Cinderella the author, the princess, the broken soul, has been through a lot, but life isn't done with her yet.
She's t...
Pauly POV.
I waited until she slept, she's my good friend, she's someone whom I care about deeply, but I have orders to follow, I have to do as I'm told, my boss isn't someone forgiven, he won't allow me to get away with anything, he wants her to be taken care of, he wants us to keep an eye on her and we all are.
His last request wasn't the easiest one, my ward, Cinderella, Cinder for short, she's an author, she makes stories up for a living, it's her job, it's what keeps her going. She has a big imagination, she had a beautiful mind, and it's not all full of rainbows and unicorns, I don't think she ever thought of a unicorn although if she does, she'll make something good out of it.
Her brain is madness, going in there, would lead you to insanity, she's not grounded, she doesn't like the boring life of the earth or the humans, she prefers her own world, she prefers the madness.
Cinderella wrote so far around fifty stories, all of which are different, they run between werewolves, vampires, and even angels, her imagination didn't really know any limits, she's sweet, funny and cute, I loved reading for her, it's not just cause she's my ward I read her stories. I read them because I liked them, I enjoyed them, and the stories are really good.
I'm a little, I've been one since the day I died and became an angel, I never had a good life, maybe it's why I'm so connected to Cinderella, we both had shitty childhoods.
Back when I was a child, when I was young, much younger than this, my father, used to be a jerk, he stayed a jerk until the day he died, he loved drinking and hitting my mother, even back in the days when I was a child, that wasn't okay or acceptable, hitting a woman would never and was never acceptable.
He was an abuser and we had to live through his hell, until the day I tried to get away from them, and ended up dying in an accident, let's call it a car accident so Cinderella won't go crazy, it was a slow painful death, it happens, and I was the unluckiest one.
Being a little was a way to deal with all the emotional trauma I lived through, everything that I was denied growing up, kids back then didn't have much of a childhood, not unless you were very rich, and we weren't but we had a good life, that unless if you count my father's abuse.
As the world shifted going forward, littles existed, they are people who are fully grown up, but act like kids, they live through a lifestyle and have their own dynamics, it's all so interesting for me.
My boss, encouraged the lifestyle, he told all of us to live through lifestyles, to try them until we find one that works for us, he's the father of all lifestyles, and he knows about Cinderella.
She thinks she found the daddy/little story by chance, by coincidence, but it's all the work of our boss, he pushed the stories toward her trying to get her to like the lifestyle, he got lucky and she was hooked up right away, and then she started to write about it, she brought him joy and smile into his life.
He had his eyes on her, he then saved her, he sent me to protect her and keep her company, but now his latest request, bring her to the Light&Fire Academy, it's her latest story, it's the one she just started.
She loves the dom and little academy stories, she likes the stories where she took over the world and classified the world, making people either be doms or littles, she doesn't mind other kinds of submissives, but the littles are forever her favourite since she and I are both littles.
Her characters go to the academy, they live in, and they go to classes to learn how to either be little or dominant, she'll be a little of course, but my boss wants to push her into being a little, he wants her, and he got his own way of getting her to slip and fall for him.
That night after she was done writing chapter five of her story, the one where Ella, which works as a nickname for CinderElla as well, has two older brothers, both of them our boss has sent to protect her. Ella the character is meant to be matched with Nickolai, a mix of werewolf and vampire, her brother's enemy, I wasn't sure who was going to be Nickolai, would he send someone to play that role?
I simply had to move her into the world of the story, which wasn't very difficult, it's a world between earth, heaven and hell, it's another universe, but it's one where she could be anything my boss wants her to be, he's the king of his own realm and she's going there, where she'll be thrown into her story world.
After she slept, I took hold of her hand and close my eyes, we left the world of the humans then, we moved to the other world, to the other realm, we simply disappeared, only to wake up in the Light&Fire academy in her dorm room, the same place where Ella was supposed to be sleeping with her guardian angel, Pauly.
She was set in Ella's bed as I took the one next to her, closing my eyes and ready to fall asleep knowing that when the morning comes Cinderella is going to throw a fit, she already thinks she was insane and this is going to drive her to the edge, she's sensitive, more sensitive than she likes to show, but she also has some anger issues that need to be dealt with.
I sighed this is going to be one hell of an adventure, Cinderella is my friend now, she's my ward and I'll do anything to keep her safe and happy, even if I have to survive one of her stories, knowing how crazy they go before they end up with their happy ending.
I couldn't sleep right away, my mind kept going back and forth to the time I spent with Cinderella so far, how she'd fight me over coffee, and be grumpy when tired. She's a good cook, I think my boss would enjoy eating whatever she creates in the kitchen, as long as it's not any type of dessert, she's not that good of a baker.