Bambi didn't have an easy life,
She had to do many things to survive and ensure her mother survived.
But now she lost ...
Bambi POV.
"Why is my name Bambi?" I cried to my mom, I'm only seven years old now, I have red hair and green eyes, my hair is long and I'm too short, but my mom says she loves my long red hair, she likes to brush through it, and I love the feeling of her playing with my hair, brushing and styling it.
"What's wrong with your name sweet baby?" mom answers me, I don't like it, people keep making fun of me for my name, and they keep on saying that my name is a deer name.
"They call me deer, and say the hunters got my mom, and you're here!" I say with a big pout, on the verge of crying, I don't like it, they are mean, talking badly about my mom!
"It's okay my sweetie, you are my little deer, you are my cute baby," mom says pulling me toward her, hugging me, making me giggle out loud.
"Mama stop," I say trying to push her off me, but she'll never let me go, she always plays with me, and she always gives me hugs and kisses, making me happy.
We live in a world where the vampires and the wolves have taken over the world, they are the ones in charge while we aren't anymore, while we're in hiding, we're pulled back to the bottom of the food chain, pushed to live on the edge of the world, well not the world, but on the edge of the society, we live in broken down homes, we go to bad schools, we are treated as the lower creatures.
You get used to it after a while after many years have passed, we're just used to being us, to living this new life, my father is out of the picture, he's a jerk, even after all these years, even after the whole world have pushed us down, there's people who are still jerks, including my father.
I only live with my mother, she takes good care of me, she tries her best to keep me happy and provide for me, but her job in the wolves company doesn't pay that much, she could hardly keep up with all the expensive, and so I never ask for anything.
I have a best friend, he's the same age as me, his name is Colin, I and him plan on taking over the world, we'll travel, we'll buy all the ice cream in the world, we'll live a very happy life!
Those were the seven years old me dreams, every little girl would have the same dream as me, to be a princess, I always wanted to be a princess, but it's hard to be a princess in this new world.
When I was twelve, my mother's health started to decline, she started to get more tired often, she took more hours into her work, and she's hardly here anymore, me and Colin had to take care of each other, Colin is sleeping over tonight, he's sleeping in my bed, keeping me safe, there's a storm outside, and I'm terrified.
"Mom isn't coming home often anymore," I tell Colin, on the verge of tears, she's never home anymore.
"Mine either, but don't worry, you got me," Colin says, yeah true, I had him and he had me, we're the only two people there for each other.
"You'll never give me away and get new friends?" I ask him, worried other girls would take him away and be his friend now, I'm nothing interesting, I'm just me, a small girl with no father, a mother who's busy working, and a shitty life awaiting for me.
"Nope, I'm just your friend," he says making me smile, closing my eyes happily, I got him, he won't let me go.
"Mom, I want to get a job," I tell my mother at the age of thirteen, I never see my mother at home, maybe if we work together, then I'll see her there, we'll be work budies!
"A job? You're just a child, and no child of mine..." she starts but she began to cough, coughing hurt her, and she spit blood sometimes, and it hurt me seeing her that way, I don't enjoy seeing her hurt at all.
"Mom...mom..." I yell and go to get her some water, handing her the glass.
"Thank you love," she says holding my hand, I held hers back, I tried squeezing her hand, but the she didn't have much power or energy to squeez my hand back, she was too weak, and it scared me.
"Let me work, you'll get to rest, and I can help with the bills," I tell my mother, I can help her, why won't she let me help her.
"You're only a child, you get to live like it," she says, my mother believes that I'm only a small child and shouldn't be forced to work at a young age as she had to do when she was younger, but now it's my turn.
"But mom, you need help," I say, my face going into a frown.
"No," my mother says ending the discussion, looking more tired and hurt, I didn't want her to get hurt, I decided to shut up.
But my childhood soon ended, my mother worked so much, she almost killed herself, every day she got worse, every day her cough went from bad to the worse and I was starting to get more and more worried about her, I didn't know what to do anymore, how to deal with my mother being sick. She was the one who took care of me when I'm sick and now I have to do that job, to take care of her, but I had no idea how.
"We should get you to a doctor," I say, we can't wait anymore, I tried to save up money from the little money mom used to give me, along with the rest of the money she got, those were enough to take her over to the doctor, to have one check on her. The vampires managed to cure cancer, it won't be so hard for them to cure my mother, they need to cure her, she can't die on me, she's the only one I got.
"You're the only person she got?" the doctor asked me after he was done checking on her.
"I'm," I say trying to sound strong and big, although, I wasn't.
"A word," the doctor says pulling me to the side, where we had out private talk, I thought doctors were supposed to save people, to give them a new life, but this one, he broke mine down.