He's on top of me again , straddling me with his weight , he'll never let me go, he made sure I understand. "I love you"...
Chapter one
"Amelia... Come here.."
i can't breath, my feet feeling heavy. I need to run, they know that.. I need to turn and run.. But i can't. They're failing me.
"Amelia.. You know i love you so much, just let me kiss you" please stop.. Get away from me, i try and fight but to no avail.. He already has his arms around me. I can't escape.. He paralyzed me.
"I love you.."
I woke up with heavy breaths, sweat damping my entire body. My alarm clock buzzing annoyingly. " What a nightmare.." i say pressing the stop button as i role over my bed with my heart still beating fast behind my chest making its own drumming solo.
I need to get up, today is the day..
I have to tell him.
I got up heading to my bathroom , took a shower, brushed my teeth and combed my long raven hair, i need a haircut i thought to myself, I put on some blue jeans and a gray sweatshirt along with my white converse.
I released a breath looking at the mirror, this is it...don't chicken out now..
the inner me gave a reassuring smile, I went down stairs not having the stomach for breakfast and headed straight to the door
"hey Amelia ! at least take an apple!" mom called as I reached the door knob
"I can't i'm already late...love ya ma!"
I rushed outside and walked slowly, not really wanting to get to school today, i plugged my ear buds and blasted my music
I remember when I first met him, he was an average looking 13 year old but...his eyes...his emerald green eyes, and those long dark eyelashes batting twice as he sat in front of me in class...our first day of school.
"Hey, I'm Raymond Mathews"
oh god he's talking to me! What should I do!?! Pretend to be dead! Yes ...that would wo... Wait what am i doing?! Open your fucking mouth.
"uuumm...h-hey!" Smooth Amelia ..really smooth, I looked up at him and felt my cheeks burning and I knew I was red
he obviously noticed because he chuckled and oh my that smile...
"Well?..." I got slapped back to reality "uumm...what?" I said with a cracky voice, damn it!
" I didn't really catch your name" he said with a soft smile like he knew I was nervous and didn't want to make it worse for a first time one on one
"I ...I'm Amelia...i mean you can call me Lia or whatever you want" that felt like the most difficult sentence I've ever uttered
"Lia? Like the princess huh" he flashed me that sweet smile again
"I hate star wars" i replied directly ...where is the shyness now? Hhhmm. "who could ever hate star wars?! " he replied in disbelief but clearly bemused
"you would if your name was Lia" yup Amelia that was cool
"I like Amelia better anyway".
he winked at me and my my that was it... I was just mezmorized with his dark hair falling a tad on his forehead and his tan skin...just made his emeralds pop and shine , he wasn't muscular or anything ..who would be at the age of 13? He was just perfect for me..
Flashback End
God it was simply hard not to fall for him right there, I remember us being so overwhelmed whenever we spoke to each other and we still are to be honest, we're just perfect, the inner me nodded in agreement
everyone asked us if we were dating because we've always been together...
For 4 years we've been best friends... For 4 years i wished I could tell him how I truly felt about him, how I was and still head over heals for him .
I stood at the school entrance looking at it as if it was the gate of hell, until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I froze... Then turned around ....just to sigh in relieve.
it was Hana " oh fuck you Banana you scared the shit out of me!" I scolded her with my brows knitted together
"good morning to you too sunshine, i can see you're having a great day already" she answerd sarcastically ...she knew what today was, she knew how I felt.
She nudged my shoulder and motioned me to start walking, we reached our class and I plopped on my seat, put my hoodie on and basically survived through math class..I can't help if I'm just never good at it no matter how hard I study.
Raymond always tried to help me but it was pointless when I kept dazing out in his face until he tugs my hoodie to get me to focus ,so basically there wasn't much studying than there was a silent painful agonizing Amelia...
Well... Sleeping during class wasn't the most clever idea unfortunately ...I got myself a detention.... Fucking peachy ..
"ok ok it's fine it's cool ...im cool"
"oh my god she turned crazy!...well...crazier than usual"
I turned to that way too familiar voice and emerald eyes met my set of hazel ones ..."I didn't notice I was talking out loud" I said with a bitter expression
"morning douch"
I know ..I'm so romantic ..the inner me rolled her eyes at me, I can't help it! my sarcasm level is really high and i love it , "morning... Amelia" damn this kid is killing me , how can I do this?! ...fuck fuck fuck I can't ..I won't ...I'm skipping and heading back home!
the moment I turned on my heel to leave he grabbed my hoodie and dragged me back ...almost choked me
"the fuck Rainbow ?!you could of killed me you know!" I said as i fakely coughed, "Stop exaggerating Amelia! I barely touched you" he replied with a blank expression
of course he knew I was lying.. The guy can read me like a book... I fucking hate that about him.
"Well? Are you coming?" I pulled my head up to see him a few feet away from me ...my mind just kept saying run the other fucking way but nooo my stupid feet had to oblige to what he said
"stupid feet" I cursed under my breath "what was that?" He asked "Fuck off Rainbow" i replied as I put my hands in my sweatshirt's pocket..
We headed to the cafeteria for lunch and sat across one another ....
until he spoke " ok spill the beans, what's wrong?"
Whaaat?! Oh fuck him and his mind reading thing
"what makes you think there's anything wrong? I'm peachy "
I tried to convince him but I knew he knows the truth somehow... He always does, that freaking pisses me off
"well ...first of all you only insulted me twice today, that's not normal!" He said with kind of worried eyes , it's true though..I insult him way more than just twice! It was weird for me. ''The day is still long you know, if you're desperately aching for my sarcasm" I said with a smirk ''you know I love your attitude girl , and that Nirvana sweatshirt!" He blinked with dreaming eyes , he loves this band too
"well too bad for you douchy ... It's mine" he chuckled "I know you'd never share a hoodie nor a slice of pizza" he said while reaching his hand to the pizza slice on my plate
"gghhhhnnnnn...." I growled at him, "easy there boy!" He snatched his hand back... Lucky for him, I would of chewed it off
"You know better than to mess with my food Rainbow" he chuckled again and went back to eating and so did i
Boy this was gonna be a long day