, flushed with a dark hunger, as his hands tightened on her hips, his cock burying hard and deep with furious strokes.
Sweat dampened his face and sun-darkened shoulders. His muscles flexed and tightened as she felt her breathing become hard, shallow. The iron-hard, overly thick length of his erection barging inside her until there was no room left, and still, she took more of him.
Desperate mewls of pleasure slipped past her lips as she felt the fiery sensations tightening through her pussy. Her womb flexed, her clit throbbed in impending release, then spread outward. Her entire body was locked in heated rapture, as she felt her orgasm begin to rage inside her.
“Ah yes, Tey,” he groaned, the dark vibration of his voice driving her higher. “Milk my dick, darlin’. Let me feel it, Tehya. Let me feel you come, baby.” The strokes became harder, faster. “Let me feel that sweet pussy milking my dick.”
Explicit and dark, the sexual words sent erotic rapture whipping through her bloodstream. Her body tightened, pleasure beginning to bloom in shattering, fiery bursts, until she felt her body explode. Every cell screamed in pleasure. It whipped through her mind. It burned through her senses and sank into her soul.
Rapture rocked her. Ecstasy tore through her very being, tightening her muscles as it stole her breath and destroyed her sanity.
Jordan’s harsh, male cry echoed through her, but it was the feel of him thrusting to the hilt inside her pussy, his body bowing, then the deep, heavy spurts of his semen erupting inside her, that echoed to her soul.
The heated blasts of his seed threw her higher, extending the harsh explosions of sensation rocking through her until she felt herself disintegrating into pure white-hot ecstasy.
Her eyes drifted helplessly closed as he came over her, his hard body shuddering as his hips jerked against her with each heavy spurt of his release, each burning brand of fiery eruption inside her. It was a brand. A mark of possession she knew she would never recover from.
As the agonizing pleasure began to ease, slowly releasing her from its rapturous grip, Tehya felt her body collapse against the counter, her muscles weaken, and exhaustion slowly overtake her until she drifted in a haze of sated peace.
She had believed nothing could be better than it had been that last night at base. That despite the pain she had found after the release, that the pleasure couldn’t be matched.
She had been wrong. It had been matched, exceeded, and then completely topped. And he had branded her soul.
She had kept him from stealing her soul the night she had left Texas. She had locked it inside her and kept it free of the pain of losing him, of facing a life without him.
But this time, this time he had pushed into it, torn down those walls and filled the empty dark corners that had never known peace, that had never known warmth or a lover’s presence.
Until now. Tonight he had broken through, conquered and possessed that hidden part of her.
This time, losing him would destroy her.